Gathering followers at Twitter is essential, because if you’re using Twitter for business (or would like to do so in the future), you have to have a great deal of followers who’ll account for your traffic, sales and general popularity. In this article, we’ll try to have a look on how to gather a great deal of followers on Twitter, how to keep them, and introspect the new trends of Twitter following.
I’ve collected seven quick and smart ways to boost the number of your followers and would like to share them with you.
1. Work on your profile.
It’s the only thing that your potential followers can see. Customize it; make it beautiful, it’ll work and attract followers. At least if your profile is beautiful.
2. Participate in Twitter games/trends.
My profile recently got quite of an attention (read: followers) because I submitted some entries to #twitterfilms. Put yourself on the line with stuff like this. Once you have a load of followers, you may also start games yourself. It’ll get you even more followers.
3. Off-Twitter relations which drive traffic to your Twitter.
This should be the first on the list, but for some reason, it scares people away quite a lot. It isn’t hard to add a link to your Twitter at your e-mail and forum signatures, is it? People who have a load of followers weren’t made famous exclusively by Twitter.
4. Start a contest.
“God, this is overused”. Well yes, it is, but it’s also effective. There are a lot of things you can make contests about even without prize money or material prizes. You can offer links from your site, free e-books or exclusive content. Anything works, as long as it is valuable.
5. “Retweet, Retweet!”
Keep your eyes open for something funny, retweet it first by using the RT button. How does it help you? You’ll gain value in the eyes of the person you tweeted, and if you offer something valuable in the future, it’s more likely that the person that you retweeted will retweet your message too!
6. Be intelligent and open to discussions.
There isn’t anything much to add here, is there? That’s a crucial rule for gathering Twitter followers. Make your Twitter more about other people, only then you’ll get noticed yourself.
7. Follow people in your niche.
It’s a more targeted audience, it’s a smarter audience and audience that will listen more to what you say.
Twitter is mostly NOT about content. It’s about making other people feel evaluated by you, your tweets, and a great deal of the followers you’ll receive is from your online reputation. While you may get a lot of followers explicitly through Twitter, there will probably be a lot of problems in sustaining the growth of the numbers. Here is a zen of Twitter – Twitter is merely a reflection of the outside world, and your popularity on the outside world reflects the one on you’ll have on Twitter. It is, however possible to get some results by Twittering directly, but they won’t be as big as they ought to be.
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I’ve collected seven quick and smart ways to boost the number of your followers and would like to share them with you.
1. Work on your profile.
It’s the only thing that your potential followers can see. Customize it; make it beautiful, it’ll work and attract followers. At least if your profile is beautiful.
2. Participate in Twitter games/trends.
My profile recently got quite of an attention (read: followers) because I submitted some entries to #twitterfilms. Put yourself on the line with stuff like this. Once you have a load of followers, you may also start games yourself. It’ll get you even more followers.
3. Off-Twitter relations which drive traffic to your Twitter.
This should be the first on the list, but for some reason, it scares people away quite a lot. It isn’t hard to add a link to your Twitter at your e-mail and forum signatures, is it? People who have a load of followers weren’t made famous exclusively by Twitter.
4. Start a contest.
“God, this is overused”. Well yes, it is, but it’s also effective. There are a lot of things you can make contests about even without prize money or material prizes. You can offer links from your site, free e-books or exclusive content. Anything works, as long as it is valuable.
5. “Retweet, Retweet!”
Keep your eyes open for something funny, retweet it first by using the RT button. How does it help you? You’ll gain value in the eyes of the person you tweeted, and if you offer something valuable in the future, it’s more likely that the person that you retweeted will retweet your message too!
6. Be intelligent and open to discussions.
There isn’t anything much to add here, is there? That’s a crucial rule for gathering Twitter followers. Make your Twitter more about other people, only then you’ll get noticed yourself.
7. Follow people in your niche.
It’s a more targeted audience, it’s a smarter audience and audience that will listen more to what you say.
Twitter is mostly NOT about content. It’s about making other people feel evaluated by you, your tweets, and a great deal of the followers you’ll receive is from your online reputation. While you may get a lot of followers explicitly through Twitter, there will probably be a lot of problems in sustaining the growth of the numbers. Here is a zen of Twitter – Twitter is merely a reflection of the outside world, and your popularity on the outside world reflects the one on you’ll have on Twitter. It is, however possible to get some results by Twittering directly, but they won’t be as big as they ought to be.
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