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WikiLeaks Founder in Hiding

Image by New Media Days via Flickr For Julian Assange , the WikiLeaks founder and guiding spirit, it must have been sweet. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was trying to smooth over the embarrassment, while the White House huffed that a criminal investigation was underway. The French government was decrying "the height of irresponsibility," and Pakistan was reckoning with a rebuke from its traditional patron, Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, the pasty-faced Assange, a self-appointed knight-errant who has been doing battle with official secrecy since 2006, was in the shadows somewhere - few knew where - undoubtedly savoring the ruckus caused by WikiLeaks' exposure of confidential State Department cables. In an uncomfortable irony, however, he had to do the savoring in a secret location, because Interpol, the international anti-crime organization, has issued a high-priority "red notice" asking member countries to arrest him. President Obama's spok...

Preman Hilir Mudik di Kampus UI

Image via Wikipedia SEJAK beberapa hari belakangan, suasana Universitas Indonesia (UI) sedikit berbeda. Sebab, semakin banyaknya orang-orang asing berpakaian preman hilir mudik di kampus tersebut. Mereka dilengkapi identitas khusus yang terkesan sangat tertutup. Untuk mendekatinya saja,orang asing itu langsung menolak. Bahkan mencoba pantauanmelalui kamera pun langsung dihar-dik. Mereka adalah petugas secret service ( SS ) dari Amerika Serikat. Kedatangannya petugas keamanan presiden AS itu pastinya bukan tanpa alasan. Ini terkait rencana kunjungan Barfack Obama ke kampus ini. Akitiftas mereka bukan baru kali ini. Sudah sudah tiga hari petugas SS itu berkeliling-keliling kampus. Memantau seluk beluk di kampus tersebut. "Mulai lift, gedung, pintu masuk, pintu keluar dan lainnya dipantau semua. Mereka membuat catatan sedikit tentang kondisi kampus ini," ungkap petugas keamanan UI yang merahasiakan namanya. Jumlah petugasnya, kata anggota keamanan UI ini tak begitu diketah...

FBI access to e-mail and Web records raises fears

Invasion of privacy in the Internet age. Expanding the reach of law enforcement to snoop on e-mail traffic or on Web surfing. Those are among the criticisms being aimed at the FBI as it tries to update a key surveillance law. With its proposed amendment, is the Obama administration merely clarifying a statute or expanding it? Only time and a suddenly on guard Congress will tell. Federal law requires communications providers to produce records in counterintelligence investigations to the FBI, which doesn't need a judge's approval and court order to get them. They can be obtained merely with the signature of a special agent in charge of any FBI field office and there is no need even for a suspicion of wrongdoing, merely that the records would be relevant in a counterintelligence or counterterrorism investigation. The person whose records the government wants doesn't even need to be a suspect. The bureau's use of these so-called national security letters to gather ...

Pembobol Akun Twitter Obama Dihukum 5 Bulan Penjara

Sebuah pengadilan di tengah Perancis telah menvonis lima bulan penangguhan penjara seorang remaja Prancis yang dituduh menyusup ke akun Twitter milik Obama. Pengacara untuk Francois Cousteix, yang mempunyai nama online Hacker Croll, mengatakan kliennya senang dengan keputusan oleh pengadilan Clermont-Ferrand tersebut. Padahal, sebelumnya dia diancam sampai dua tahun penjara dan denda € 30.000 untuk membobol sistem data. "Vonis ini memuaskan, mengingat semua tekanan media yang dibangun," kata pengacara Jean-Francois Canis, seperti dikutip AP, Minggu (27/6/2010). Sebelumnya diberitakan, remaja berusia 24 tahun tersebut diduga bertanggung jawab membobol akun Twitter pribadi milik Presiden AS Barack Obama mengaku dirinya bukanlah hacker. Ia hanya berniat baik mencari kelemahan dari keamanan sebuah jaringan internet. "Saya melakukan ini hanya karena ingin memperingati mereka, menunjukkan betapa sistem mereka sangat rentan. Saya tidak melakukannya untuk tujuan merusak,...

Obama Hates the iPad

President Obama has apparently had a moment of epiphany and realized that new media and new technology can cleave young people from the truth and render them addicted to gadgets and entertainment. He said as much — attacking the iPod and iPad — at a speech to graduates of a college in Virginia last week. The president is doubly correct. First of all, he is right (as I have written a number of times) that the Internet, Facebook and, yes, the new iPad and many other devices can interfere with people becoming wise and knowledgeable, rather than simply deluged with facts. They can also become estranged from real relationships and from themselves as they become obsessed with pretending to be stars on YouTube or worthy of “followers” on Twitter or popular with thousands of “friends” on Facebook. Second, Obama is correct because his own ascension to power is a product of those very forces. He used celebrity and star power and the anonymous, pervasive reach of the Web to win his election. ...

UK Politicians 'Social Media Reputation' Assessed Through Facebook, Twitter

A rating for British party leaders' online popularity has been made available with the use of social networking websites such as Twitter and Facebook. MPs and candidates were said to be turning to the popular social forums as part of their campaign to test the political waters. And one company, Yomego, has assessed their "social media reputation scores" (SMRs), based on the "noise" and "sentiment" surrounding the politicians, The BBC reported. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown was said to have a popularity score of 68.20, out of 100, while that of Lead of the Opposition David Cameron's was 58.98, compared to leader of the Liberal Democrats Nick Clegg's 68.49, which was the highest.

Foto: Obama Kecil di Menteng, Indonesia

Pengguna Facebook Mobile Capai 25,1 Juta

Akses terhadap situs-situs jejaring sosial melalui browser mobile terus mencatat pertumbuhan signifikan. Lembaga riset ComScore melaporkan, pertumbuhan akses ke Facebook melalui perangkat bergerak sekitar 112 persen, sementara Twitter meroket hingga 347 persen. Melalui laporan yang sama, per Januari 2010, tercatat sekitar 25,1 juta akun mengakses Facebook via browser mobile-nya, meningkat 112 persen dibandingkan tahun lalu. Sementara itu, pada periode yang sama, MySpace masih cukup kuat dengan 11,4 juta pengguna, meskipun kurang dari setengah pengguna Facebook mobile. Menarik untuk diketahui, akses pengguna Facebook telah melampaui MySpace pada Mei 2009 di ranah Internet berbasis PC. Namun, sebetulnya, situs asuhan Mark Zuckerberg itu telah mengangkangi akses MySpace di ranah Internet mobile tiga bulan sebelumnya, tepatnya pada Februari 2009.

Barack Obama Look-alike in Demand in Asia

Striding purposefully, his smile lighting up a rainy afternoon, Barack Obama appears to have arrived here early to tour an elementary school he attended as a boy. But wait. It's not him. The U.S. president is still back in Washington shepherding his healthcare bill toward passage. He's not due to arrive in Indonesia until next week. So who is this guy? He's Ilham Anas, a 34-year-old teen-magazine photographer who has parlayed a striking resemblance to the American president into his own brand of celebrity. Since his sister told him in 2007 that he looked like the then-presidential candidate, Anas' face and megawatt smile have been seen on Southeast Asian TV and the Internet, pitching over-the-counter medicine and other products. He has also appeared on his nation's premier television talk show and had a cameo in a movie, all while fielding offers from marketers across Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines. Anas is the first to admit it: He...

Daftar Gaji Presiden di Dunia

Dari Singapura Perdana Menteri Singapur Lee Hsien Loong Gaji 2,47 Juta USD Per Tahun -> 32,8 Miliar -> 2,7 Miliar Per Bulan

Hari Pertama Patung Obama di SD Besuki

Patung Obama kecil terbujur kaku di atas meja kayu coklat beralaskan taplak. Senin (15/2) merupakan hari pertamanya berada di lokasi baru di SDN 01 Menteng Jakarta Pusat, atau yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan SD Besuki. Patung Barry kecil dipindahkan dari Taman Menteng pada Minggu (14/2).Patung itu untuk sementara ditidurkan di tengah ruangan Laboratorioum (Lab) Bahasa Inggris dan diapit di antara foto presiden dan wakil presiden Indonesia. Ruang lab itu terletak di sudut kelas lantai dua sekolah SD Besuki. Ruang itu dikunci dengan pintu teralis besi, sehingga murid-murid dan pengunjung hanya bisa melihat dari luar ruangan.

Noorsy: Waspadai Agenda Tersembunyi di Balik Kedatangan Obama

Indonesia diminta berhati-hati terhadap rencana kedatangan Presiden AS, Barrack Obama, dan George Soros. Bukan tidak mungkin kedatangan keduanya memiliki agenda tersembunyi. "Pasti ada agenda tertentu yang akan di bawa," kata pengamat politik Ichsanudin Noorsy kepada wartawan usai seminar nasional yang diselenggarakan DPC Peradi DIY di gedung University Center (UC), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta, Kamis (11/2/2010). Menurut Noorsy, kedatangan Obama dan Soros, sangat menentukan dalam tata hubungan Indonesia dengan Cina maupun Indonesia dengan AS. Sedangkan hubungan Cina dengan AS saat ini tidak dalam keadaan yang baik.