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TechCrunch Officially Hacked

Popular technology blog Techcrunch has been hacked and is currently down with all but a message noting that the site has indeed been compromised.
The blog has experienced frequent downtime of late but as have other blogs who host on Rackspace including, Mashable and The Inquisitr – we fortunately aren’t (we’re with Slicehost, owned by Rackspace interestingly enough).
This case appears different however with other blogs remaining live and Techcrunch admitting they had been targeted with a message that reads:

Earlier tonight was compromised by a security exploit.
We’re working to identify the exploit and will bring the site back online shortly.

Earlier, presumably when the initial hack took place, text with a link to a rapid share download site was posted:
TechCrunch officially hacked.
Oddly enough, sister blog CrunchGear is running smoothly, which indicates that TechCrunch in particular rather than its network was targeted.
The irony here of course, as it would be for us, is TechCrunch is a reliable source for information on site downtime.
More info over at Inquisitr and and Technologizer.
TechCrunch is now back up, interestingly all comments gone. Stay tuned for more info as to what happened.
Update 2:
statement now on the blog reads:
“As some people noticed, at approximately 10:30 pm PST on Monday evening the main site in the TechCrunch Network – – was hacked and redirected. The site was back up briefly at 11:30 pm but shortly went down again. As of 2:00 am, the site is back up and appears to be stable.
At this point we’re still gathering information on how the site was compromised, and will update this post with additional information.”
source :

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