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Top 13 Motivational Posters

Terror Arrest for Twitter Joke

A MAN has been arrested under the Terrorism Act for posting on Twitter that he would blow an airport "sky high" if his flight was delayed. Paul Chambers, 26, was locked in a cell, had his laptop, iPhone and home computer confiscated and has been suspended from his job all because of the online joke.

Top 10: New Year's Resolutions All Men Should Make

As 2010 looms ever larger, inevitably many of us will indulge in a bit of navel gazing. We will look at our flaws, faults, bad habits, and failed ambitions, and resolve to do better in the future. While we all know New Year’s resolutions are far easier to make than they are to keep, it doesn’t stop us from promising ourselves a more successful, more productive and happier year than the last one.