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New cell phone app identifies predatory adults posing as kids

Image via Wikipedia Worried that your child may be being secretly groomed on the Internet by a predatory paedophile? Well, you can take a breather as scientists have developed a new mobile phone application that helps identify adults posing as children. The software, Child Defence, enables children to scan web chat on their mobile phones to check the age of people they are messaging, reports the Daily Mail. The software has been written by researchers at Isis Forensics, a spin out company based in Lancaster University. The software uses the latest advances in language analysis technology to identify language quirks peculiar to different age groups.

We aren’t born afraid of spiders and snakes

Image via Wikipedia People aren’t born afraid of spiders and snakes, but can learn these fears very quickly during infancy, says a new research. Scientists have studied how infants and toddlers react to scary objects. In one set of experiments, they showed infants as young as 7 months old two videos side by side-one of a snake and one of something non-threatening, such as an elephant. At the same time, the researchers played either a fearful voice or a happy voice. The babies spent more time looking at the snake videos when listening to the fearful voices, but showed no signs of fear themselves.

John Titor Dalam Dunia Maya dan Dunia Nyata

Seseorang yang mengaku dari tahun 2036 datang ke tahun 2000 untuk memposting di forum internet, mengaku sebagai prajurit amerika di tahun 2036 mengemban misi ke tahun 1975 untuk mengambil komputer portable pertama di dunia yaitu IBM 5100, dan mampir di tahun 2000-2001 untuk melihat keluarganya. adapun pro dan kontra terhadap orang ini di forum menjadi topik hangat saat itu, karena dia dapat membuktikan hal-hal yang akan terjadi di masa dpn, dia juga mengupload foto mesin waktu nya, cara kerjanya, dan juga menyebarkan formula ilmiah mesin waktu tersebut di forum. Beberapa orang di forum mulai memberondong John Titor dgn beragam pertanyaan, kesimpulan yang di dapat bahwa John Titor adalah orang yg cerdas dan mempunya ilmu pengetahuan science yg mendalam, meski JOhn mengaku spesialisasi di History bukan di bidang komputer maupun science. Siapa John Titor ? Dia mengaku lahir tahun 1998 di florida, dia mengemban tugas dari tahun 2036 untuk ke tahun 1975 tuk mengambil PC IBM 5100, yg m...

Why We Kiss: The Science of Sex

Pecking, smooching, Frenching, and playing tonsil-hockey—there are as many names for kissing as there are ways to do it. Whether we use it as an informal greeting or an intensely romantic gesture, kissing is one of those ingrained human behaviors that seems to defy explanation. Its many purposes—a blow and peck for good luck on dice, lips to ground after a rocky boat ride, kisses in the air to an acquaintance, and the long slow smooches of Hollywood—have different meanings yet are similar in nature. So why is it that we love to pucker up?

The Urantia Book

Darwin’s Deathbed Conversion—a Legend?

It has been widely held among many sincere and well-meaning Christians that Charles Darwin on his deathbed not only renounced evolution, but also accepted Jesus Christ as his savior. The tale of this deathbed conversion has been passed down over the years as fact. This “event” has even been used as “evidence” that evolution is false. The overzealous have, at times, boldly proclaimed, “See—even Darwin knew that this theory was not true!” Early Report What is the basis for this story? As often as it is repeated, there must be credible evidence that these events actually took place, right? Surely, the tale would not have continued though the years if it were a lie? Sadly, when evidence is sought, there is little to support this story.