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Top Ten Best Most Popular Open-Source Social Networking Software

Social Networking is what’s really hot and happening and why shouldn’t it be? You can interact, manage and be in touch with all your contacts at one single place that also sitting on your couch having your cup of coffee with a cookie may be. Among the youth social networking is the mass media, for than television and the radio. Take a look around and you will well figure out that the much famed social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook , Orkut , MySpace and LinkedIn are keeping internet users on their toes in various activities on their own site which incorporates profile, blogs, notifications, groups, files sharing (photo and video), messaging, forum discussion, search option, comments, social bookmarking and others exciting feature of social networking. But then when it comes to social networking as a mean of marketing strategy or relationship management gateway then you have to pay in some extra attention. To manage the huge contact database you need a residential software t...

Top Ten: Anak Muda Terkaya di Internet Dibawah 30 tahun

Siapa yang menjadi kaya raya sebelum berumur 30 tahun. Era teknologi membuat banyak pemuda pintar mendadak populer dan sangat kaya. Boleh dibilang menjadi kaya karena internet, atau anak muda yang kaya karena adanya teknologi internet. Siapa saja yang berhasil mendapatkan posisi tertinggi. Data dari Complex mengumpulkan 10 anak muda mampu berhasil sebelum berumur 30 tahun. Aodhan Cullen, 27 tahun, Statcounter, perkiraan 18 juta dollar. Dia banyak amal dengan membuat website statisik untuk mencatat pengunjung. Memiliki 1.5 juta member. Matt Mullenweg, 26 tahun, Wordpress, 40 juta dollar Matt keluar dari Gig di Cnet, membuat situs untuk blogger dan paling ramai sedunia. Sean Belnick, 23 tahun, Bizchair, 42 juta dollar. Apa yang dikerjakan ketika berumur 14 tahun. Dia adalah anak muda yang memiliki toko furniture di internet. Tidak itu saja, dia bekerja di kamar untuk mengatur 100 karyawannya.

3 Situs Andalan untuk Mencari Teks Film

Koleksi film dalam bentuk digital yang disimpan di hardisk kadang tak selalu dilengkapi dengan subtitle yang diinginkan. Padahal, subtitle bisa berguna untuk menikmati film lebih lanjut, mulai dari memahami alur cerita hingga menangkap kata-kata sulit yang mungkin diucapkan pemainnya. Untungnya, ada situs-situs internet yang menyediakan subtitle untuk di-download kolektor film. Berikut adalah tiga di antaranya: AnySubs menyediakan file teks untuk film dengan format DivX secara gratis. Di situs ini pengguna bisa melihat-lihat koleksi subtitle yang ada berdasarkan urut abjad maupun melihat Top 100 judul yang paling banyak di-download. Kebanyakan file di AnySubs menggunakan format SRT. Situs itu menyediakan pencarian subtitle berbagai bahasa, termasuk Bahasa Indonesia. Namun koleksinya akan tergantung dari keaktifan komunitas karena kebanyakan subtitle yang ada disumbangkan oleh komunitas.

Steve Jobs meminta maaf & menawarkan solusi untuk iPhone 4

Pada press conference yang dikhususkan untuk membahas isu sinyal lemah pada iPhone 4, Steve Jobs meminta maaf terhadap masalah sinyal yang terjadi pada iPhone 4. Karena begitu banyak pelanggan yang kecewa terhadap masalah antena pada iPhone 4 yang dinilai harus diperbaiki. Jobs juga mengatakan bahwa pihaknya juga tidak sempurna. Akhirnya pihak Apple mengeluarkan respon terhadap pelanggan lewat beberapa tambahan yang diberikan pihaknya untuk pengguna iPhone 4. Apple telah mengakui bahwa ada masalah dan berkomitmen untuk membuat pelanggan mereka tetap senang. MEskipun data telah menunjukan bahwa tingkat putusnya sambungan telepon pada iPhone 4 lebih tinggi daripada 3GS, peningkatan panggilan menurun kurang dari 1 per 100 panggilan. Sehubungan dengan masalah tersebut makan pihak Apple segera mengeluarkan beberapa hal untuk segera memperbaiki masalah sinyal tersebut. Berikut ini adalah jalan keluar yang ditawarkan pihak Apple untuk pengguna iPhone 4 : 1. Merilis Soft...

IM2 NetSAFE Miliki 2 Juta Database untuk Blokir Situs-situs Porno

PT Indosat Mega Media (IM2) meresmikan netSAFE, fitur untuk mencegah pengguna internet mengakses situs-situs pornografi, kekerasan, perjudian, dan lain-lain. Maraknya pengguna internet mengakses situs-situs pornografi, kekerasan, dan perjudian, PT Indosat Mega Media (IM2) kini meresmikan netSAFE. Dengan adanya blokir situs yang dilakukan melalui fitur netSAFE ini, dinilai lebih efektif dan aman, sebab fiturnya secara otomatis dapat menghalau pengguna internet untuk mengakses situs-situs yang telah diberi tanda untuk diblokir. Blokir situs yang dilakukan melalui fitur netSAFE lebih efektif dan aman karena setelah diaktifkan, fitur akan secara otomatis menghalau pengguna internet untuk mengakses situs-situs yang telah diberi tanda untuk diblokir. Lebih aman karena hanya orang dengan user ID dan password saja yang dapat membatalkan/meng-inaktivasi fitur netSAFE ini. “Karena blokir dilakukan berbasis akses jaringan, maka apabila dibandingkan dengan blokir menggunakan ...

Google to buy travel software company for $700M

Google Inc. plans to buy travel technology company ITA Software Inc. in a $700 million deal that would enable the Internet search leader to steer more of the airline reservations booked on the Web. The all-cash deal announced Thursday signals Google's intention to challenge flight-comparison services that are ITA customers, including Kayak, FareCompare, Hotwire and Microsoft Corp.'s Bing Travel. The deal is likely to face a rigorous review by federal antitrust regulators. "There is clearly more room for competition and innovation" in online travel, Google CEO Eric Schmidt said in a conference call. "We will improve the way flight information is organized." ITA Software, a 500-employee company created in 1996 by computer scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, sells technology that helps run the reservation systems of many airlines, including American, Southwest, Alaska and Continental. Its software also powers the tools that other trav...

10 Tips to Protect Your Business from Cyber Criminals / Hackers

Several small and medium sized business have been victims of cyber crime at some point. According to the recent researches organised cyber gangs intent on cracking into corporate networks in the same way they might target a bank vault posing greater threat to business networks. The online scammers, hackers and identity thieves attempt to access your computer, personal information, finances and more. It's absolutely important to minimize your chances of becoming a victim of an internet-based crime. When online security measures are essential to protect your information, your computer and your money. We assembled a list of top 10 tips that protects your business from cyber criminals/hackers. 1. Keep Off Spammers Spammers love the unprotected computers. They constantly probe and set traps for unprotected computers that can control and use anonymously to send spam, turning them into a robot network such as "botnet" or "zombie army". The botnets are created by thous...

Demonoid site Down again in April 2010

It's a catastrophe for the regular users of as they found their favorite torrent site server down today. Many people are incessantly trying to get the torrent for their favorite MP3s, videos, movies or software updates from Demonoid, but could not find. is undoubtedly one of the best torrent websites, you can rely upon. The website provides a good interface that is less prone to offer you with malicious content. Only one out of hundred torrents might be a virus. This accounts for the immense popularity of the site among other torrent providers. Today the dedicated users of Demonoid stumbled upon The first time users who found the site through a search engine, didn't bother much at the server down, whereas those who have libraries ofsoftware on the site and collect data every day from it, found it devastating.

Facebook Software Sexual Predators

Facebook believes 'under the radar' checks developed by its engineers are more important for keeping its site safe than public deterrents such as a Ceops 'panic button'. Photograph: Linda Nylind Facebook has developed sophisticated algorithms to monitor its users and detect inappropriate and predatory behaviour, bolstering its latest raft of initiatives to improve the safety of its users. Having launched an education campaign, an improved reporting procedure and a 24/7 police hotline on Monday, Facebook told the Guardian that it has introduced a number of algorithms that track the behaviour of its users and flag up suspicious activity, including members with a significant number of declined friend requests and those with a high proportion of contacts of one gender. Another filter, common on web publishing sites, scans photo uploads for skin tones and blocks problem images – the "no nipples" filter that caused pictures of b...

Top 10 Payroll Software

Payroll is a major administrative hassle for every business, especially those running on small scale. It takes hours in calculating withholdings, completing government reports, depositing tax money in various accounts, and writing and signing checks. Apart from that there are other quarterly filings and tax-payment requirements that needs to be addressed on time. In case there are inaccuracies in processing it might result in legal repercussions. A hassle free payroll requires efficient payroll software that allows employers to pay the employees with ease, and manage payroll essentials like tax, insurance, holidays, absence and online year-end submissions to HMRC. For an easy selection we conducted an extensive research to sort out the top 10Payroll software. 1. Intuit Payroll This is one of the favorite payroll software packages for small business for its simplicity and ease-of-use. Clients can easily manage their payroll online anytime, anywhere. Intuit automatically fills in the ...

New Password-Stealing Virus Targets Facebook

Hackers have flooded the Internet with virus-tainted spam that targets Facebook's estimated 400 million users in an effort to steal banking passwords and gather other sensitive information. The emails tell recipients that the passwords on their Facebook accounts have been reset, urging them to click on an attachment to obtain new login credentials, according to anti-virus software maker McAfee Inc. If the attachment is opened, it downloads several types of malicious software, including a program that steals passwords, McAfee said on Wednesday. Hackers have long targeted Facebook users, sending them tainted messages via the social networking company's own internal email system. With this new attack, they are using regular Internet email to spread their malicious software.

A Software Bug May Kill You

  In 1991, during the Gulf war , American Patriot missile was deployed to combat Iraqi scud missile. In one of the incident, Patriot missile missed the Scud and that resulted the death of 28 American soldiers and 100 others got injured. There was an arithmetic error during calculation which resulted inaccurate calculation since Boot.

Tips Ampuh Menjaga Account Facebook Dari Tangan Jahil

Saat ini pencurian pasword facebook sudah sangat gencar dilakukan baik dengan memasang software tertentu atau dengan cara cara lain sehingga sudah banyak  sekali korban berjatuhan akibat aksi nyeleneh bandit alam maya ini. tujuan pencuriannya sangat sederhana hanya untuk mencuri chip pocker para pengguna lain. Untuk sedikit mengantisipasi aksi bandit maya ini, berikut tips yang mungkin akan sangat berguna untuk menghindari hacking account facebook, baik itu dilakukan oleh virus atau tangan jahil lainnya.

Facebook Responds to Massive Phishing Scheme

Facebook has responded to a an apparently massive attempt to steal passwords from its users. "There's another spoofed email going around that claims to be from Facebook and asks you to open an attachment to receive a new password," read a post on the Facebook Security page. "This email is fake. Delete it from your inbox, and warn your friends." Facebook will never send users a new password in an attachment, the post says.

Is Voice Becoming The New Text (again)?

On a recent episode of the TV show "Modern Family," a character named Mitchell gets in his car and does something that's frustratingly familiar for early adopters of technology:

Microsoft is Back in the Browser Race with Internet Explorer 9

Securing Your Social Networking Brand

Social networking sites as innocent as LinkedIn and as provocative as Twitter (have you seen my stream?) have now become a personal branding vehicle many professionals. Some of us have had the unfortunate experience of losing a job we barely had thanks to social networking. Others have seen it as the boost to their career they have been wanting for years. Let’s talk about security in the context of the latter. When I moved my blog to a setup I administered, I made two commitments to myself. The first is that I would make frequent backups because there has yet to be a flawless content management system introduced to the market and I could only assume I would have some kind of security problem along the way. The second was that I would pay money to wrap my entire blog inside an SSL stream. My primary goal with forcing all of the traffic through and SSL tunnel was to seamlessly provide a way for me to connect and administer the content from anywhere (like a coffee shop I frequent) wit...

14 Web Koran Elektronik Besar Berbasis CMS Drupal

Drupal adalah sebuah CMS (Content Management System) Open Source yang dugunakan sebagai sarana penerbitan, mengelola dan mengatur berbagai konten pada website. Bagi penggermar dan pengguna CMS open source seperti Drupal tak perlu berkecil nyali dengan Blogger pengguna Wordpress karena dengan CMS Drupal banyak sekali yang bisa Anda lakukan untuk mempublikasikan berbagai konten menarik tanpa batas seperti 14 website koran elektronik besar berbasis Drupal di seluruh dunia berikut ini:

Waspadalah Pengguna Facebook, Server Koobface Melonjak

Bila anda aktif mengakses situs-situs jejaring sosial seperti Facebook dan Twitter waspadalah terhadap worm bernama Koobface. Perusahaan antivirus Kaspersky memperingatkan kebangkitan Koobface dalam dua pekan terakhir. Dalam dua pekan terakhir tim peneliti dari Kaspersky Lab terus memantau Koobface. Mereka menemukan angka penurunan jumlah server Koobface dari 107 pada 25 Februari ke 71 pada 8 Maret. Tapi dalam 48 jam kemudian, angkanya malah melonjak menjadi 142. Menurut analis dari Kaspersky, hasil pengamatan tersebut membuktikan bahwa pemilik Koobface terus menangani infrastrukturnya. "Mereka tak ingin jumlah server turun terlalu banyak karena itu berarti kehilangan kendali atas botnet," ujar Stefan Tanase, Senior Regional Researcher Kaspersky Lab EEMEA.

82% Software Open Source Kompatibel dengan Windows

Sekira 82 persen software open source (OSS) yang ada saat ini diketahui kompatibel dengan sistem Operasi Windows. Padahal, pada tahun 2005 hanya 72 persen software open source yang mendukung windows. Hal itu didasarkan pada data statistik yang dikeluarkan Geeknet Network seperti dilansir Softpedia, Sabtu (13/3/2010). “Peningkatan jumlah ini merupakan sebuah kabar baik, dengan demikian sekira 350 ribu OSS kompatibel dengan windows, saat ini hampir terdapat sekira 433 ribu proyek pengembangan OSS,” ujar Scott Collison, Senior Director of Platform Strategy Microsoft. Selain itu, Collison mengatakan yang lebih menarik ialah fakta bahwa Windows merupakan sistem operasi yang mampu digunakan untuk 10 unduhan teratas di SourceForge. Kesepuluh OSS yang sering diunduh via SourceForge diantaranya, eMule, Azureus/Vuze, Ares Gallery, 7-Zip, Filezilla, GTK+ and Gimp Installer for Windows, Audacity, Portable Software/USB, DC++, and BitTorent.