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Google Tawarkan Sertifikasi Bagi Profesional TI

Image via CrunchBase Raksasa internet Google meluncurkan program sertifikasi bagi para profesional di bidang TI (Teknolog Informasi) yang bisa menunjukkan kemampuannya dalam menggunakan, mengembangkan dan menjual Google Apps for Business. Mereka yang tertarik mendapatkan sertifikasi ini harus mengikuti ujian dan menjawab sebanyak 98 pertanyaan dalam bentuk essay atau pilihan ganda. Jika lolos pada ujian yang berlangsung 2 jam 45 menit, mereka akan menerima sertifikat dan lencana Google Apps Certified Deployment Specialist. Sangat mudah? Tunggu dulu, semua pertanyaan tentunya berkaitan dengan bidang TI yang melibatkan pengalaman para peserta selama berkutat dengan Google Apps for Business.

Facebook Ties With Microsoft

Popular social networking site Facebook which has several millions of users all over the world has recently tied up with Redmond based software Behemoth Microsoft. The move may benefit both the companies. Facebook will be able to attract more users who are interested in using online applications. Similarly, Microsoft will be able to lock horns with arch rival Google whose Google docs are becoming increasingly popular with the web users with time. As per the deal, the users of Facebook will be able to make online documents using the online edition of Microsoft's latest office productivity suite, Office 2010. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook revealed the Facebook for Docs application in San Francisco at F8 developer's conference. The application still is in its beta version. Meanwhile, Microsoft has announced that is what the users will have to access for using online versions of latest office suite. The Facebook Microsoft tie up is clearly aimed to counter Goo...

9 Reasons Why Google Apps is “Telework in a Box”

I’ve recently been thinking about how Google Voice , Google Wave and Google Buzz joining the full Google Apps lineup would make it a budget-friendly teleworking platform. Organizations can now literally purchase themselves a “telework in a box” solution — a complete office productivity software, communications and collaboration package — with little or no requirement for support from their own technical staff. Here are some reasons why Google Apps might be your organization’s ideal telework platform: Low operating costs. Google Apps Premier Edition included everything and costs $50 per user per year. It can release you from software licensing costs and free up some of your internal technical staff from having to support telework applications, though you’ll still have to factor in some administrative and support time to provision and maintain remote users. Lower hardware costs. Outfitting teleworkers with hardware can be a major expense, especially if your organization isn’t...