Facebook has just won its court battle in Pakistan and reaffirmed its restoration in the country. The privacy issue continues to besiege the social networking ace. However, for all those Facebook-buffs who are in no mood to celebrate Quit Facebook Day, you can better tighten your privacy. A week ago, Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckberg, while addressing the privacy issues, had announced that suggesting the plans would roll out simplified controls. The new tools will offer users one menu with three settings that determine who can see shared content - friends, friends of friends and everyone. To boost up your security you can surely get on with some cool tips by Symantec for on social network to protect their personal information.
- The foremost thing is never to share your password for facebook or any other social networking site with anyone not even your best friend or spouse.
- warned that photos, videos and comments posted on the web are often there forever. Never post anything you would want a grandmother or future employer to see.
- Avoid posting sensitive information such as email or birthday.
- Never share any status updates that informs about your current location, for instance say "Off to L.A for the weekend".
- In any social network always ignore the links supposedly send from friends with enticing titles such as "Check Out The Best Beach Bods". These links are most likely to come from a hacker who broke into a friend's account.
- Make sure that the links posted on your Facebook wall are safe. Use an Internet security software. There are security vendors such as Norton can make a complete task.