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Nilai Merek Apple Geser Google

Image via CrunchBase Apple kini menjadi merek yang paling berharga di dunia alias  most valuable brand . Nilainya bahkan menggeser raksasa situs mesin pencari Google. Berdasarkan riset WPP Plc. unit Millward Brown, nilai merek Apple meroket 84 persen tahun lalu menjadi 153,3 miliar dollar AS. Sedangkan, nilai merek Google tergelincir 2 persen menjadi 111,5 miliar dollar AS. Sementara, untuk posisi ketiga ada IBM (International Business Machines) yang naik 17 persen. IBM melangkahi posisi ketiga sebelumnya yakni McDonald's. "Jadi sudah jelas bahwa setiap pekerja Apple dari Steve Jobs dan Tim Cook mendatangi magang musim panas untuk melindungi dan memelihara merek mereka sebagai prioritas utama," kata Direktur Utama WPP Millward Brown, Eileen Campbell dalam laporannya, Senin (9/5/2011).

9 Alasan Motorola Xoom Terlalu Mahal

Image via Wikipedia Motorola Xoom dikabarkan berbanderol USD 800 di Amerika Serikat. Motorola memang belum mengkonfirmasi, namun beberapa pihak yakin harga tersebut akurat. Harga ini dinilai terlalu mahal dan dapat jadi batu sandungan bagi Motorola. Simak alasannya seperti detikINET kutip dari eWeek, Selasa (8/2/2011): 1.iPad Berharga Lebih Murah Tak dapat dipungkiri, iPad adalah raja tablet dan dominan dengan 87% market share . Nah, iPad versi termurah harganya cuma USD 500 dan termahal USD 829. Mengingat iPad adalah tablet favorit, bukan tak mungkin konsumen mengenyampingkan Xoom dan memilih iPad, meski sejatinya fitur Xoom jauh di atas iPad.

6 Target Utama Serangan Cyber 2011

Image via Wikipedia Tahun 2011 sudah di depan mata. Berbicara mengenai serangan cyber, apa kira-kira yang menjadi target para penjahat cyber di tahun 2011? Vendor keamanan McAfee merilis sasaran utama serangan cyber, mulai dari produk-produk Apple hingga sejumlah layanan gratis yang makin digandrungi. Simak lebih lanjut daftar tersebut agar Anda lebih berhati-hati. 1.  URL-shortening service Layanan penyingkat URL atau  URL-shortening service  makin banyak digunakan dengan situs seperti Twitter yang menjadi pendongkraknya. Layanan yang mampu meringkas alamat situs seperti dan TinyURL ini ternyata mengeluarkan 3.000 URL setiap menitnya, demikian menurut McAfee Lab. Maka tak mengherankan jika layanan ini menjadi sasaran empuk kriminal cyber. Diprediksi, mereka akan memanfaatkan layanan tersebut untuk menyuntikkan spam,  scam  (penipuan online) dan program jahat lainnya. 2. Layanan  Geolocation Bagi Anda yang gemar memakai Foursquare, sebaiknya berha...

Can Microsoft Compete with the iPad?

Reports indicate that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is expected to unveil some new slates from Samsung and Dell at CES next month that are designed to compete with Apple's incredibly popular iPad.  The company has not confirmed, and the sources of the info are unnamed, but evidently trusted by the New York Times , which reports :  The Samsung device is described as "similar in size and shape to the Apple iPad, although it is not as thin. It also includes a unique and slick keyboard that slides out from below for easy typing." The people familiar with this device said it would run the Windows 7 operating system when in landscape mode, but will also have a layered interface that will appear when the keyboard is hidden and the device is held in a portrait mode.

Facebook Top Status Trends Include iPad, iPhone 4

Image via CrunchBase Apple's iPad and iPhone 4 took the No. 4 spot in Facebook's 2010 Memology, joining the Google Zeitgeist and Twitter top trends in popularity this year. The iPad earned something of a sweep in 2010, as the tablet computer made its way into the top trend lists of leading Internet powers Google, Twitter and Facebook. Facebook Dec. 14 revealed 2010 Memology, list of top trends culled from analyzing status updates published by the social network's 500 million-plus users across 236 countries.

How should Apple redesign the MacBook Air?

With fresh rumors circulating about a new MacBook Air , and a makeover long overdue, what would constitute a great redesign? What kind of a feature set should a next-generation MacBook Air have? (Credit: Apple )   The story line seems to be that Apple wants to insert the new portable in between the current 13-inch MacBook Pro and the 9.7-inch iPad , thus the rumors about an 11.6-inch device . Assuming Apple actually has something like this in the works, I can't help speculating on the design goals for a new Air. Should it be a hybrid tablet-laptop ? Should it be just a smaller, more powerful, more battery-efficient version of the current Air and pack features like a killer display?

Obama Hates the iPad

President Obama has apparently had a moment of epiphany and realized that new media and new technology can cleave young people from the truth and render them addicted to gadgets and entertainment. He said as much — attacking the iPod and iPad — at a speech to graduates of a college in Virginia last week. The president is doubly correct. First of all, he is right (as I have written a number of times) that the Internet, Facebook and, yes, the new iPad and many other devices can interfere with people becoming wise and knowledgeable, rather than simply deluged with facts. They can also become estranged from real relationships and from themselves as they become obsessed with pretending to be stars on YouTube or worthy of “followers” on Twitter or popular with thousands of “friends” on Facebook. Second, Obama is correct because his own ascension to power is a product of those very forces. He used celebrity and star power and the anonymous, pervasive reach of the Web to win his election. ...

iPad: A gadget for rich, thirty-something males?

Are you wealthy, male and aged 35-44? If so, you are the average iPad user according to some interesting stats released by Yahoo. Using data from anyone who signed in to any of its networks via an iPad, Yahoo revealed that men outnumbered women by almost two to one, and that in the 35-44 age category the population composition was 36 per cent higher than its usual user. It seems there aren't many kids out there with iPads yet - population composition was 39 per cent down on the Yahoo norm in the under 20 age group.

Google Akan Membuka Toko Buku Digital

Mulai pertengahan tahun ini Google dikabarkan akan mulai menjual buku-buku digital melalui toko buku online yang akan dibukanya. Demikian laporan terbaru CNN mengutip juru bicara perusahaan itu. Hal tersebut akan menempatkan Google dalam persaingan pasar e-book yang kini mulai populer. Toko buku online Kindle milik melompat lebih dulu memimpin pasar, tapi Barnes & Noble juga menyusul dengan merilis e-reader Nook, dan Apple baru-baru ini meluncurkan iBookstore untuk iPad.

Top Ten Reasons To Hate Apple iPad

There are loud talks in this Grammy - Stephen Colbert has an iPad. Does it make any difference to his talent. The political satirist had a point to contemplate, when he said what kind of pocket did that come out of. This sounded like a chaffing on the Cupertino men who had always boasted about their near-perfect creations. But this time they landed on the wrong Foot. Apple's iPad could do what Vista did for Microsoft. With an unprecedented hype and rumors, Apple's tabled seemed to be something close to the gadget of the millennium.  But, then you don't need to buy a gadget only because it has Steve Jobs associated with it.  We decided to pick out the top 10 reasons to hate Apple iPad. 1. Based on the OS of iPhone At the first glimpse it appears that iPad is a stretched version of iPhone.  However, the OS and interface is the same. What's the big deal in using the same phone features in a bigger device. What irks most is that you have drag-and-drop feature. 2. No multi...

Apple's iPad war on Adobe and Flash

Last week's announcement by Apple that the UK launch of the iPad will be delayed by a month was the headline news for consumers, but for geeks a more significant development came on Thursday with some changes in the 21,000-word "agreement" that you have to sign if you are going to develop applications for Apple's iDevices. Section 3.3.1 of the document stipulates that "Applications must be originally written in Objective-C, C, C++, or JavaScript as executed by the iPhone OS WebKit engine, and only code written in C, C++ and Objective-C may compile and directly link against the documented APIs (eg, applications that link to documented APIs through an intermediary translation or compatibility layer or tool are prohibited)." Incomprehensible, eh? An API is an application programming interface – ie the protocol that programmers must follow if their software is to work with the iDevice. The really interesting clause, though, is the one enclosed in brackets. T...

Apple iPad blocked in Israel

The Apple iPad’s stronger signal could throw off others’ wireless connections, Israeli officials said. Photograph: Reuters Israel has banned imports of Apple 's new product, the iPad , amid concerns that its Wi-Fi signals could disrupt other devices. Customs officials said yesterday they have already confiscated about 10 of the lightweight tablet computers since Israel announced the new regulations this week. The ban prevents anyone, even tourists, from bringing iPads into Israel until officials certify that they comply with local transmitter standards. The US federal communications commission allows devices with Wi-Fi capability to broadcast at higher power levels than are allowed in Europe and Israel meaning that the iPad 's stronger signal could throw off others' wireless connections, Israeli officials said.

CEO Google Bocorkan 'gPad', Calon Penantang iPad

Google tampaknya makin serius memproduksi berbagai gadget andalan. Setelah menelurkan ponsel Nexus One, raksasa mesin cari ini dilaporkan sedang mempersiapkan komputer tablet berjuluk 'gPad' yang ditujukan untuk menghantam Apple iPad. Menurut laporan media New York Times, Chief Executive Google Eric Schmidt selip lidah sehingga dalam sebuah pesta internal, ia membocorkan tentang adanya pengembangan tablet tersebut. Schmidt mendeskripsikan tablet Google sebagai tablet reader yang punya fungsi komputasi. Dilansir V3 dan dikutip detikINET, Selasa (13/4/2010), tablet itu hampir bisa dipastikan mengandalkan sistem operasi Android berikut layanan konten di Marketplace. Sedangkan untuk menyediakan ebook, kemungkinan akan memakai layanan Google Books.

Harga dan Spesifikasi iPad Apple

iPad merupakan komputer yang tercanggih untuk saat ini yang berbentuk tablet. Ipad dirilis oleh Apple pada 27 januari 2010 yang lalu di Sanfransisco. Ipad dalah komputer yang mudah dibawa kemana saja, seperti perpaduan antara laptop dan smartphone. Modelnya agak-agak mirip dengan Iphone, tetapi iPad lebih besar dan layar yang lebih lebar. Untuk tau lebih lanjut, yuk kita intip spesifikasi dan harga IPad ini.

Should I Buy an iPad?

With all the hype the iPad has gained since even before its release, I know that a lot of you are wondering whether to buy one or not. Here’s a flowchart that might just make ur life simpler and help you find the answer

8 Things that Netbook can Learn From iPad

Video is one of the important features for any portable computer. Netbook doesn't handle Video that good. Netbook works pretty well with downloaded video files–but for Flash-based video like YouTube or Hulu, there is an issue for full screen HD. iPad doesn't support Flash. But, Netflix apps are loaded very quickly on iPad and the pic is crystal clear. 2. Netbook is not that portable like iPad. iPad is very thin and weighs half of the 10″ Netbook. The power adapter of Netbook looks awkward, but, the power chord of iPad is just like smartphone. 3. You can turn your iPad ON instantaneously without rebooting. But, Netbook has boot time similar to Laptops. 4. Netbooks can't play most of the games. The 3D engine on an iPhone plays games better than most Netbooks, but the gaming experience gets better with ipad. Apple's App Store makes sure that all games are compatible.

Apple Reveals Many Apps for iPad

You can see different iPad apps at Apple iTune store before the release of the Tablet PC on this Saturday. According to Steve Jobs, you can take a quick preview of the iPad apps and learn how to use them. The listing of thousand apps belong to different categories ranging from entertainment and education to news and sports. iTune store has already many apps that is compatible with iPhone and iTouch type of devices. The prices of the apps range from 99 cents and $9.99 for different programs like Thesaurus XL, Hanoi Street Maps, Aki Mahjong, Stickies, Sex Offenders Search and ESPN Pinball.The popular apps such as USA Today, AP and NPR, Netflix, ebay, and Yellow Pages are still free. The other expensive apps includes The Lonely Planet Publications' 1,000 Ultimate Experiences that costs $19.99, MLB At Bat which is priced at $14.99 and the diagramming program OmniGraffle that costs at $49.99. Jobs further added that the 1.5 lbs. tablet PC is half-inch thick, it has a 1 GHz processor...

Buy 43 iPads with the Price of Apple Lisa

The price of Apple Lisa was $9995 when it was introduced first in 1983. If you consider the inflation, it would cost $21,844.85 in today's market. Today you can buy 43 iPads at $499 each with this amount of money. Considering the inflation today, iPad is less expensive than Apple I ($2,540.07), Macintosh Portable ($11,358.59), Newton Message Pad ($1,048.47), Mac mini ($553.64) and iPhone ($521.49). The list includes the 1977 Apple II for $4,641.25, 1991 PowerBook 100 for $3,660.90, 1998 iMac G3 for $1,593.91, 2002 eMac for $1,023, and 2006 MacBook for $1,181.25 after adjusting the inflation. Only the cost of first iPod ($488.46) is less than the iPad today. The Apple iPad that goes on sale this Saturday starts at $499 with 16 gb model and comes with Only Wi-fi connection. When Apple unveiled the plan in Jan for Tablet pc, analysts expected that the price is going to be anywhere between $800 and $1000. Some analysts also thought that the cost may go up to $2000 for the OLED disp...

The Top Five Terse Steve Jobs Email Replies

Steve Jobs, Apple's chief executive, doesn't often answer emails from his customers but when he does his replies are short and blunt. Here's our top five.

iPad is Coming, April 3, 2010

Yes, that's the email subject that I received from Apple, so this is a trusted news. iPad is the latest innovation from Apple which many people talk about it because its unique. Well, Apple always makes a unique product. With a device called the iPad you are watching videos, listening musics, reading news online, working with iWork, read the iBook, calendar, manage contacts, create a prensentation, and many more. Only with a gadget so thin.