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"Roadmap to Get a Google Job" Releases in 2011

Image via CrunchBase With 60% of job growth Google has been selected as the best company to work for. According to Larry Page, " Happy people are more productive ". This makes Google different from others. I believe every graduate dream to work in Google. As I am still to complete my graduation, I know that. Getting a job offer from Google never comes after just completing Computer Science or any other graduation. It's a big process. If you don't have any godfather, you'll find hard time for this. If you Google (search) 'work in Google' in Google (, you will get information on Google's unique culture, Googlers life, etc. But there is no sufficient straight forward information on web for the people who are seeking to get a job in Google. Here comes Roadmap to Get a Google Job. What is Roadmap to Get a Google Job? This is a FREE pdf book yet to be published on this blog ( aimed to help graduate who...

'Scared Google about to launch Facebook rival'

About to take on Facebook?: Google co-founders Sergey Brin, left, and Larry Page. Photo: AP Google, perhaps the only company with the clout and users to take on the seemingly unassailable Facebook, is reportedly working secretly on "Google Me", a product that would go head-to-head with the social networking giant. The founder of popular link-sharing site Digg, Kevin Rose, kicked off a round of feverish speculation this week by tweeting that he had heard a "huge rumour" from a "very credible source" that Google was going to launch a Facebook competitor "very soon". Rose has since removed the tweet, saying he was asked to do so. Adam D'Angelo, former CTO of Facebook and now co-founder of social Q&A site Quora, added fuel to the fire by declaring "This is not a rumour. This is a real project". He claimed to have received information from "reliable sources".