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Apple Trying to Store Your Video in The Cloud

(Credit: Greg Sandoval/CNET) Apple's plans for cloud computing go beyond music. The company's representatives have recently spoken with some of the major film studios about enabling iTunes users to store their content on the company's servers, two people familiar with the discussions told CNET. That's in addition to streaming television shows and music. Apple has told the studios that under the plan, iTunes users will access video from various Internet-connected devices. Apple would, of course, prefer that users access video from the iPad, the company's upcoming tablet computer, the sources said. Apple spokesman Tom Neumayr said Apple doesn't comment on rumors or speculation. The news comes a month after Apple spoke to the major record companies about a similar plan involving music. Apple's vision is to build proverbial digital shelves where iTunes users store their media, one of the sources said. "Basically, they want to eliminate the hard dr...

Top Ten Technology 2010

1. Apple’s Tablet Suara-suara dan spekulasi terlalu tinggi untuk mengabaikan kehadiran Apple Tablet. Jika semua desas-desus itu otentik dan, jika dengan segala cara, Apple meluncurkan iSlate pada tanggal 25 Januari, maka itu akan menjadi hal untuk dibicarakan di tahun 2010. Kita harus mengakui bahwa tablet adalah sebuah konsep yang telah di sekitar kita untuk waktu yang sangat lama. Tapi masih belum perangkat konsumen bahwa orang akan mati untuk. Namun setelah kenaikan penjualan dan tuntutan dari Amazon Kindle dan Nook, pasar sangat yakin bahwa tablet segera menjadi perangkat untuk memiliki. Jadi pada saat ini, jika Apple dapat membawa perangkat dengan antarmuka yang orang mencari kemudian itu saja - Kami punya iPOD baru kami. Ini bukan pernyataan bias, tetapi suatu kebenaran dalam beberapa cara.

Top 10 Hot Technology Trends for 2010

Enterprise Social Networking Social networks will spread further in the workplace, taking collaboration to a new level. As the lines between professional and personal communications become increasingly blurred, IT leaders will need to incorporate enterprise social networking into their overall unified communications and collaboration strategy. Enterprise-grade versions of Facebook, Twitter and Wikis in the workplace will begin to be as common as e-mail and will change the way business is conducted. As a result, the decision-making process will be accelerated, customers will receive immediate answers and workers will be more empowered. Aiming for the ‘Clouds’ Cloud computing – whether public or private – is enabling businesses to move to a new and more efficient IT model. It is allowing enterprises to use computing resources (network, server, storage) on–demand and to serve applications centrally. With security and performance enterprise-ready, the ‘cloud’ is enabling businesses to ...

How Campus Communication Technology Works

Today's generation of college students is among the first to take technological innovations such as e-mail, text-messaging and wireless Internet capability for granted. Entering freshmen in 2007 anticipate that they'll be connected in the dorms, in the classroom and across campus. © Yellow Dog Productions/Photodisc/ Getty Images Tech-savvy students expect WiFi connections. As university administrators try to keep pace with the expectations of these students who've grown up using the Internet, they're transforming the college campus into a wireless environment that integrates the latest communication technologies into the classroom and into student life. Some of the changes simply enhance the student lifestyle; others strike at the very root of timeworn notions of how learning should take place in higher-education institutions. A 2007 University of Virginia survey found that 67 percent of incoming freshman owned an iPod. Among students who came to school with a co...