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How To Track Profile Views On Facebook?

Facebook profile shown in 2007.Image via Wikipedia
Are you interested to know who viewed your profile? Is somebody spying on you? Want to get hold of that secret admirer of yours? Well, come now here is the solution.

Is it that you have had a feeling that someone or the other is peeping on you, but you just can’t catch him/her red-handed? Now, to make things easier for you there is this free Facebook traffic viewer which if installed on your system will deliver you with all the info you need and will display the most recent user profiles that have looked at your profile. So, isn’t this interesting? Now go and find who views your Facebook Profile easily with this tracking tool. It comes completely free of cost to the public, so no need to worry about making payments to put this link on your Facebook profile. This is sure to relieve you out of your miseries!

Follow these simple steps:

  1. First things first, you interested to see who views your Facebook profile? Then first thing you need is to get the tracking code. For that you have to drop by the website listed here —
  2. I guess you’re done by now. Moving onto the next phase, download and/or insert the code as and when necessary. Once finished with this, you can go ahead and logon to your Facebook.
  3. Find “Profile” that would be top-right, click on it a drop-box will roll down and then click on the privacy option.
  4. You will host new options now which would include “News feed and Mini-Feed Privacy”. Double click on “News feed and Mini-Feed Privacy”. I guess this will surely help you to see many options such as pokes, messages, and viewing who has recently viewed your Facebook profile.
Still waiting? C’mon give it a try. And do let me no if it turns up to be of any help to you.


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