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Review: DM Phising Kembali Serang Pengguna Twitter, Ada Solusi?

Sadar atau tidak kemampuan sistem dalam membentengi diri tidak pernah ada yang penuh 100 persen, begitu juga dengan apa yang terjadi dengan 'si kicau' Twitter beberapa hari ini yang kerap penggunanya dipenuhi oleh Direct Message (DM) berisi link yang tidak jelas. Lalu adakah solusinya dan kenapa bisa menyerang kita (pengguna, -red)? Hal yang menjengkelkan itu adalah saat kita menerima kotak masuk alias DM di Twitter berisi link yang tidak jelas, konon bagi pengguna yang baru dan tidak berhati-hati akan terkecoh untuk mengklik link tersebut. Padahal jika kita mau bersabar, dan bertanya pada teman di linimasa tentu akan ada jawaban yang kita dapat. Setidaknya jangan malas untuk bertanya jika tidak tahu, lebih utama gunakanlah mesin pencari untuk mencari tahu. (Konon lagi sangking mudahnya Twitter, semua-semua tanya di Twitter) Nah, lalu apa yang terjadi dengan DM selama ini di Twitter? kronologinya itu sederhana ketika Anda berteman dengan si B dan saling follow back, mak...

Do you use the same password for every website?

Despite high-profile security breaches such as  Jack Straw's Hotmail account being compromised , and cybercriminals gaining access to celebrity Twitter accounts after  cracking an administrator password , a third of computer users are still using the same password for every website they access according to newly revealed stats* from Sophos. Very few computer users seem to have woken up to the risks of using weak passwords and the same ones for every site they visit. With social networking and other internet accounts now even more popular, there's plenty on offer for hackers and by using the same password to access Facebook, Amazon and your online bank account, you're making it much easier for them.

Ketika WordPress dkk Dibobol

Image via Wikipedia Judul tulisan di blog itu "Insiden Keamanan". Penting, sebab penulisnya adalah   Matt Mullenweg , pendiri WordPress, dan   ditulis di blog resmi WordPress . Singkatnya, server , yang menyimpan data sejumlah layanan seperti WordPress, dibobol dan Mullenweg memutuskan untuk jujur kepada publik. Di blog itu, kata Mullenweg, pembobolan ke sejumlah server Automattic terjadi pada Rabu (13/4). Menurut dia, pembobolan itu berkategori " low-level (root) break-in ". Artinya, ada potensi apa pun yang ada di server itu diakses oleh si pembobol. Bagi pengguna WordPress, ini tentu bukan hal menggembirakan. Selain WordPress, server-server Automattic juga menyimpan kode-kode dan data partner seperti Akismet , Gravatar , dan lain-lain. Automattic sudah mempelajari bagaimana pembobolan itu dilakukan, dan sejauh apa informasi yang terekspos ke si pembobol. Dan, "Kami sudah mengamankan jalan masuk yang dipakai si pengakses," kata ...

Enhance Your Security This Weekend

While this week introduced security concerns, it also brought forward several great ways to help get your own digital life secure and under control. Looking to past and present, here are our best guides to help you enhance your security. Get Your Password , Online Account, and Gadget Security Under Control We've written a lot on security. Here's a large selection of our guides, tips, and tricks to help keep you safe. How to Stay Secure Online  - If you want an all-around comprehensive guide to your personal online security, this is it. While you can never protect yourself 100%, these are our best recommendations to keep you as protected as possible while also, conveniently, requiring minimal effort. How I'd Hack Your Weak Passwords  - To really understand password security, you need to approach it from the standpoint of how a hacker would try and crack your password. Here's a look at how one security expert would try to crack  your  passwords if he were invit...

Seven Security Policies for the IPv6 Network of the Future

Image via Wikipedia The switch from IPv4 to IPv6 will force many organizations to rethink the way their networks are defended. The result will be a shift away from the "guilty until proven innocent" attitude to incoming network traffic, toward one of "paranoid openness." That's the view of Eric Vyncke, a Distinguished Engineer at Cisco Systems . Talking at the RSA Conference in London last month, he said that it is only when organizations become more open to incoming traffic that they will get the full benefits of IPv6 . Many companies have delayed thinking about a move to the next generation IPv6 Internet protocol because there is little benefit in being a "first mover," but sometime in the next few years the remaining free IPv4 IP addresses will be used up. When that happens the world will be forced over time to move to IPv6, which offers 128 bit addresses (instead of IPv4's 32 bit addresses), resulting in a staggering 2 ^ 128 different possi...

Preman Hilir Mudik di Kampus UI

Image via Wikipedia SEJAK beberapa hari belakangan, suasana Universitas Indonesia (UI) sedikit berbeda. Sebab, semakin banyaknya orang-orang asing berpakaian preman hilir mudik di kampus tersebut. Mereka dilengkapi identitas khusus yang terkesan sangat tertutup. Untuk mendekatinya saja,orang asing itu langsung menolak. Bahkan mencoba pantauanmelalui kamera pun langsung dihar-dik. Mereka adalah petugas secret service ( SS ) dari Amerika Serikat. Kedatangannya petugas keamanan presiden AS itu pastinya bukan tanpa alasan. Ini terkait rencana kunjungan Barfack Obama ke kampus ini. Akitiftas mereka bukan baru kali ini. Sudah sudah tiga hari petugas SS itu berkeliling-keliling kampus. Memantau seluk beluk di kampus tersebut. "Mulai lift, gedung, pintu masuk, pintu keluar dan lainnya dipantau semua. Mereka membuat catatan sedikit tentang kondisi kampus ini," ungkap petugas keamanan UI yang merahasiakan namanya. Jumlah petugasnya, kata anggota keamanan UI ini tak begitu diketah...

Internet Explorer 9 Beta is Due in September

According to Microsoft Chief Operating Officer Kevin Turner, Microsoft is getting ready to roll out IE version 9 in September. As per some leaked report, Microsoft is expected to release the Beta version in August. The Beta is supposed to feature more user interfaces. The Web Developers are keenly waiting for the new browser. There is a significant improvement of Internet Explorer 9 in comparison with Internet Explorer 8, with considerably improved standards compliance and functionality. The new build that Microsoft released so far is mainly targeted for the Web Developers. It includes new Microsoft Java Script Engine and the new graphic subsystem, integrated with a home page full of test sites. There is no security or no Back button. The company released three platform previews to show the IE 9 engine. However, this is a very simple interface. Perhaps the company wants everybody to wait till the release. Microsoft didn't announce any Release date for the final version. But, th...

100 Juta Data Pribadi Pengguna Facebook Bebas Beredar

Data personal dari sekitar 100 juta pengguna Facebook telah dikumpulkan dan dipublikasikan di internet oleh konsultan security. Daftar data tersebut telah di-share sebagai file yang bisa diunduh, berisi URL dari setiap profil pengguna Facebook yang memungkinkan untuk dicari berdasarkan nama mereka, dan juga ID unik mereka. Nah, file ini sudah menyebar secara luas melalui jejaring elektronik. Di Pirate Bay, situs file sharing terbesar di dunia, file ini sudah diunduh dan didistribusikan oleh lebih dari 1.000 pengguna. Penyedia data bernama Bowles bilang, ia mempublikasikan data tersebut untuk menyoroti isu privasi. Namun, bagi Facebook tindakan Bowles tidak merugikan siapapun dan informasi tersebut memang diperuntukkan bagi publik dan tersedia secara bebas di ranah maya. "Orang-orang yang menggunakan Facebook merupakan pemilik informasi tersebut dan punya hak untuk membagi apa yang ingin mereka bagi, membagi pada orang-orang yang mereka inginkan, dan membagi kapanpun mereka m...

Researcher cracks 'secret' code in U.S. Cyber Command logo

Panda Security researchers solved the mystery of the 32-character code in the inner gold ring of U.S. Cyber Command's logo. A security researcher said on Thursday he was the first to crack the code embedded in the seal of the U.S. Cyber Command (Cybercom), the group responsible for protecting the country's military networks from attack. Sean-Paul Correll, a threat researcher with antivirus vendor Panda Security, said that the characters visible in a gold ring on Cybercom's official seal represent the MD5 hash of the group's mission statement. MD5 is a 128-bit cryptographic hash most often used to verify file integrity. A representative of Cybercom confirmed that Correll had it right. " Mr. Correll is's a MD5 hash," said Lt. Commander Steve Curry of the U.S. Navy, in an e-mail. "It wasn't very difficult," said Correll, adding that thanks to the clue on's Danger Room blog , it took him just a fe...

Cara Mendapatkan Password Facebook Yang di Retas

Bagaimana cara mendapatkan kembali akun Facebook kamu yang di hack?. Nah, bagi orang yang punya akun Facebook dibobol password dan email-nya alias kena hack, bisa menggunakan halaman Facebook help center security . Dari situ kamu akan dituntun cara mendapatkan kembali akun FB yang di hack sama orang lain. Ada 3 jenis form yang diberikan sebagai cara mengembalikan Facebook yang di hack: 1. My Account Has Been Hacked And I Have Access To My Login Email Form ini digunakan jika akun FB kamu dibobol tapi email yang digunakan untuk login Facebook masih bisa befungsi, dan emailitu masih bisa diakses untuk menerima dan mengirim pesan.

Facebook's Privacy Fixes Can't Cure Stupid

Facebook deserves plenty of blame for messing too much with its privacy settings, but no amount of fixing will stop people from embarrassing themselves on the Internet. An interesting thing happened in the time since Facebook's privacy fiasco began: The debate moved away from the most recent changes to Facebook's privacy -- allowing select Web sites to automatically tell your Facebook friends what you've been doing on those sites -- and now focuses on changes that are almost six months old . Suddenly, it seems, users are upset that Facebook wants status updates and friends lists shared with the world. By default, new Facebook users' profiles are set to "everyone," making life on the Internet an open book. Enter, well, Openbook , the site that exposes just how much people expose on Facebook. PCWorld has covered this site before , making note of the too-much-information that (I hope) users think was kept private. NPR played a different trick...

Facebook Answers Critics With New Privacy Controls

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg today unveiled his company's revamped privacy tools in front of a corps of tech journalists that included organizers of last year's Facebook Redesign Revolt , PCWorld editors who drafted a Bill of Rights for Facebook Users , and many of the company's fiercest critics of its privacy policies. Responding to widespread user outrage and criticism from government and private advocacy groups, Facebook outlined a massive overhaul of the privacy controls that govern how users' information is shared on the site. "We listened to the feedback that we got, and we agree with it," Zuckerberg told assembled members of the press at the company's Palo Alto headquarters. "We're really going to try to not have another backlash." The major changes to the site's privacy options consist of a simplified set of controls that will let users opt out of three main types of information sharing: personal content, person...

Facebook unveils privacy controls

FACEBOOK overhauled its privacy controls yesterday to fend off mounting criticism that it is betraying the trust that has made it the world's biggest social network. "It's been a pretty intense few weeks for us, listening to all the feedback coming in from all the changes we've made," Facebook's 26-year-old founder Mark Zuckerberg said as he announced simplified privacy controls. "Our teams internally have been cranking for the last couple of weeks." Facebook unveiled a redesigned privacy settings page to provide a single control for content and "significantly reduce" the amount of information that is always visible to everyone. Facebook also said it is giving users more control over how outside applications or websites access information at the service. "This is a pretty big overhaul to the system we already have," Zuckerberg said while outlining the changes during a press briefing at the social network's headquarte...

The 3 Facebook Settings Every User Should Check Now

In December, Facebook made a series of bold and controversial changes regarding the nature of its users' privacy on the social networking site. The company once known for protecting privacy to the point of exclusivity (it began its days as a network for college kids only - no one else even had access), now seemingly wants to compete with more open social networks like the microblogging media darling Twitter . Those of you who edited your privacy settings prior to December's change have nothing to worry about - that is, assuming you elected to keep your personalized settings when prompted by Facebook's "transition tool." The tool, a dialog box explaining the changes, appeared at the top of Facebook homepages this past month with its own selection of recommended settings. Unfortunately, most Facebook users likely opted for the recommended settings without really understanding what they were agreeing to. If you did so, you may now be surprised to find that you in...

Summary Box: Facebook rolls out security features

NEW FEATURES: Users can request an alert when their account is accessed from a device they haven't used before. And when Facebook notices unusual activity, it requires users to answer some questions before the second log-in goes through. WHEN AVAILABLE: Some changes are already available, while others will come in the next few weeks. Not all users will get them all at the same time. THE BACKDROP: Facebook has been facing criticism about how it handles users' privacy. The security improvements show Facebook's efforts to maintain users' trust in the way it handles private data.

Facebook privacy hole 'lets you see where strangers plan to go'

Facebook: released new Graph API last Friday. Photograph: Linda Nylind Facebook's new system for connecting together the web seems to have a serious privacy hole, a web developer has discovered. Some people report that they are able to see the public "events" that Facebook users have said they will attend – even if they person is not a "friend" on the social network. The discovery was made by Ka-Ping Yee, a software engineer for the charitable arm of Google, who was trying out the search query system known as the " Graph API " released by Facebook last Friday. In some cases – though not all – it will let you see the public events that people have said they will attend, or have attended.

Amankah Berkicau di Twitter?

Kicauan Twitter makin riuh saja dan menjadi populer saat ini. Saking riuhnya, Indonesia menduduki peringkat kedua negara dengan pemakai Twitter terbanyak di Asia. Jika tahun lalu hanya sekitar 500 ribuan, kini telah mencapai 5 jutaan. Menurut data Google yang dikeluarkan pada 20 Februari 2010 menunjukkan peringkat sepuluh besar negara di Asia dengan jumlah pemakai Twitter terbanyak adalah: 1. Jepang: 9.9 juta 2. Indonesia: 5,1 juta 3. India: 4,2 juta 4. Korea Selatan: 1,5 juta 5. Filipina: 1,3 juta 6. Thailand: 910 ribu 7. Malaysia: 910 ribu 8. Cina: 680 ribu 9. Singapura: 240 ribu Meningkatnya pengguna Twitter berarti peluang dan berbagai potensi lain juga meningkat, tak terkecuali cyber crime. Apalagi system microblogging burung hijau itu amat terbuka dan sangat rentan disusupi peretas. Bagi pengguna Twitter perlu untuk membentengi diri. Hal tersebut akan melindungi diri kita saat asyik berkicau dengan burung biru yang lagi populer.

Porn virus publishes web history of victims on the net

A new type of malware infects PCs using file-share sites and publishes the user's net history on a public website before demanding a fee for its removal. The Japanese trojan virus installs itself on computers using a popular file-share service called Winni, used by up to 200m people. It targets those downloading illegal copies of games in the Hentai genre, an explicit form of anime. Website Yomiuri claims that 5500 people have so far admitted to being infected. The virus, known as Kenzero, is being monitored by web security firm Trend Micro in Japan. Masquerading as a game installation screen, it requests the PC owner's personal details. It then takes screengrabs of the user's web history and publishes it online in their name, before sending an e-mail or pop-up screen demanding a credit card payment of 1500 yen (£10) to "settle your violation of copyright law" and remove the webpage. Held to ransom The website that the history is published on is ow...

Serious Java Flaws Unearthed

All current versions of Windows are prone to external attack due to a flaw within the Java Web Start Framework. Two security researchers made this announcement yesterday about the flaw. The flaw could lead into very simple Web attacks, to fatal attack on the system. Researchers Tavis Ormandy and Ruben Santamartamade separate statements on this. You can find Travis's one over here and Santamarta's one over here. If you send the information from the command line, Java Web Start doesn't validate it. That enables the attackers to send especially HTML tags from a Web page. All versions of Java SE 6 update 10 for Microsoft Windows are vulnerable to this attack. If you disable the plugin, it doesn't necessarily mean that you will be able to avoid the attack because the toolkit can be installed independently.

Top 10 Ways to Disinfect And Save Your Windows 7 After Virus Infection

Virus infection has always been an onus with Microsoft's Windows operating systems . Microsoft's "highly secured" Windows 7 is no exception either. Given the unsuccessful trails like Live OneCare and anti-malware Morro , Microsoft is yet to device a successful anti-virus . Having said that, Windows 7 has incurred a number of security enhancements that we had sited in our Windows 7 Security: A Comprehensive Guide . Now what if your newly adopted OS, Windows 7, suffers a virus attack. Just installing a compatible anti-virus and updating on time doesn't mean a virus free system. There is much to cover once your computer is under infected by virus. We decide to provide you a comprehensive overview of what you can do disinfect and save Windows 7 after it is infected. 1. Complete Virus Scan Once you realize Windows 7 is infected with virus snap the networks and the Internet to ensure that the bug is not spread to others.  Now run  the anti-virus software until your...