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Foursquare Tip: How to get the new ‘Fixer Upper’ Badge

This week,  foursquare  released a new badge for do-it-yourselfers- the Fixer Upper badge. To unlock the new badge, you need to check-in to venues categorized as ‘Hardware.’ It is still unclear as to how many check-ins it takes to unlock the badge, but the general assumption is around three. Here is the message that comes with the badge:  “Whether you’re here for 1/4″ electro-galvinized roofing nails or that hammer-machine-saw-thingy, here’s to getting stuff done!” Enjoy! source:

Top Ten: Anak Muda Terkaya di Internet Dibawah 30 tahun

Siapa yang menjadi kaya raya sebelum berumur 30 tahun. Era teknologi membuat banyak pemuda pintar mendadak populer dan sangat kaya. Boleh dibilang menjadi kaya karena internet, atau anak muda yang kaya karena adanya teknologi internet. Siapa saja yang berhasil mendapatkan posisi tertinggi. Data dari Complex mengumpulkan 10 anak muda mampu berhasil sebelum berumur 30 tahun. Aodhan Cullen, 27 tahun, Statcounter, perkiraan 18 juta dollar. Dia banyak amal dengan membuat website statisik untuk mencatat pengunjung. Memiliki 1.5 juta member. Matt Mullenweg, 26 tahun, Wordpress, 40 juta dollar Matt keluar dari Gig di Cnet, membuat situs untuk blogger dan paling ramai sedunia. Sean Belnick, 23 tahun, Bizchair, 42 juta dollar. Apa yang dikerjakan ketika berumur 14 tahun. Dia adalah anak muda yang memiliki toko furniture di internet. Tidak itu saja, dia bekerja di kamar untuk mengatur 100 karyawannya.

'Scared Google about to launch Facebook rival'

About to take on Facebook?: Google co-founders Sergey Brin, left, and Larry Page. Photo: AP Google, perhaps the only company with the clout and users to take on the seemingly unassailable Facebook, is reportedly working secretly on "Google Me", a product that would go head-to-head with the social networking giant. The founder of popular link-sharing site Digg, Kevin Rose, kicked off a round of feverish speculation this week by tweeting that he had heard a "huge rumour" from a "very credible source" that Google was going to launch a Facebook competitor "very soon". Rose has since removed the tweet, saying he was asked to do so. Adam D'Angelo, former CTO of Facebook and now co-founder of social Q&A site Quora, added fuel to the fire by declaring "This is not a rumour. This is a real project". He claimed to have received information from "reliable sources".

'Google Me' Google's next social experiment?

"Google me" sounds like a lame pickup line delivered near closing time, but it might also be Google's latest attempt at becoming relevant in social media. Kevin Rose, of Digg fame, got the speculation rolling Sunday with a tweet that Google was working on a social service called Google Me that would compete with Facebook, perhaps Google's biggest rival for attention on the Internet. On Tuesday, former Facebook executive and Quora founder Adam D'Angelo took things a little further by declaring on Quora that "this is not a rumor. This is a real project. There are a large number of people working on it. I am completely confident about this." So what might Google Me actually be? No one seems to really know. But it does appear to be somehow related to one's Google Profile, a service that got a shot in the arm with the debut of Google Buzz earlier this year. Google Buzz lets users share links, pictures, and thoughts with friends who find them through t...