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Top 5 Best Popular Linux Distributions

Interestingly, a large number of Linux distributions are available, may be cause it comes free of cost and there are a lot of unique reasons to like them. Well, why not try reading this and figure out for yourself as to which open-source operating systems inspired our readers to provide our biggest Hive Five response to date. As a matter of fact the study have been done pretty much in details and here are the fruitful results for you, in the call for contenders, apart from asking which Linux distribution was your favorite, we went for a note on why, with the hope that readers new to Linux would learn a thing or two. Below are the most discussed upon and commented names. openSUSE Installation may be a bit of issue unlike some of the other distributions on the list, but openSUSE is quite user friendly. Well, this distribution includes YaST (Yet another Setup Tool) which speeds up installing applications to a great extent. To add to this the user interface also gets a boost from S...