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Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2010

'Scared Google about to launch Facebook rival'

About to take on Facebook?: Google co-founders Sergey Brin, left, and Larry Page. Photo: AP Google, perhaps the only company with the clout and users to take on the seemingly unassailable Facebook, is reportedly working secretly on "Google Me", a product that would go head-to-head with the social networking giant. The founder of popular link-sharing site Digg, Kevin Rose, kicked off a round of feverish speculation this week by tweeting that he had heard a "huge rumour" from a "very credible source" that Google was going to launch a Facebook competitor "very soon". Rose has since removed the tweet, saying he was asked to do so. Adam D'Angelo, former CTO of Facebook and now co-founder of social Q&A site Quora, added fuel to the fire by declaring "This is not a rumour. This is a real project". He claimed to have received information from "reliable sources".

'Google Me' Google's next social experiment?

"Google me" sounds like a lame pickup line delivered near closing time, but it might also be Google's latest attempt at becoming relevant in social media. Kevin Rose, of Digg fame, got the speculation rolling Sunday with a tweet that Google was working on a social service called Google Me that would compete with Facebook, perhaps Google's biggest rival for attention on the Internet. On Tuesday, former Facebook executive and Quora founder Adam D'Angelo took things a little further by declaring on Quora that "this is not a rumor. This is a real project. There are a large number of people working on it. I am completely confident about this." So what might Google Me actually be? No one seems to really know. But it does appear to be somehow related to one's Google Profile, a service that got a shot in the arm with the debut of Google Buzz earlier this year. Google Buzz lets users share links, pictures, and thoughts with friends who find them through t...

A Real Facebook Privacy Issue

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iTunes - sometimes "free' isn't always good.

A few weeks ago iTunes 9.2 recently came out to mark the release of iOS4 and prepare itself for the updates all over the world. Although I love my iPod Touch, I don't like iTunes - not one bit, in fact I believe it is so user-unfriendly it makes me cringe at times. My decision to post on this issue has been sparked from my recent frustration over attempting to use it when to sync it and back up my iPod, so I could update to iOS4 if I wanted to, in the end I spent the better half of two days getting angry, uninstalling, reinstalling, removing all traces and then reinstalling again, only to get 4 different error messages and no good results, which just annoyed me more. Ironically, it almost seemed like a blessing in disguise with some iPod Touch users not enjoying iOS4 as much as 'expected'.

Mitos Ganja Dalam Dodol Aceh

"Saya ingin mencicipi dodol atau kari kambing dicampur ganja," demikian pernyataan yang kerap diungkapkan pendatang ketika menginjakkan kakinya di Aceh. Pernyataan yang seakan-akan telah menyatukan antara "Aceh dengan ganja" itu juga diakui Wakil Gubernur Aceh, Muhammad Nazar. "Saya juga pernah mendengar itu," katanya. Akan tetapi, menurut dia, hanya orang-orang yang tidak paham dan mengetahui persis proses peracikan bumbu kari kambing atau dodol Aceh, lantas mengidentikkan dengannya dengan ganja. Padahal citra rasa lezat, yang dihasilkan makanan itu, kata Muhammad Nazar karena kelihaian orang Aceh meracik bumbu dan membuat makanan lezat. "Yang pasti, enaknya dodol, gulai kambing atau sapi serta aromanya kopi Aceh itu bukan karena campuran ganja, tapi dasarnya bahwa masyarakat Aceh pintar masak dan usaha kuliner," katanya. Menurut Muhammad Nazar, kalaupun ada masyarakat yang mencampur bumbu itu dengan daun atau biji ganja, itu hanya seb...

Two more states open Google Apps for teachers and students

We recently announced that Oregon is the first state to begin offering Google Apps to public schools. Today, Colorado and Iowa are joining the movement. Google Apps for Education will now be available to more than 3,000 schools across the two states. These state-wide agreements enable schools and districts to benefit from centralized resources such as deployment support and training materials, paving the way for an easy transition to Google Apps—including Gmail, Docs, Sites, Calendar, Video, and Groups—in their classrooms, immediately. Colorado Governor Bill Ritter said it best, “I’m pleased to see the Statewide Internet Portal Authority (SIPA) continue its tradition of bringing innovative tools to members of the Colorado public. By leveraging the Internet, educators are able to bring new ways of learning to the classroom and connect with students in exciting and challenging ways.” And Brent Siegrist, Director of Iowa Area Education Agencies Services, reflects, “As a former teache...

Menara Ujung Sumatera

Keindahan menara Mesjid Raya Banda Aceh dari halaman depan mesjid. Posted via email from Hack Posterous

Dua Warna Yang Menarik Mata

Posted via email from Hack Posterous

Google Makin Cerdas

Internet memang merupakan sumber informasi yang tak ada habisnya. Ketik saja kata-kata di kotak pencarian, maka mesin telusur akan segera mengurutkan limpahan informasi kepada kita di indeks hasil pencarian. Selama ini Google telah mengindeks miliaran laman internet dengan menggunakan software Googlebot. Googlebotlah yang melakukan indeks konten-konten di web secara otomatis, agar para peselancar internet bisa mendapatkan informasi yang relevan dengan kebutuhannya. Tanpa disuruh, Googlebot diprogram untuk mengumpulkan link-link dan dokumen dari berbagai laman internet dan memudahkan laman tersebut agar bisa dicari oleh seluruh pengguna Google Search. Dikutip dari Mashable, sebelumnya, software Googlebot hanya akan membaca link-link, atau menguraikan beberapa kode program saja. Namun, menurut laporan dari Forbes, Google kini telah menambah kemampuan Googlebot. Googlebot kini bisa berinteraksi lebih dalam dengan kode-kode JavaScript. Bahkan, Googlebot bisa 'memahami' bebe...

LED Terbesar di Afrika

Ada yang menarik di pusat kota Johannesburg setiap malam hari. Kota yang terkenal akan hasil emas terbaik di dunia, berubah semakin energik saja. Semenjak ajang piala dunia 2010 diadakan di kota ini, para penggila bola di seluruh dunia-pun berbondong-bondong mendukung tim kesayangan mereka. Melihat moment yang sangat menguntungkan, salah satu brand sepatu olahraga, Nike, mengubah bangunan monoton setinggi 138 meter. Bangunan ini disulap menjadi instalasi interaktif LED Piala Dunia 2010. Layar LED ini, terbungkus di seluruh bangunan 8.400 meter persegi, dan menjadi iklan terbesar di Afrika.

Google Siapkan Pembunuh Facebook

Google dirumorkan akan meluncurkan layanan pembunuh Facebook. Rumor itu didapat dari update singkat Twitter pendiri Digg, Kevin Rose. Menurut Rose, layanan baru ini akan disebut "Google Me," dan dalam beberapa hal akan menawarkan fungsi sosial yang bisa menyaingi Facebook. Jika benar, ini bukan pertama kali Google meluncurkan layanan profil tinggi Web 2.0. Sebelumnya perusahan itu memiliki Google Buzz. Masih belum jelas seberapa banyak tanda Buzz telah dibuat menyangkut jumlah penggunanya, namun menurut ReadWriteWeb, 90 persen semua konten yang diterbitkan di Buzz hanya pengulangan otomatis dari yang ada di akun Twitter atau RSS feed. Jadi apa, akankah rancagan Google Me akan berhasil? Sejauh ini rincian hanyalah spekulasi semata. Namun demikian, tampak Google Me bisa berjalan sebagai upgrade ke layanan Google Profil, yang hampir seperti sebuah halaman profil biografi mini.

Pembobol Akun Twitter Obama Dihukum 5 Bulan Penjara

Sebuah pengadilan di tengah Perancis telah menvonis lima bulan penangguhan penjara seorang remaja Prancis yang dituduh menyusup ke akun Twitter milik Obama. Pengacara untuk Francois Cousteix, yang mempunyai nama online Hacker Croll, mengatakan kliennya senang dengan keputusan oleh pengadilan Clermont-Ferrand tersebut. Padahal, sebelumnya dia diancam sampai dua tahun penjara dan denda € 30.000 untuk membobol sistem data. "Vonis ini memuaskan, mengingat semua tekanan media yang dibangun," kata pengacara Jean-Francois Canis, seperti dikutip AP, Minggu (27/6/2010). Sebelumnya diberitakan, remaja berusia 24 tahun tersebut diduga bertanggung jawab membobol akun Twitter pribadi milik Presiden AS Barack Obama mengaku dirinya bukanlah hacker. Ia hanya berniat baik mencari kelemahan dari keamanan sebuah jaringan internet. "Saya melakukan ini hanya karena ingin memperingati mereka, menunjukkan betapa sistem mereka sangat rentan. Saya tidak melakukannya untuk tujuan merusak,...

Tips Membakar Kalori Tanpa Berkeringat

Ibu hamil pasti akan mengalami peningkatan berat badan. Saat memberi asi pastinya akan sulit melakukan diet karena akan membuat asi berkurang bahkan berhenti. Biasanya banyak yang baru akan menormalkan BB-nya setelah nifas atau bahkan ada yang gak peduli sama sekali. Berat badan dengan mudah bertambah (walaupun ada sebagian orang yang susah menaikkan berat badan), sedangkan menurunkannya membutuhkan perjuangan: no pain no gain . Berikut ini ada sejumlah tips cara membakar kalori tanpa berkeringat (sedikit keringat). Konsumsi vitamin D Dalam suatu penelitian, wanita yang kekurangan vitamin ini penurunan berat badannya lambat. Dianjurkan untuk mengkonsumsi 2,000 mg per hari. Minum Kopi Penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa kafein dapat meningkatkan pembakaran kalori. Cukup tidur (Tidur lebih banyak) Sering tidur kurang dari 4 jam sehari akan memperlambat tingkat metabolisme (pembakaran). Dianjurkan antara 7-9 jam per hari. Lakukan pekerjaan tangan cuci piring, memasak dan kerja2 ru...

Empat Info 'Haram' Dibagi di Facebook

Perkembangan teknologi memudahkan manusia melakukan komunikasi dengan banyak orang di seluruh dunia. Melalui sejumlah situs jejaring sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter, atau MySpace, kita dengan mudah saling bertukar informasi dan berhubungan dengan kawan baru. Namun, merebaknya kejahatan di dunia maya, ada baiknya selalu mawas diri. Jangan sembarangan mengumbar informasi pribadi lewat jejaring sosial. Jangan sampai informasi yang kita bagi justru mengundang aktivitas penjahat. Seperti dikutip dari laman Shine , berikut empat informasi pribadi yang sebaiknya tidak dipublikasikan lewat akun jejaring sosial. Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir Informasi yang lengkap tentang tempat dan tanggal lahir bisa saja dicuri oleh orang tak bertanggung jawab. Sebuah studi yang dilakukan oleh Carnegie Mellon menunjukkan bahwa tanggal dan tempat kelahiran dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi angka rahasia untuk menarik uang dalam sejumlah rekening. “Bahkan bisa digunakan pencuri identitas untuk menguras keu...

Google Diawasi karena Konten Anti-Islam

Pakistan mulai mengawasi beberapa website terkenal dalam upayaa untuk memblokir konten yang dianggap anti-Islam, salah satunya adalah Google. Tujuh website utama, yaitu Google, YouTube, Amazon, MSN, Hotmail dan Bing dari Microsoft akan dimonitor dan 17 website lain yang kurang diketahui telah diblokir di bawah perintah pengadilan karena tuduhan adanya material yang berbau penghinaan agama, menurut juru bicara Otoritas Telekomunikasi Pakistan. Gerakan ini mengikuti pemblokiran sementara yang dikenakan Pakistan pada Facebook pada bulan Mei. Dia menambahkan: “Jika tautan (link) tertentu yang mengandung konten ofensif muncul di website ini, tautan tersebut akan diblokir sesegera mungkin tanpa mengganggu website utamanya. Scott Robin, juru bicara Google, merespon balik bahwa perusahaan itu bermaksud memonitor bagaimana kebijakan baru tersebut akan mempengaruhi layanan Google.

Google Lebih Dipercaya Ketimbang Facebook

Para peneliti di Amerika menemukan sebuah fakta baru yang menyebutkan, saat ini orang lebih percaya kepada perusahaan teknologi atas seperti Google, Microsoft, dan Apple ketimbang situs jejaring sosial seperti Facebook atau Twitter. Survei yang dilakukan oleh Zogby Internasional menyebutkan 49 persen dari 2.100 orang dewasa yang diwawancara sangat meyakini tiga perusahaan teknologi papan atas tersebut. Sedangkan Facebook hanya dipercayai oleh 13 persen orang, dan Twitter sebanyak 8 persen. Dilansir melalui Telegraph, Rabu (23/6/2010), menurut Chief Executive Zogby International, John Zogby, Google, Apple dan Microsoft jauh lebih berpengalaman dalam mengemas nama merek, ketimbang Facebook dan Twitter yang belum memiliki identitas perusahaan. Kendati demikian, kedua perusahaan ini diberi nilai lebih tinggi dari media tradisional, penelitian ini menyimpulkan satu dari lima orang dewasa muda, yang berusia antara 18 dan 29, memiliki tingkat kepercayaan yang lebih tinggi kepada Faceboo...

Internet pornography to get its own red light district as .xxx name approved

New domain means legal pornography sites can be found in a single grouping. Photograph: AP The internet could soon have its own red light district after the ".xxx" suffix was approved – though pornography companies are not keen to use it. Icann, the organisation which determines what "top-level domains" (TLDs) such as .com or .uk can be added to the internet announced today that it will begin the process of registering .xxx by making checks on ICM Registry, the company that wants to run the domain and sell registrations. It marks the closing stages of a 10-year battle by ICM Registry, now run by the British internet entrepreneur Stuart Lawley, to get the .xxx domain set up so that legal pornography sites can be found in a single grouping.

Steve Jobs solves iPhone 4 reception problems: 'don't hold it that way'

Apple has issued official guidance - and its chief executive Steve Jobs has issued unofficial guidance - on how to avoid the widely-noted reception problems with the new iPhone 4 when held from below: don't hold it that way. The cause has been narrowed down to a circuit being formed when the skin bridges the gap between the left and bottom antennas that form the phone's outer stainless steel bezel: depending on the conductance of the skin, it can make the phone reception drop off dramatically. Emailed by the website Ars Technica about the problem, Jobs responded in his normal terse manner: "Just avoid holding it in that way," he wrote - a response from Jobs that was received by a number of gadget review sites and customers in the US. Or, in Apple's official statement - which is only being passed out to news organisations which ask for a statement on the problem, rather than sent out (as happens with iPad or iPhone sales figures): "Gripping any phone wil...

Terlalu 'Lebay' Adalah Gangguan Kepribadian

Setiap orang pasti ingin mendapatkan perhatian dari lingkungan sekitarnya, karena itu tak jarang jika seseorang melakukan segala hal agar bisa diperhatikan orang lain. Tapi jika kondisi ini sudah menetap dan menjadi pola emosi yang berlebihan dalam mencari perhatian, maka kemungkinan mengalami gangguan kepribadian histrionik. Seseorang dengan gangguan ini memiliki keinginan yang besar untuk diperhatikan dan sering berperilaku secara berlebihan (dramatis) atau tidak tepat untuk mendapatkan perhatian, seperti pura-pura sakit agar bisa diperhatikan orang lain. Karena itu arti kata dari histrionik ini sendiri adalah dramatis atau teater.

How to Measure Distances via Distance Measurement Tool in Google Maps

Users especially those in the land surveying field might need to do distance measurement between two or more places from the map from time to time. Instead of using a measurement scale ruler, Google Maps Labs has added another feature, Distance Measurement Tool, to help users to do instant measuring in Google Maps. Users are given various options to choose different measurement units, e.g. metric, foot, inch, etc to measure direct distance from one point to another on the map. To activate this measurement tool, users just need to go to Google Maps Labs settings, enable the Distance Measurement Tool feature and save the changes. Once this feature is activated, users will notice a tiny ruler icon located at the left bottom corner of the map. Users just need to click on the ruler icon and they will be able to use the Distance Measurement Tool immediately. Users can click on “I’m feeling geeky” to select their preferred measure unit from the long list of measurement units offered.

Activate Facebook Feature to Notify You If Others Log in Your Facebook Account

Despite the increasing complexity of security measures to prevent, detect and remove malicious programs, spyware, viruses, etc, computer crime is hot on their heels and becoming more sophisticated and prevalent. Popular social networking sites such as Twitter, Friendster, Facebook, etc are common targets for cyber criminals. They provide a rich treasure trove for phishers and hackers as personal information is readily available and guards are lowered in these social websites. Hence it is always a good idea to fully capitalize and utilize the security features which are available to minimize hackers’ attack and invasion. Some Facebook enthusiasts are probably not aware that this site offers a pretty good feature which can inform users of logins to their Facebook accounts from mobile devices or other computer systems. With a simple activation, users will be notified when hackers or others access their Facebook account from other devices. To configure and activate this notification of u...

Top Ten Google Voice Hacks and Tips

Just over a year ago Google had released their web based platform for communications - Google Voice. The only catch was that you need to request and receive an invitation to try it out. Now Google Voice has been opened to the public with no invitation required. It is packed with an array of cool features for sophisticated telephony.   In order to use Google Voice you need to configure your current phones to work with it. The application can be used in conjunction with the mobile phone and VoIP services. To make your work on Google Voice more interesting you might receive an invitation to try it out. 1. Try to create bookmarks/favorites or desktops shortcuts that act as the speed dials Most of the contact in Google Voice has a unique URL at the mobile version of the site. In case you click on the contact, its URL must be brought to you there and is unique to that particular contact. It is not URL which will automatically start the call, its just one click away. Click on "call...

Apple Mendesain Ulang Mac Mini

Apple selalu mendesain fitur-fitur hemat ruang dan memiliki teknologi yang sangat berkualitas. Di musim semi ini, bagi Anda pecinta produk berlogo apel tergigit, siap-siap menyediakan budget sebesar US$699 untuk mendapatkan salah satu produk fenomenal di tahun 2010 ini. Desain terbaru dari Mac Mini lebih tipis dan lebih ringan untuk ukuran PC. New Mac Mini yang memiliki ukuran 1.4″ tinggi x 7.7″ lebar x 7.7″ ketebalan dan sangat ringan sekali, yaitu hanya 3 lbs saja. Ini merupakan ukuran yang paling fantastik untuk sebuah PC bukan?

Facebook & Twitter Dipertanyakan di Amerika Serikat

Mungkin negara Amerika ada di posisi pertama pengguna akun Facebook dan Twitter terbesar di Dunia. Tetapi, baru-baru ini sebuah riset yang sangat mengejutkan dari Zogby Interactive Survey, perusahaan riset di Amerika Serikat, menyebutkan kalau masyarakat Amerika Serikat lebih percaya Apple, Google dan Microsoft dibandingkan social networking sites dan microblogging site .

Facebook and the Big Society? No thanks

Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently met the culture secretary, Jeremy Hunt Photograph: Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP   The culture secretary, Jeremy Hunt, seems to think that Facebook will help to build David Cameron's Big Society: he tweeted yesterday that he had met Facebook's founder Mark Zuckerberg , who "had good ideas on improvement [sic] digital culture in policy making". This makes the Big Society look an idea even more vacuous than it already appears; but on reflection the minister is right to ask whether social networks will be important in the politics of the future. If they are, they won't be Facebook. Facebook is profoundly anti-democratic, and not just because it is a commercial operation. Facebook politics involve no real commitment any more than sending an email does. Nothing could more quickly tell you that a cause was stupid or irrelevant than the news that a Facebook group has been formed about it which ...

10 Tips to Protect Your Business from Cyber Criminals / Hackers

Several small and medium sized business have been victims of cyber crime at some point. According to the recent researches organised cyber gangs intent on cracking into corporate networks in the same way they might target a bank vault posing greater threat to business networks. The online scammers, hackers and identity thieves attempt to access your computer, personal information, finances and more. It's absolutely important to minimize your chances of becoming a victim of an internet-based crime. When online security measures are essential to protect your information, your computer and your money. We assembled a list of top 10 tips that protects your business from cyber criminals/hackers. 1. Keep Off Spammers Spammers love the unprotected computers. They constantly probe and set traps for unprotected computers that can control and use anonymously to send spam, turning them into a robot network such as "botnet" or "zombie army". The botnets are created by thous...

WordPress 3.0 Thelonius: New Features

Bloggers be ready to work with the newest version of Wordpress. Because the much anticipated Wordpress 3.0 is now ready for download and upgrade. Its been the hard work of 218 contributors for nearly half a year that make it possible for Wordpress to unveil the latest version of Wordpress codename as "Thelonious". As you know Wordpress is a powerful platform for blogging with full of features. Be it micro-blogging or personal blogs or a multi-blog corporate house, Wordpress has spread its wings everywhere. Wordpress is free and completely customizable. You can build and manage multiple sites using thousands of plugins, widgets, and themes available in Wordpress. The revelation of Wordpress 3.0 has created much excitement among millions of its users. They are searching for the new features of Wordpress 3.0. Lets delve into whats the major changes or new features has been adopted in WordPress 3.0.

GoogleCL Brings Google Services to the Command Line

Linux/Mac/Windows: Google's new utility, GoogleCL, allows you to access a handful of Google services from any *nix command line. Google's services are pretty easily accessible in their individual webapps, but if you've got a hankering for the command line, this is awesome. Having Google's services at your fingertips in the Terminal may not sound super cool, but if you want to incorporate, say, fetching Google Calendar events, Google contacts, Google Docs, or Picasa photos into your scripts, GoogleCL is extremely handy (and long overdue). GoogleCL is a python program that can access and perform a number of actions in Blogger, Calendar, Contacts, Docs, Picasa, and YouTube. Ubuntu users can download a .deb package and install it right away, though Mac and Windows installation is a bit trickier. If you're the type that will be using GoogleCL, though, it's likely not beyond your skills. Note that before you begin, you'll need Python 2.5 or 2.6 installed, an...

Facebook hack day: Zuckerberg talks up merits of personalisation

Facebook CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg. Photograph: Craig Ruttle/AP Personalisation of the web is creating a new wave of opportunity for developers and content companies, said Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg on Monday, as the social networking site signalled an aggressive phase of expansion across Europe. Speaking at Facebook's first officially organised European hack day at London's Barbican Centre, Zuckerberg said the growth of social gaming and his own experience using the new version of Spotify illustrated the potential of "products built around people". "Every industry will go through this wave where there are new versions of apps for those industries built from ground up around people," he said. "There's the opportunity for new wave of developers to be a part of building new software, websites and mobile apps.

Main Facebook Nantinya Harus Bayar?

Jutaan pecandu Facebook di seluruh dunia khawatir bahwa suatu hari nanti akan diharuskan untuk membayar saat menggunakan halaman situs itu. Selama konferensi pers yang diadakan baru-baru ini, CEO Facebook Mark Zuckerberg mengatakan bahwa selama para pengguna Facebook memiliki perhatian terhadap masalah privasi, pertanyaan tentang apakah Facebook akan memungut bayaran atau tidak untuk layanannya akan menyita perhatian yang sangat besar, di antara pengguna laman tersebut yang berjumlah sekitar 500 juta Tetapi apakah ketakutan ini dibenarkan? “Kami sama sekali tidak punya rencana untuk memungut bayaran bagi layanan-layanan dasar di Facebook,” ujar juru bicara Facebook, Larry Yu Berdasarkan keterangan pegawai Facebook, seperti dikutip darii CNN, alasan tidak akan dikenakan biaya akses karena wall to wall berbayar bertentangan dengan misi perusahaan yang membuat dunia lebih terbuka dan terhubung.

Pendapatan Facebook Mencapai US$ 800 Juta

Jejaring sosial Facebook mencatat pendapatkan yang mendekati US$ 800 juta pada 2009. Menurut berbagai analis, angka ini jauh lebih besar ketimbang prediksi mereka. Sebelumnya di dalam blog Facebook memperkirakan jejaring sosial buatan Mark Zuckerberg itu akan memiliki rata-rata pendapatan sebesar US$ 700 juta. Namun, pendapatan hampir US$ 800 juta itu meleset dari perkiraan petinggi Facebook Marc Andreessen yang mengatakan penghasilan Facebook pada 2009 akan lebih besar US$ 500 juta ketimbang tahun sebelumnya. Untuk tahun 2010, Facebook menargetkan bisa memiliki pendapatan lebih dari US$ 1 miliar. Besarnya pendapatan yang diperoleh Facebook diduga berasal dari periklanan.

Akun Palsu Menkeu di Twitter

Nama Menteri Keuangan Agus Martowardojo rupanya menjadi menarik perhatian di jejaring sosial, twitter. Sebuah akun mencatut nama mantan Dirut Bank Mandiri itu, lengkap dengan memajang gambarnya. Terang saja, hal ini membuat resah Kementerian Keuangan. Dalam release resmi Menteri Keuangan 124/HMS/2010, Senin (21/6), Menkeu Agus Martowardojo melalui Kabiro Humas Harry Z Soeratin meminta kepada masyarakat luas agar waspada dan berhati-hati. "Kami minta masyarakat luas berhati-hati terhadap dibuatnya suatu akun atas nama Agus Marto dalam situs jejaring sosial Twitter yang profilenya merupakan pejabat Menteri Keuangan RI Agus Martowardojo," kata Harry. Pemberitahuan ini disampaikan, mengingat situs dimaksud dapat seolah-olah merepresentasikan antara lain pendapat, pandangan dan tanggapan dari pemilik akun yang dikhawatirkan menjadi acuan dari para pengikut di situs tersebut serta masyarakat pada umumnya.

Apa Itu Twitter Annotation?

Situs mikroblogging Twitter akan mengumumkan fitur baru pada Konferensi Twitter bulan April mendatang. Fitur yang diberi nama Annotation itu memungkinkan para pengguna Twitter dan tentunya Twitter itu sendiri untuk menambahkan informasi pada teksnya. Di dalam teks singkat dengan 140 karakter itu akan terselip seperti string teks, URL, tag lokasi atau bit data - tanpa mengurangi jumlah karakternya. Annotation menjadi salah satu program periklanan yang disebut Promoted Tweets. Pengembang dan programmer seperti RSS Dave Winer telah mempromosikan ide metadata Twitter untuk beberapa waktu. Winer menjelaskan "tambahan informasi" ini dapat meningkatkan layanan kepada pengguna khususnya jika mencantumkan informasi yang relevan, misalnya link apapun termasuk dari dalam Twitter sendiri.

10 Ways to Protect Your Facebook Account from Facebook Hackers

Facebook suffers from a number of security issues. Users can run into serious risk in case they are not careful. What's more important is that users should be able to protect his/her own profile form these viruses than that for Facebook developers itself has some of the viruses or an attempt to hack your profile. The number of facebook account hacking seems to be on the increase and this page is in response to a friend who asked what to do after her account is hacked. Any online account is in danger of being hacked. With its unique features the risk of hacking aggravates. To help you out in protecting your Facebook account we have assembled a list of top 10 Facebook accounts from Facebook Hackers. 1. Proper Facebook login Avoid clicking on any URL in email or other documentation to open Facebook Login page. Go to the Facebook page and enter login details to access the account. Try to redirect clicks in most common way to hack Facebook account and it might be easily avoided. 2. V...

iPhone 4 Sold Out Within a Day

iPhone 4 sold out n Tuesday was disrupted o as Apple out of stock in less than 24 hours. In case you pre order an iPhone 4 now it will reach by July 2, it is a already a week after the launch. With Apple's online store server overstuffed there are several issues at the AT&T customers that have access to user data of other users. The Reuters reports about the AT&T order system failing. It's hard to say how many iPhone 4 phones Apple have been already sold. It could be already close to 1 million iPhone 4 devices. A year ago Apple sold 1 million iPhone 3GS over the launch weekend. Apple definitely wants to break this record. How about this headline Apple pre-sold 1 million iPhone 4 on June 15th world wide. The number of iPhone 4 Apple already sold is hard to predict. According to AT&T, with the ever-growing iPhone 4 craze they had the busiest online sales day in AT&T history. The customers who pre-ordered iPhone 4 on Tuesday afternoon will receive their devi...

Foto Terbaik di Dunia Menurut Reuters

Foto-foto dibawah ini sungguh memukau, dari yang lucu, serius, tragis, aneh, dan sebagainya. Bagi anda yang sedang sibuk maupun sedang punya waktu luang, silahkan lihat foto yang sungguh memukau ini. Anda bisa juga share dengan teman-teman di kos kosan atau dengan teman saat hang out bersama.

Miwako Sayumi 22 Tahun Tapi Mirip Balita

Hanya Dengan Melihat foto-fotonya, percayakan bahwa cewek dibawah ini berumur 22 tahun? Cewek ini bernama Miwako Sayumi seorang Idol Taiwan dan sangat terkenal karena mukanya yang imut seperti anak berumur 3 tahun padahal umurnya sudah 22 tahun

Islam Has a Branding Problem: Millatfacebook CEO

I was curious about what’s going on in the mind of the men who launched Millatfacebook — a Facebook-wannabe for Muslims. So, I contacted Lahore-based Omer Zaheer Meer, the CEO of Global IT Vision (Pvt) Ltd, the company that launched Millatfacebook. But even after more than a dozen telephone calls, emails and one story later , I can’ say with confidence whether I’ve understood the man or his motives. All of 25, Meer comes across as a sincere, open and passionate person, aggrieved by what he calls an onslaught on Islam. In this first interview to the media, he speaks passionately about the motivation behind this website — to ward off attacks on Islam. I asked him why is Islam perceived as a violent religion? His answer: “Put simply, branding problem.” Meer (left) discussing a page with his technical manager Arslan Chaudhary Why did you launch Millatfacebook? In protest of the blasphemous, anti-social and hypocritical events of ridiculing Prophet Muhammad which were supported by...

WordPress Diincar Para Hacker! yang merupakan situs blogging gratis dilaporkan sedang diincar para hacker. Bahkan beberapa situs penyedia layanan yang terkenal seperti DreamHost, GoDaddy, BlueHost dan Media Temple diisukan juga ikut terpengaruh oleh serangan ini. Apa sasaran dari serangan hacker ini? Sasarannya adalah sistem manajemen yang berbasis PHP (PHP Hypertext Preprocessor), seperti Zen Cart eCommere. Rayuan maut si hacker Rayuan buatan hacker yang menginfeksi situs web, membuat situs web tersebut nantinya tidak akan memunculkan peringatan apapun. Hal ini dikarenakan hacker sengaja membuat browser seperti Firefox dan Google Chrome tidak berkutik saat Anda tengah asyik berselancar di situs web tersebut. Jangan khawatir! David Dede dari Sucuri Security telah mem-posting Simple Clean Up Solution untuk membersihkan situs yang telah terinfeksi. “Dalam masalah ini, kami tidak menyalahkan WordPress, saya berasumsi bahwa jika masalahnya ada di WordPress, jumlah situs yang terinfeksi kemungkin...

Twitter Bakal Jual Trending Topics?

Twitter sedang getol-getolnya mencari uang dari layanan microblogging yang luar biasa populer tersebut. Kabar yang beredar, Trending Topics pun bakal dijual. Hal itu dikemukakan Peter Kafka, blogger dan wartawan teknologi lewat, Minggu (13/6/2010). Dikatakan bahwa, selain 'Promoted Tweets' Twitter juga akan menjual 'Promoted Trends'. Diduga, program itu akan memungkinkan pemasang iklan memasukkan kalimat mereka ke dalam Trending Topic yang sedang muncul di halaman Twitter. Jika diklik, akan muncul hasil pencarian yang menampilkan 'Promoted Tweets' pada bagian atas. Nah, berapa harga iklan itu? Memang belum ada kabar pasti, namun desas-desusnya menyebutkan harganya bisa mencapai puluhan ribu dollar AS per hari.

Daftar Nama Domain Tertua di Dunia

Top 100 list, along with current Top 1 Million ranking: Ranking 001 = Oldest Domain Date Registered (MM/DD/YY) Current Top One Million Ranking 001 03/15/85 288052 002 04/24/85 210628 003 05/24/85 n/a 004 07/11/85 423261 005 09/30/85 n/a 006 11/07/85 n/a 007 01/09/86 9561 008 01/17/86 100494 009 03/03/86 191 010 03/05/86 n/a 011 03/19/86 411 012 03/19/86 484 013 03/25/86 1018 014 03/25/86 11757 015 04/25/86 336 016 05/08/86 n/a 017 05/08/86 71044 018 07/10/86 688877 019 07/10/86 n/a 020 08/05/86 n/a 021 08/05/86 11629 022 08/05/86 n/a 023 08/05/86 n/a 024 08/05/86 n/a 025 08/05/86 183064 026 boein...

Nokia E 97, The Imaginer

Political fundraising tool taps social networks

Candidates in some top political races are raising big sums of money using software that taps donors' social networks, an endeavor that lets the donors track their friends' donations with the zeal a fantasy baseball team owner uses to monitor player statistics. Republican gubernatorial candidate Charles Baker in Massachusetts and two GOP Senate candidates, Marco Rubio in Florida and Rob Portman in Ohio, are among those using a software-based fundraising tool called BlueSwarm to successfully tap their social networks for campaign cash. The Democratic Governors Association also plans to use it. The software democratizes the fundraising process by letting average citizens not just donate, but raise money themselves from their Outlook contacts or their Facebook friends. The traditional political fundraising model relies on experienced bundlers to hustle money from a small set of well-connected donors. In contrast, BlueSwarm and similar software lets users work their friends...

Cara Mendapatkan Password Facebook Yang di Retas

Bagaimana cara mendapatkan kembali akun Facebook kamu yang di hack?. Nah, bagi orang yang punya akun Facebook dibobol password dan email-nya alias kena hack, bisa menggunakan halaman Facebook help center security . Dari situ kamu akan dituntun cara mendapatkan kembali akun FB yang di hack sama orang lain. Ada 3 jenis form yang diberikan sebagai cara mengembalikan Facebook yang di hack: 1. My Account Has Been Hacked And I Have Access To My Login Email Form ini digunakan jika akun FB kamu dibobol tapi email yang digunakan untuk login Facebook masih bisa befungsi, dan emailitu masih bisa diakses untuk menerima dan mengirim pesan.

Budaya, Seks, dan Zona Mabuk Internet

Video porno mirip selebriti Ariel-Luna ataupun Ariel-CutTari beredar di dunia maya tanpa batas sosial, budaya bahkan usia. Inikah globalisasi media internet yang kebablasan? Sepekan ini, pemberitaan di tanah air diramaikan oleh beredarnya video porno mirip selebriti Ariel Peterpan, Luna Maya dan Cut Tari. Hanya dalam hitungan hari, video yang menghebohkan ini telah beredar luas ke seluruh pelosok negeri bahkan ke mancanegara. Jaringan internet yang membaik dan terus berkembang, menjadi katalisnya. Don Tapscott dalam bukunya yang berjudul 'Growing Up Digital: The Rise of The Net Generation' (1998), menganggap kemunculan internet sebagai ruang publik yang menawarkan berkah bagi perwujudan partisipasi semua orang. Internet telah menjadi ruang maya untuk membangun masyarakat yang dianggap demokratis atau sebuah cyberdemocracy. Ia pun menyoroti kebangkitan sebuah generasi baru yang dikenal sebagai 'the net generation' dengan kebiasaan dan karakter tersendiri. Dijelaska...

Gawat, Jejaring Sosial Bisa Menjadikan Manusia Asosial Loh!

Kehadiran kemudahan berkomunikasi dalam dunia maya mestinya menjadi perhatian kita semua, khususnya guru bahasa dan sastra Indonesia. Apa yang dikuatiri oleh pakar linguistik dari Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya, Prof. Dr. Esther Kuntjara, adalah adanya gejala sejumlah situs jejaring sosial di dunia maya layaknya facebook, twitter, dan sejenisnya telah merusak bahasa. Menurutnya, dunia maya menggunakan bahasa lisan yang ditulis, bukan bahasa tulis atau bahasa lisan, sehingga bahasa lisan yang ditulis dapat mengacaukan bahasa baku. Hal itu dikatakannya dalam sebuah seminar di kampus setempat, Selasa(8/6) dalam seminar Language in The Online and Offline World (LOOW) yang digagas Jurusan Sastra Inggris UK Petra Surabaya itu, dosen UK Petra Surabaya itu menyatakan bahasa lisan yang ditulis itu dikenal dengan istilah alay. Dirinya baru mengetahui bahwa istilah bahasa alay itu justru dari penelusuran melalui facebook. Yang jelas, bahasa alay itu mencampur aduk antara tulisan, lisan, da...

Cucu Tewas, Mandela Batal Hadiri Acara Pembukaan

Nelson Mandela dipastikan tidak akan menghadiri acara pembukaan putaran final Piala Dunia 2010. Kepastian ini didapat setelah mantan Presiden Afrika Selatan itu kehilangan seorang cucunya yang tewas dalam kecelakaan mobil. Kepastian tidak hadirnya Mandela ini diumumkan Yayasan Nelson Mandela, Jumat (11/6). Mandela, tokoh dibalik suksesnya Afrika Selatan mendapat kepercayaan FIFA menjadi tuan rumah, tidak menghadiri acara pembukaan karena berduka menyusul tewasnya Zenani Mandela. "Tidak sepantasnya bagi Mandela untuk hadir dalam acara pembukaan," jelas Yayasan Nelson Mandela. Rakyat Afrika Selatan sebelumnya berharap tokoh demokrasi ini bisa hadir walau kondisi kesehatannya tidak bagus. Zenani Mandela, tewas hari ini, dua hari setelah ulang tahunnya yang ke-13. Ia tewas dalam kecelakaan mobil saat pulang seusai menyaksikan konser musik yang digelar untuk memeriahkan Piala Dunia di Soweto.

Twitter dan FIFA Bikin Halaman Khusus Piala Dunia

TWITTER JAKARTA, - Demam Piala Dunia 2010 diperkirakan bakal memuncak mulai Jumat (11/6/2010) malam nanti begitu ajang kompetisi sepakbola terakbar ini dibuka. Twitter pun telah mengantisipasi euforia pengguna layanan mikroblogingnya selama Piala Dunia 2010 nanti dengan mempersiapkan halaman khusus bersama FIFA.

iPhone 4, Generasi Keempat Seratus Fitur

Lupakan kasus prototipe iPhone anyar yang ditemukan di toilet sebuah bar. Pada akhirnya iPhone 4 itu akan segera dikonsumsi publik. Pada Senin lalu, ponsel pintar itu secara resmi diluncurkan dan mulai dikapalkan pada 24 Juni mendatang. Tak tanggung-tanggung, Apple menanamkan lebih dari 100 fitur baru di dalam ponsel yang akan dijual dalam varian hitam dan putih itu. Namun, pada peluncuran di Konferensi Pengembang Apple Sedunia di San Francisco, Steve Jobs menggarisbawahi sembilan fitur penting. Perubahan paling nyata tampak pada tubuhnya. iPhone 4 memakai material kaca di bagian muka dan belakang. Di sudut-sudutnya ada "pita" dari baja stainless yang merupakan bagian dari sistem antena. Ini pertama kalinya vendor ponsel mengintegrasikan antena Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS, UMTS, dan GSM pada struktur ponsel. "Ini belum pernah dilakukan sebelumnya," kata Jobs. Ponsel ini memiliki tebal 9,3 milimeter atau 24 persen lebih tipis daripada pendahulunya, iPhone 3GS. Laya...

A Close Look at, the URL Shortening Service

The rise of Twitter and instant messaging has made more popular. The URL-shortening free service has become very useful tool for users across the web. According to company official blog, is getting nearly 5 billion clicks per month. Additionally, as per Google double click ranking, the website has become 76 th most-visited destination which is ahead of sites like eBay, MapQuest and the New York Times. It got a huge popularity last year when Twitter, the microblogging site where users shrink long URLs to fit tweets within the 140-character limit, replaced TinyURL with as the default link shortener. URL shorteners help people share links to webpages they like without having to copy a long URL onto the place that may contain letters, numbers and symbols. The service was launched in 2008. has some additional features compared to other URL shorteners such as TinyURL like letting users track statistics on how many people clicked their links and how many other p...

Penerima Adipura 2010 Meningkat

Jumlah kota penerima anugerah adipura, atau kota dengan predikat terbersih tahun 2010, meningkat dibanding tahun sebelumnya. "Terjadi peningkatan dibanding tahun 2009," kata Menteri Lingkungan Hidup, Gusti Muhammad Hatta di Jakarta, Selasa (8/6). Menteri menjelaskan, pada tahun 2009 penerima Adipura sebanyak 126 kota dan pada tahun 2010 ini menjadi 140 kota. Menurut menteri peningkatan jumlah kota tersebut disebabkan adanya perubahan paradigma di beberapa daerah di Indonesia. "Kesadaran pemerintah daerah dan masyarakat untuk menjaga kebersihan kota semain meningkat," katanya. Bahkan menurutnya, kesadaran tersebut bukan hanya di dorong dari keinginan mendapatkan adipura, melainkan keinginan untuk menciptakan kota yang nyaman dan bersih. Beberapa kota yang menerima anugerah adipura tahun 2010 untuk kategori kota metropolitan yakni Palembang, Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta Selatan, Surabaya, Tanggerang, Jakarta Utara, Jakarta Timur, Jakarta Barat dan Bekasi.

How Are Spam, Twitter and Protection Center Rogue Related?

Is there a possibility for Twitter to be related to rogue? It looks that the answer to this question is YES. Security experts from Websense have recently detected a new Twitter-related spam campaign spreading rogueware. Let's find out the whole truth about this threat together. First of all, it has to be noted that the attack starts with a spam message purportedly being sent by Twitter and coming with the subject line "Reset your Twitter password". Victimized users are asked to click on the provided link or paste it into the browser. Websense claims to have detected about 55,000 cases of this malicious Twitter spam campaign. So what happens if the recipient clicks on the provided link? As it may be expected, that is where the real malicious attack begins. The link asks the victimized user to download an executable called password.exe. This is a malicious file and drops on the infected system rogue anti-virus application called Protection Center. An interesting thi...

Bar codes get around town and get more useful

It used to be that the only time you'd notice a bar code was at a store, maybe when a cashier scanned your groceries. But lately bar codes are showing up in more places around town — and getting more sophisticated. You might have seen one cousin of the traditional bar code: Known as a QR code, this jumble of little squares randomly arranged within a larger square is popping up on everything from bus stop billboards to restaurant windows. If you spot one and snap it with your cell phone camera, the device can show you a website, photo or video related to the advertiser. For example, Google Inc. is giving businesses stickers with QR codes that passers-by can scan. That brings up a link to a mobile version of a Google page where the business can post coupons and information about themselves. Soon the codes could lead to other avenues for connecting with customers in ways businesses can measure and control. That could help them target advertisements to the people who are most likel...

Yahoo's site mirrors Facebook in latest facelift

Yahoo Inc.'s latest facelift will include a Facebook touchup. As part of changes rolling out this week, Yahoo will import personal updates from Facebook's social network for users who want a bridge between two of the world's most popular websites. The Facebook link will need to be turned on by each Yahoo user. The personal updates, known as a "news feed" in Facebook's parlance, will be available throughout Yahoo's website, including its front page and e-mail service. Other tools will empower people to automatically let their Facebook friends know what they are doing and saying on Yahoo services such as its photo-sharing site, Flickr. The additional tie-ins follow through on a makeover that Yahoo announced late last year in an effort to make its website more compelling.

Apple Revealed HTML/Web Standard

Apple Store faced increasing criticism before for not being more open, Apple recently announced that there is a portion of its devices that is totally open:the Web. If developers do not like some of the restrictions of Apple store, they can build their new Web Apps. But, the critics think that this is the best interest of Apple so that people make native apps for their devices, not web apps that can be used anywhere. Apple's HTML 5 page on its site establishes the fact what you can do with the technology. There are seven unique things you can do using only HTML5: Video, Typography, Gallery, Transitions, Audio, 360, and VR. "Standards are not add-on to the web," says Apple. But, the odd is that you can only view those things using Apple's Safari Browser. You can not use other HTML5 compliant browser like Google Chrome. If you try to load the application in different browser, you will get error message "The demo was designed with the latest web standards sup...

Tembus Blokade Gaza Dari Pintu Rafah Mesir

$ 200.000 Diaspora taps Facebook privacy concerns to raise $200,000

Four idealistic students at New York University have raised $200,000 to fund a project building a more privacy-centric social network. Diaspora isn't likely to take Facebook down just yet, but after a very flattering introduction in the New York Times a few weeks back the group watched hundreds of small donations flood in - more than 6,400 donations have been pledged so far - and in less than one month. Zuckerberg himself is rumoured to have contributed. The four wrote on Monday that they had expected to scrape an initial $10,000 together through Kickstarter, the creative project funding site, from friends and family - but recognise they have "struck a chord with the world and identified a problem which needs to be solved". That 'problem' is the need for what they describe as a "privacy-aware, personally controlled, do-it-all, open source social network". "You may not hear too much from us in the coming months and we will try our best to pro...

Google-owned DoubleClick buys ad tech startup

DoubleClick Inc., an Internet ad service owned by Google Inc., said Thursday that it bought online ad technology startup Invite Media. Invite Media, which is based in New York and Philadelphia, makes tools to help marketers bid on online advertising space. Financial terms of the acquisition were not disclosed. Google bought DoubleClick in March 2008 for $3.2 billion. More recently, the online search leader passed the final regulatory hurdle in its $750 million acquisition of mobile ad service AdMob in May when the Federal Trade Commission unanimously approved that purchase.

Teen Bill Gates was problem child for mum, says dad

A teenage Bill Gates was such a problem child that he and his parents had to go through family therapy for two years, the Microsoft founder's dad has revealed. "Things obviously worked themselves out," the New York Daily News quoted Gates Sr., 84, as telling the crowd in the auditorium of the storied 92nd Street Y. He went on: "Our family was pretty typical as families go, with conflicts arising between parents and children at a certain age. "There's fighting against discipline, and that's the situation we had. In this particular case it was mostly between Bill and his mother." Gates Jr., nicknamed Trey at home, said: "Mom was on the front line. "But Dad was in reserve."

Google Chrome, live on Linux and Mac.

Dituding Bocorkan Data, FB Kebanjiran IkIan

Jejaring sosial terbesar di dunia, Facebook, baru-baru ini digugat oleh penggunanya karena dituduh membocorkan data pribadi pengguna kepada para pengiklan. Salah seorang pengguna Facebook asal South Lake Tahoe California, David Gould, menuding Facebook telah mengingkari kebijakan privasinya. Yaitu dengan mengungkap data-data pengguna yang mengeklik iklan di Facebook, meliputi nama asli, kota tempat tinggal, asal sekolah, serta daftar teman-teman. Menurut Gould, kepada para pengiklan, Facebook mengirimkan referrer header setiap saat ada pengguna Facebook yang mengeklik iklan. Jadi setiap kali pengiklan menerima referrer header itu, para pengiklan bisa melihat profil pengguna spesifik yang telah mengeklik iklan itu. Apalagi, kata Gould, saat itu, kebijakan privasi yang lama memungkinkan pengiklan juga mengakses nama username maupun foto pengguna Facebook, mengingat banyak di antara mereka yang tidak mengutak-atik pengaturan privasi mereka.

Search Engine for Muslims provides users one of the most powerful engines to educate, search and research. Users are given the ability to determine whether websites or content within a site is “haram” or “halal”, and are encouraged to discuss their views and opinions in a social manner, as content cannot be dictated on the basis of what one person solely believes. By interacting in this social forum, we are helping one another to understand and consider why certain things are halal or haram. About Taqwa Taqwa is the Islamic concept of constant awareness of Allah (God). In the Qur’an Taqwa is explained as “right conduct”, “piety”, “guarding oneself”, “guarding against evil”(Q 2:197 and 22:37), and “piety of hearts” (Q 22:32). Taqwa, therefore, is an attribute of a believer inspired by Allah.

Six Tips To Ensure Privacy on Facebook and Other social networks

Facebook has just won its court battle in Pakistan and reaffirmed its restoration in the country . The privacy issue continues to besiege the social networking ace. However, for all those Facebook -buffs who are in no mood to celebrate Quit Facebook Day, you can better tighten your privacy. A week ago, Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckberg, while addressing the privacy issues , had announced that suggesting the plans would roll out simplified controls. The new tools will offer users one menu with three settings that determine who can see shared content - friends, friends of friends and everyone. To boost up your security you can surely get on with some cool tips by Symantec for on social network to protect their personal information . The foremost thing is never to share your password for facebook or any other social networking site with anyone not even your best friend or spouse. warned that photos, videos and comments posted on the web are often there forever. Never post anything you w...

Open vs. Fast, Good vs. Evil, Google vs. Facebook

The landscape of the community-engineered social web, the one based on open technologies, has changed dramatically over the past few months. If you took a year off and just came back, you would probably not recognize it at all. The movement that started with protocols such as OpenID, OAuth, and Activity Streams, is now mostly gone. All the cool kids got grownup jobs and the market is back again driven by a small number of corporations. In fact, it is so small it can be counted on two fingers. A year ago, a meeting with Chris Messina, David Recordon, Joseph Smarr, Monica Keller, Will Norris, Luke Shepard, and John Panzer represented 7 different organizations or communities – a well-balanced mix of big and small, corporate and independent. Today it’s just Facebook and Google and that has significant implications. But when examining how these two companies engage in the development of open technologies, the findings are quite surprising. On the product side, Google is famous for their...