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Opera to Add Powerful Features in the Upcoming Version

Image via CrunchBase The Web Browser company Opera announced some of the interesting features before the release of the upcoming version, Opera 11 Alpha at its recently held conference in Oslo. The key feature of the new version is the the ability to customize the application. Opera 11 will support extensions, apart from the widgets that the current version already supports. Firefox and Chrome already allows users to add their extensions. Opera 11 will allow several extensions with its new browser. You may come across a new new terminology while browsing the web and then you can search the Wikipedia extension for that. If you like to know how many people read the article that you are currently reading, you can use Reddit extension. Similarly, there are other extensions for Facebook , YouTube etc.

Tangkal Pornografi Online, Opera Punya Senjata Khusus

Selain masyarakat bersama dengan pemerintah, browser pun turut menjadi bagian rantai yang bertanggung jawab dalam menangkal prostitusi online. Opera Software sebagai salah browser dunia punya senjata khusus. Dijelaskan Web Evangelist Opera Zi Bin Cheah, browsernya juga mengembangkan sebuah fitur yang tidak hanya menangkal pornografi tetapi lebih dari itu. "Khususnya di Opera Desktop, kita punya aplikasi untuk mencegah hal yang berbau pornografi, sampai dengan situs yang mengandung virus berbahaya," tukas Zi Bin saat berbincang dengan okezone, di Hotel Atlit Century, Jakarta, Rabu (10/2/2010).