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Hoax: Virus A Card For You on Facebook

Your service users Facebook? alert! a new virus is found, and classified by Microsoft as the most destructive!
The virus was only discovered on Sunday afternoon last by McAfee, and have not found a vaccine to beat. The virus is damaging Zero from the hard disc sector, the saving function of the most important information. The virus is running as follows:

This virus automatically be sent to all the names in your address list with the title:
"A Card for You" (Une Carte Pour Vous, or A Card For You). Once the virtual card is opened, the virus that would freeze the computer so that the user must begin again; if you press CTRL + ALT + DEL or a command to restart, the virus that will destroy the Boot Sector Zero from the hard disk, so the hard disk will be permanently damaged.

According to CNN, the virus was in a few hours had caused panic in New York. This warning has been accepted by Microsoft's own employees. Do not open e-mail with the title:
"A Card for You" (Une Carte Pour Vous, or A Card For You)

CAUTION! Do not accept contact pti_bout_de_ chou @ hotmail. com
This virus will reformat your computer. 


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