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Anak Aceh Gegerkan Dunia

Masyarakat Indonesia, mungkin tidak banyak yang tahu sosok Martunis, 13, siswa kelas 2 SMPN 8 Banda Aceh. Namun di Portugal, nama Martunis menjelma sebagai sosok anak ajaib dan pahlawan kemanusiaan yang banyak dikagumi dan dibanggakan oleh penduduk Eropa. Bintang dunia sekelas Cristiano Ronaldo dan penyanyi top Madona angkat topi untuk Martunis.

Madonna Wins Write Record

MADONNA has been named as the most written about celebrity of the past decade in Britain. Researchers found Madge, 51, featured in 45,633 national newspaper articles. The top male in a "Column Inch Countdown" was ROBBIE WILLIAMS, 35, with 27,976 articles. Most written about in 2009 was MICHAEL JACKSON - who died in June - followed by SIMON COWELL, 50. Alex Ayling, of online TV channel Liv, which commissioned the survey, said: "Madonna's ability to re-invent herself and her image kept her at the top." BRITNEY SPEARS, 28, was the most-searched name on website Ask Jeeves.

Madonna Brings Lourdes To "Nine" Premiere