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People don't trust Facebook but can't stay away

The American Consumer Satisfaction Index has conducted a survey to find out how consumers react to social media websites.

Most interesting is the fact that they have ranked Facebook so low that some analysts believe its trustworthiness as "abysmally low". I wouldn't be too surprised with this outcome though, what with all the privacy and content ownership issues that have been haunting faccebook for some time now.

But, thats the obvious thing, isn't it? The most important question is, why are people still flocking to Facebook? or are they?

The report concludes about why Facebook can continue to perform so well despite the such low customer satisfaction:

  • Facebook has become a defacto choice for many people - The report claims that Facebook has a monopoly. It states that Although there are literally hundreds of social networking sites around the world, [...] there really is no other choice for people wanting to connect with friends, family, and colleagues regardless of interest, age, geographic location, gender,
I myself joined only because many of my friends shifted from Orkut to Facebook. I'm sure it's the same with other millions of people.

  • Younger People Don t Care - According to the report, younger users were less impacted by the privacy concerns and changes to the interface .
  • Most importantly, customers are willing to suffer through a poor experience in return for the benefits Facebook provides . This rare scenario is pretty incredible, however people are becoming frustrated with Facebook abusing their power.
With the ever increasing Facebook userbase, I think it is very important for them to start concentrating on these issues, especially since Google is rumoured to have been working on a 'much better' social network (Google Me) themselves.

source :

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