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Google Chrome 8 ’s Secretive Launch

It is highly very likely that Google will ever release anything without any of the speculations. Google has released a much awaited update to Chrome without making any noise. This now brings us to the new version of Chrome as we know it or Chrome 8. The version is ready for download as you read the article. Google has been very secretive about the updates in recent times. But this time they sort of out did themselves in this regard , they did not even make a blog post. The update just appeared in the site. Google Chrome 7 was reviewed favorably unanimously. It had better graphics and was a significant update. What Google Chrome 8 does so well is to build on the foundation laid down by the predecessor. The focus is to polish the browser and to enhance the security features. Some of the worthwhile and notable feature of this release are. The in-built PDF reader. Over 800 bugs from the earlier version done away with. Many security fixes are built in. The browser now supports an app ...

Amazon Digugat Soal Teknologi Kindle, toko ritel online ternama yang menjual Kindle digugat oleh Discovery Communication terkait soal teknologi pada eBook tersebut. sejatinya bukanlah produsen Kindle, melainkan hanya mendistribusikannya. Namun Discovery Communications melayangkan gugatan hak paten kepada toko online multinasional itu. Discovery Communications menuduh melanggar dua paten miliknya, yakni meliputi delivery dan keamanan dalam Kindle. Perusahaan pemilik stasiun TV kabel edukasi Discovery Channel dan Animal Planet tersebut mendesak Amazon untuk membayar royalti kepada mereka karena telah menggunakan kedua paten tersebut. Dikutip detikINET dari Reuters, Jumat (16/7/2010), Discovery Communications rupanya sudah mempermasalahkan kedua hak paten ini pada 1999 dan 2007. Kini, gugatan Discovery Communications telah didaftarkan ke pengadilan wilayah Delaware, Amerika Serikat.

Anger Leads to Apology From Google About Buzz

Google moved quickly over the weekend to try to contain mounting criticism of Buzz, its social network, apologizing to users for features that were widely seen as endangering privacy and announcing product changes to address those concerns. Todd Jackson, product manager for Gmail and Google Buzz, wrote in a blog post on Saturday that Google had decided to alter one of the most-criticized features in Buzz: the ready-made circle of friends the service provided to new users based on their most frequent e-mail and chat contacts in Gmail. Instead of automatically connecting people, Buzz will in the future merely suggest to new users a group of people they may want to follow or be followed by, he said. Mr. Jackson, who said that the auto-follow feature had been intended to make it easy for people to get started on Buzz, acknowledged the criticism that was heaped on Google in the last few days. “We’re very sorry for the concern we’ve caused and have been working hard ever since to impro...

Jejaring Sosial Baru Itu Namanya Google Buzz

Sesuai bocoran yang beredar sehari sebelumnya, perusahaan raksasa internet, Google, akhirnya resmi memperkenalkan layanan jejaring sosial dengan nama Google Buzz. Layanan ini tidak berdiri sendiri, tetapi langsung terintegrasi dengan layanan Gmail mulai Selasa (9/2/2010) dan secara bertahap akan tersedia untuk pengguna Gmail di seluruh dunia. Jadi, buat pengguna Gmail, siap-siap saja mencoba tanpa harus melakukan instalasi. Buat yang belum punya akun Gmail, tentu harus mendaftarnya terlebih dulu untuk mencoba Google Buzz. Tertarik nge-Buzz? Pelajari dulu apa itu Google Buzz. Google Buzz menyediakan fitur yang memungkinkan para pemakai Gmail kini dapat dengan cepat berbagi pesan, link situs, dan foto dengan rekan mereka sesama pengguna Gmail. Google menyebutnya berbagi ide karena menyediakan fitur seperti pesan Twitter, tetapi tanpa batasan karakter. Selain itu, juga fitur berbagi foto dan video serta update dari berbagai layanan yang sudah dipakai, seperti Twitter, Picasa, Flickr, ...