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Demonoid site Down again in April 2010

It's a catastrophe for the regular users of as they found their favorite torrent site server down today. Many people are incessantly trying to get the torrent for their favorite MP3s, videos, movies or software updates from Demonoid, but could not find. is undoubtedly one of the best torrent websites, you can rely upon. The website provides a good interface that is less prone to offer you with malicious content. Only one out of hundred torrents might be a virus. This accounts for the immense popularity of the site among other torrent providers. Today the dedicated users of Demonoid stumbled upon The first time users who found the site through a search engine, didn't bother much at the server down, whereas those who have libraries ofsoftware on the site and collect data every day from it, found it devastating.

New Password-Stealing Virus Targets Facebook

Hackers have flooded the Internet with virus-tainted spam that targets Facebook's estimated 400 million users in an effort to steal banking passwords and gather other sensitive information. The emails tell recipients that the passwords on their Facebook accounts have been reset, urging them to click on an attachment to obtain new login credentials, according to anti-virus software maker McAfee Inc. If the attachment is opened, it downloads several types of malicious software, including a program that steals passwords, McAfee said on Wednesday. Hackers have long targeted Facebook users, sending them tainted messages via the social networking company's own internal email system. With this new attack, they are using regular Internet email to spread their malicious software.

Facebook Responds to Massive Phishing Scheme

Facebook has responded to a an apparently massive attempt to steal passwords from its users. "There's another spoofed email going around that claims to be from Facebook and asks you to open an attachment to receive a new password," read a post on the Facebook Security page. "This email is fake. Delete it from your inbox, and warn your friends." Facebook will never send users a new password in an attachment, the post says.

10 Tips to Secure Your Twitter Account

Twitter much like Facebook is popular social networking site and these sites users are targeted with phishing scams luring them to reveal their username and passwords.Here are some security tips for twitter users for safe tweeting. Tips to secure twitter account.. 1.Use strong and Unique password : Use the password for your twitter account as a combination of characters, symbols and numbers. Never use same password for different websites and email accounts, use unique password for every website. 2. Be aware of fake twitter websites, try to type in your browser and enter your account credentials. 3. Always use extensions for browsers like Chrome and Firefox which shows preview for shortened links on twitter. Because you may be lured to click on a malicious link to steal your twitter username and password.

Malicious Software Infects Corporate Computers

A malicious software program has infected the computers of more than 2,500 corporations around the world, according to NetWitness, a computer network security firm. The malicious program, or Botnet, can commandeer the operating systems of both residential and corporate computing systems via the Internet. Such botnets are used by computer criminals for a range of illicit activities, including sending e-mail spam, and stealing digital documents and passwords from infected computers. In many cases they install so-called “keystroke loggers” to capture personal information.

Adobe To Surpass Microsoft As Hacker Target

Adobe Reader and Flash will surpass Microsoft Office applications as favorite targets of cybercriminals, a security vendor predicted Tuesday. In unveiling its 2010 Threat Predictions report, McAfee said the growing popularity of the Adobe products has attracted the attention of cybercriminals, who have been increasingly targeting the applications. Adobe Reader and Flash are two of the most widely deployed applications in the world. As a result of Adobe's success in client software, McAfee Labs believes "Adobe product exploitation will likely surpass that of Microsoft Office applications in 2010."

Hacking and Social Networks

When people talk about hacking and social networks, they're not referring to the com­mon definition of hacking, which is using malicious code or backdoors in computer networks to damage systems or steal proprietary information. Hacking into social networks requires very little technical skill. It's much more of a psychological game -- using information on personal profiles to win a complete stranger's trust. This second type of hacking is called social engineering. Social engineering uses persuasive psychological techniques to exploit the weakest link in the information security system: people [source: ]. Examples of social engineering scams could be: Calling a systems administrator posing as an angry executive who forgot his password and needs to access his computer immediately. Posing as a bank employee and calling a customer to ask for his credit card number. Pretending to lose your key card and kindly asking an employee to let you into the office...