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That's All Women Want

...Plain looking husband
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image to open in full size.

...normal simple ring

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image to open in full

...small wedding party

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image to open in full size.

...honeymoon at any place

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image to open in full

...small house for the kids to run around

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image to open in full size.

...lovely children

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image to
 open in full size.

...husband is a family man

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image to open in full size.

...but work hard

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image to
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...small car for shopping

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image to open in full size.

...another car for kids

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 image to open in full size.

...some collections

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image to open in full size. for each occasion

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image to open in full size.

...some nice outfits

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image to open

 in full size.

...a bit of cosmetics

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image to open in full size.

...a bit of makeup

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image to open in full size.

...overseas trip once a year

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image to open in full size.

...more often on domestic trips

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image to open in full size.


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image to open in full size.

... Presents occasionally

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image to open in full size.

...finally, some securities.

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image to open in full size.


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Macam-macam Penyakit Dunia yang Dikenal oleh Masyarakat Aceh

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10 Alasan Akun Facebook di Blokir

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