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Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2010

Inilah Tiga Operator Telekomunikasi Peringkat 10 Teratas

Edelman dan Brandtology meluncurkan edisi ke-tiga dari triwulan Digital Brand Indeks (DBI 10.2) Indonesia. Berdasarkan data dari Januari-Maret 2010, DBI mendapati pertumbuhan signifikan diskusi online untuk operator-operator telekomunikasi di Indonesia. Tiga operator telekomunikasi Indonesia, Indosat, Telkomsel, dan Excelcomindo, terus berada di peringkat 10 teratas yang paling banyak dibicarakan untuk brand-brand teknologi di saluran-saluran yang disurvei dari Januari sampai Maret 2010. Indosat mendapatkan 102 persen peningkatan dengan total penyebutan sebanyak 11,610 kali, Telkomsel mendapatkan 137 persen peningkatan dengan total penyebutan sebanyak 8,851 kali, dan Excelcomindo mendapatkan peningkatan 204 persen dengan total penyebutan sebanyak 8,212 kali. Microblogs dan forum web memberikan kontribusi mayoritas penyebutan untuk Indosat dan Excelcomindo (lebih dari 90 persen), sementara untuk Telkomsel, situs berita memberikan kontribusi sebanyak 26,4 persen penyebutan.

How To Recognize Valid URL from Text

Twitter and host of Twitter clients as well as tons of other programs have to recognize valid URL's (protocol defined in RFC 1738) from plain text and hyperlink them. Unfortunately dues tyo lazyness (or lack of knowledge) of the programmers such URL detection schemes are often hare-brained and fails torecognize valid URL's properly. URL can use a wide variety of characters and you need to recognize all of them to properly identify and isolate an URL from surrounding text. Here is a simple guide for programmers (based on RFC 1738 obviously): In general, URLs are written as follows: : A URL contains the name of the scheme being used ( ) followed by a colon and then a string (the ) whose interpretation depends on the scheme. Scheme names consist of a sequence of characters. The lower case letters "a"--"z", digits, and the characters plus ("+"), period ("."), and hyphen ("-") are allowed. For resiliency...

Top Ten Reasons To Hate Apple iPad

There are loud talks in this Grammy - Stephen Colbert has an iPad. Does it make any difference to his talent. The political satirist had a point to contemplate, when he said what kind of pocket did that come out of. This sounded like a chaffing on the Cupertino men who had always boasted about their near-perfect creations. But this time they landed on the wrong Foot. Apple's iPad could do what Vista did for Microsoft. With an unprecedented hype and rumors, Apple's tabled seemed to be something close to the gadget of the millennium.  But, then you don't need to buy a gadget only because it has Steve Jobs associated with it.  We decided to pick out the top 10 reasons to hate Apple iPad. 1. Based on the OS of iPhone At the first glimpse it appears that iPad is a stretched version of iPhone.  However, the OS and interface is the same. What's the big deal in using the same phone features in a bigger device. What irks most is that you have drag-and-drop feature. 2. No multi...

Facebook privacy hole 'lets you see where strangers plan to go'

Facebook: released new Graph API last Friday. Photograph: Linda Nylind Facebook's new system for connecting together the web seems to have a serious privacy hole, a web developer has discovered. Some people report that they are able to see the public "events" that Facebook users have said they will attend – even if they person is not a "friend" on the social network. The discovery was made by Ka-Ping Yee, a software engineer for the charitable arm of Google, who was trying out the search query system known as the " Graph API " released by Facebook last Friday. In some cases – though not all – it will let you see the public events that people have said they will attend, or have attended.

Hugo Chávez embraces Twitter to fight online 'conspiracy'

Hugo Chávez on his TV show, Alo Presidente. Photograph: Prensa Miraflores/EPA Think of a camel passing through the eye of a needle, or an irresistable force meeting an immovable object, or a giant round peg in a tiny square hole, and you get the idea: Hugo Chávez meets Twitter. Venezuela 's prolix president, a leader who does not speak so much as bathe in words, thousands of them at a time, is embracing the microblogging site, which caps utterances at 140 characters. Chávez opened a Twitter account yesterday, using the tag "cadanga", which in Venezuelan Spanish means daring or rebellious.

Amankah Berkicau di Twitter?

Kicauan Twitter makin riuh saja dan menjadi populer saat ini. Saking riuhnya, Indonesia menduduki peringkat kedua negara dengan pemakai Twitter terbanyak di Asia. Jika tahun lalu hanya sekitar 500 ribuan, kini telah mencapai 5 jutaan. Menurut data Google yang dikeluarkan pada 20 Februari 2010 menunjukkan peringkat sepuluh besar negara di Asia dengan jumlah pemakai Twitter terbanyak adalah: 1. Jepang: 9.9 juta 2. Indonesia: 5,1 juta 3. India: 4,2 juta 4. Korea Selatan: 1,5 juta 5. Filipina: 1,3 juta 6. Thailand: 910 ribu 7. Malaysia: 910 ribu 8. Cina: 680 ribu 9. Singapura: 240 ribu Meningkatnya pengguna Twitter berarti peluang dan berbagai potensi lain juga meningkat, tak terkecuali cyber crime. Apalagi system microblogging burung hijau itu amat terbuka dan sangat rentan disusupi peretas. Bagi pengguna Twitter perlu untuk membentengi diri. Hal tersebut akan melindungi diri kita saat asyik berkicau dengan burung biru yang lagi populer.

Hukum Facebook, Sebuah Tinjauan Fiqh Islamy

Bismillah. Begitu ramainya tentang pembahasan hukum facebook di Indonesia. sampai beberapa ulama di Jawa Timur merasa untuk meninjau kembali hukum menggunakan dan mengakses salah satu situs jejaring terbesar didunia ini. dan kabar yang beredar bahwa hukum mengakses facebook adalah haram. Berikut adalah tinjauan hukum penggunaan facebook dan mengaksesnya serta tak lepas juga hukum menggunakan dan mengakses situs-situs jejaring yang lainnya seperti friendster dan lain-lain. Facebook dan situs-situs yang lainnya serta penggunaan internet adalah suatu hal yang baru. dengan artian belum ada pada jaman Rosulullah -sholallahu 'alaihi wasallam- dan para sahabatnya. Internet ada pada jaman modern seperti sekarang. Jadi tidak ada dalil khusus dari Al-Qur'an dan As-Sunnah tentang hukum dari menggunakan jasa internet atau mengakses situs tersebut. Akan tetapi kaedah fiqhiyah mengatakan "hukum asal dari sesuatu adalah mubah (boleh)." berangkat dari kaedah tersebut. kita da...

Demonoid site Down again in April 2010

It's a catastrophe for the regular users of as they found their favorite torrent site server down today. Many people are incessantly trying to get the torrent for their favorite MP3s, videos, movies or software updates from Demonoid, but could not find. is undoubtedly one of the best torrent websites, you can rely upon. The website provides a good interface that is less prone to offer you with malicious content. Only one out of hundred torrents might be a virus. This accounts for the immense popularity of the site among other torrent providers. Today the dedicated users of Demonoid stumbled upon The first time users who found the site through a search engine, didn't bother much at the server down, whereas those who have libraries ofsoftware on the site and collect data every day from it, found it devastating.

Berjanji Menikah Dengan Seorang Perempuan

Assalamualaikum wr wb Pak ustadz, saya seorang pria 17 tahun dan saat ini saya sedang menyukai seorang perempuan. Di sekolah saya termasuk siswa yang berprestasi, sehingga perasaan suka saya ini paling tidak begitu terpengaruh oleh kehidupan untuk masa depan. Kami sering bertemu, karena kebetulan kami satu sekolah. Saat itu, saya pernah mengatakan kepadanya tentang perasaan suka saya dan saya berjanji akan menikah dengannya kelak setelah mempunyai pekerjaan. dan perempuan tersebut bersedia untuk menunggu saya di kemudian hari. pertanyaan saya: 1. Bolehkah saya berkomitmen seperti itu ? 2. Apakah boleh seorang perempuan menunggu untuk dinikahi kelak ? 3. Bagaimana caranya untuk mengatur rasa cinta yang disenangi Allah ? Jazakumullah khairun jaza' wassalamu'alaikum wr wb Abdullah Gresik Jawaban: Assalamu `alaikum Wr. Wb. Fenomena yang seringkali terjadi di tengah masyarakat adalah adanya sepasang kekasih yang memadu janji untuk saling memiliki dan nantinya akan membangu...

Facebook ends Facebook Lite

Facebook has put a full stop to its "Lighter Cousin" a.k.a Facebook Lite. Facebook Lite, launched in September 2009 in India and United States was aimed at the users, who prefer to use only basic features of the main site, instead of the clutter one. Facebook Lite used to serve the users with the most trivial social networking features of Facebook, such as accepting friends' requests, updating profile status, post photos and videos, writing on friends' wall etc. With its simpler interface, the slimmed-down site was gradually gaining popularity among the users, only when the Facebook admin has decided its fate. The company has not offered any proper reason behind shutting down Lite. Facebook stated that, We're no longer supporting it, but learned a lot from the test of a slimmed-down site. If you used Lite, you'll now be taken to the main site.

Facebook Privacy Issue: Facebook Apps Breach Your Privacy

Facebook Privacy issues never seem to end. Did you ever care to know Facebook's new policy will allow Facebook apps to access your personal data. Even the quizzes you take might store your preferences. With the new changes Facebook apps will no longer connect to Facebook servers, but data required for the apps will already be available. According to Joey Tyson's blog's, the changes makes Facebook highly vulnerable to the attackers. He adds that opportunities for behavioral targeting and visitor tracking are increased since developers can now maintain complete archives of profile information. Another significant evidence is provided by ACLU, which launched awareness campaign surrounding the privacy issues of Facebook applications. ACLU reads, Even if your Facebook profile is private, when you take a quiz, an unknown quiz developer could be accessing almost everything in your profile: your religion, sexual orientation, political affiliation, pictures, and groups. Facebook...

Ponsel Android Terbaru Dilengakapi Satelit Navigasi

Google Maps pada ponsel Android terbaru kini memiliki fitur satelit navigasi. Raksasa mesin pencarian tersebut merilis update layanan mapping untuk ponsel Android sehingga memudahkan penggunanya menemukan sebuah lokasi. Layanan yang masih dalam versi beta tersebut, untuk saat ini bisa didapatkan secara gratis. Versi terbaru Google Maps ini kompatibel dengan semua ponsel yang dijalankan dengan OS Android versi 1.6 ke atas seperti Motorola Milestone, HTC Desire atau Nexus One. Menurut Telegraph, ketika pengguna mencari arah yang ditujunya, opsi 'Navigate' kini muncul pada layar ponsel. Jika diterima, ponsel kemudian mengunduh semua rute jalan. Ini berarti penerima data atau sinyal tidak penting untuk keseluruhan durasi. Double-tap pada layar juga memperbesar gambar Street View Google jika sinyal data tersedia.

The 7 Universal Laws of Social Marketing Success & Profit

Do you know how to use Social Media & Social Marketing for success in your business? You will when you read and use these 7 Universal Laws. There are lots of differing opinions about how to be successful with Social Media and Social Marketing, and whether it is worth it at all. To that end, here are the 7 Universal Laws for Social Marketing Success & Profit. The Law of Relationship – This Social Media thing is all based on relationship. Gone are the days when you could just throw up a website, get some traffic and make sales, all while hiding behind your computer. If those days were ever really here at all…Social marketing is based on the relationship you have with your followers, prospects and customers.

Resep Masakan KFC Extra Crispy Yang Terbongkar

"Kejahatan" yang Dilakukan Wanita di Facebook

Banyak hal yang bisa Anda lakukan di Facebook. Tidak hanya sebagai wadah bersosialisasi, situs jejaring ini juga bisa dijadikan tempat untuk memantau dan memengaruhi orang lain. Menurut beberapa pria, seperti yang dikutip dari, wanita bisa memanfaatkan Facebook, tidak hanya dalam hal positif, tapi juga hal negatif. Salah satunya jika terkait masalah hubungan dengan lawan jenis. Berikut opini beberapa pria yang membeberkan hal mengejutkan yang bisa dilakukan wanita di Facebook. 1. Membuat profil palsu untuk menguntit mantan pacar Hal satu ini mungkin tampak sedikit ekstrem. Tapi, banyak wanita sengaja membuat profil palsu untuk bisa memantau mantan pacar tanpa diketahui pasangannya. Daripada menelepon atau mengirimkan sms, sekadar menulis "Apa kabar?" di wall Facebook, cara ini memang lebih aman.

Apple Screwed Up Handling iPhone Gizmo-gate

It appears the saga of the lost (or stolen) iPhone prototype is drawing to a close. Tech blog Gizmodo, which paid $5000 for an unreleased, next-gen iPhone and then posted a detailed preview of the handset, now reports it has returned the device to Apple. Since Cupertino's legal sharks requested in writing that Gizmodo return the iPhone, there's little doubt the handset is the real deal. The result? Well, the world won't top spinning, but Apple may decide to make Gizmodo's life miserable with some sort of nasty legal action. Perhaps more importantly for Apple, the big reveal may curtail the media hype that will accompany the new iPhone's summer launch. In fact, the next-gen iPhone has already lost much of its mystery, if not its allure. Thanks to Gizmodo's scoop--ethically questionable or not--we already know what the new iPhone will look like, even though many of its finer attributes remain unknown.

PNS Golongan III A, Terpaksa Jadi Pembersih Lantai

MENGEPEL: Inilah pekerjaan sehari-hari Jack Lord di sehari-hari. Meski golongan kepegawaiannya III A, namun dia tetap ditempatkan sebagai pengepel lantai.(Syahrul Muchlis/Riau Pos) Matahari sudah semakin tinggi di atas Gedung Kantor Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan (LPMP) Riau di Jalan Gajah, Kecamatan Tenayan Raya, Pekanbaru. Beberapa orang lalu-lalang di kantor tersebut, namun seseorang berseragam dinas yang akhirnya diketahui bernama Jack Lord (30) masih tetap berkutat dengan tangkai sapu dan kain lap untuk membersihkan beberapa lantai ruangan di kantor tersebut. Warga Jalan Genteng Perumahan Tampan Permai, Kelurahan Tuah Karya, Kecamatan Tampan, ini, sebenarnya adalah seorang PNS golongan III A, namun saat bercerita dengan Riau Pos di kantor tersebut dia terkesan malu dan hampir tidak mau mengakui bahwa dia adalah PNS yang pernah menamatkan kuliah di Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (Fisip), Jurusan Ilmu Pemerintahan Universitas Riau (Unri) dengan indeks prestasi kumu...

Facebook Ties With Microsoft

Popular social networking site Facebook which has several millions of users all over the world has recently tied up with Redmond based software Behemoth Microsoft. The move may benefit both the companies. Facebook will be able to attract more users who are interested in using online applications. Similarly, Microsoft will be able to lock horns with arch rival Google whose Google docs are becoming increasingly popular with the web users with time. As per the deal, the users of Facebook will be able to make online documents using the online edition of Microsoft's latest office productivity suite, Office 2010. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook revealed the Facebook for Docs application in San Francisco at F8 developer's conference. The application still is in its beta version. Meanwhile, Microsoft has announced that is what the users will have to access for using online versions of latest office suite. The Facebook Microsoft tie up is clearly aimed to counter Goo...

Top Ten Best Microsoft Outlook 2010 Hacks and Tips

Microsoft Outlook 2010 comes with premium business and personal e-mail management tools to more than 500 million users worldwide. The new Outlook version has been designed to offer richer set of tools and features to meet the communication needs at office, home and school . With a revamped look, advanced e-mail organization, search and communication features. Outlook 2010 allows extended tools to increase productivity and to enhance your personal and business networks . We had already done with the 10 hacks and tips for Microsoft Office 2010 .  This time we assembled a unique list of 10 Microsoft Outlook hacks and tips. 1. How to add more search criteria Microsoft Office 2010 allows you to add criteria . Outlook 2010 presents a simple way to search the specific items, emails, files, calender events, tasks, etc immediately. When all the Outlook folders are indexed, you can search items for specific folders and archives.  Let's have a look at different search options and ...

What I don’t like about Facebook Like button

Have you noticed the new " like " button , tucked in the " Comment " and " Share " options?  For any Facebook users, "like" button is just another feature that they find in Twitter and Digg, which allows them to share content with their social networks . When you click the Like button, a Link to that page is added to your Facebook profile and a story is shared with your friends . The new function will allow users to signal the content that they like on sites around the Internet . However, its not as simple as it looks, as users might be tricked into "Like" ing pages that they don't like at all. According to some marketers, Facebook will be using the data from these interactions to target them with related adverts once they return to However, Facebook spokesperson denied thatthe new tool will allows the company to track users product preference.  Still there's more to it. The websites owners can embed this con...

Kalau Suka Porno, Silakan Pakai Android

CEO Apple Steve Jobs saat memperkenalkan iPhoen OS 4. - AFP PHOTO/JUSTIN SULLIVAN CEO Apple Steve Jobs terkenal sering melontarkan kalimat pedas buat para pesaing bisnisnya. Kali ini Google yang kena sasarannya dengan mengomentari soal Android. Saat ditanya soal kebijakan Apple dalam menentukan aplikasi apa saja yang bisa muncul di App Store, Steve Jobs menyebut adanya tanggung jawab moral yang diterapkan Apple. Jobs menegaskan bahwa Apple tidak akan membolehkan konten porno di layanannya itu. "Orang yang kepengin pornografi silakan beli ponsel Android saja," ujar Steve Jobs dalam e-mail yang dilansir situs Tech Crunch , Senin (19/4/2010).

Bebo's UK losses revealed

Bebo's parent company, AOL, has said it will sell or shut the website. Photograph: Linda Nylind Bebo UK plunged into the red last year as post-tax profits fell 143% year on year in the 12 months to the end of May 2009, a performance that led its parent, AOL , to decide to sell or shut the struggling social networking website. The social networking website's UK business moved from a healthy post-tax profit of £2.6m in the previous year to a loss of £1.1m, a 143% year-on-year fall, according to figures for Bebo UK Ltd filed at Companies House. AOL acquired Bebo in 2008 for $850m (£550m) . Companies House figures show that turnover fell 29% year on year, from £8.8m to £6.2m, for the period, while operating profits were down 32% from £798,560 to £541,268.

The Top 7 Ways You can Detect Malware in Your System

Cybercriminals are making every effort to inject Malware in your system so that it is going to be difficult to detect. Many computers are loaded with this stuff but the users have no idea its there or how to get rid of it. It is very crucial to know what is running in your computer . This article highlights some of the useful anti malware utilities that can detect, remove and block malware from your system. Microsoft Process Explorer : Process Explorer shows you information about what processes are running on your system. It also describes each process. When your PC is running okay, you can runProcess Explorer to save a baseline. If anything goes wrong in your PC, you can see the differences between the list of processes beforehand and afterward. That may give you some clue about possibleMalware attack. Kaspersky's GetSystemInfo : GetSystemInfo is a free system program that gives you useful information about your system in order to troubleshoot technical issues. It can be us...

Your Google Password Might have been Compromised

In cyberattack December last year Google had intruders stealing vital information from its computer. However, the Mountain View company didn't reveal the exact nature and extent of the theft that involved closely guarded company secret. According to the latest reports in NYT, one of the Google's password system that controls access by millions of users worldwide to almost all of the company's web services including the email and business applications. Google's program code named Gaia was attacked in a lightning raid taking less than two days last December. Actually, Gaia allows users to sign in using their password for a range of services compromises during a two-day attack last December. However, it's a relief for Gmail users that their passwords have not been stolen.Google initiated the security changes to its networks. The intrusion began when Google employee in China clicked on a link sent in an instant message, which took the visitor to a corrupted website....

Apple's iPad war on Adobe and Flash

Last week's announcement by Apple that the UK launch of the iPad will be delayed by a month was the headline news for consumers, but for geeks a more significant development came on Thursday with some changes in the 21,000-word "agreement" that you have to sign if you are going to develop applications for Apple's iDevices. Section 3.3.1 of the document stipulates that "Applications must be originally written in Objective-C, C, C++, or JavaScript as executed by the iPhone OS WebKit engine, and only code written in C, C++ and Objective-C may compile and directly link against the documented APIs (eg, applications that link to documented APIs through an intermediary translation or compatibility layer or tool are prohibited)." Incomprehensible, eh? An API is an application programming interface – ie the protocol that programmers must follow if their software is to work with the iDevice. The really interesting clause, though, is the one enclosed in brackets. T...

Facebook battles for even more of your personal info with new 'like' tool

Can Facebook get any bigger? The F8 developer event on Wednesday will reveal a Facebook 'like' button that will expand the existing sharing options between Facebook and the rest of the web, reports the New York Times . The existing share button will add a favourite link to a user's profile, but the new 'like' feature makes that much more substantial, allowing publishers to offer a wider range of social sharing tools and giving Facebook more data and what is being shared and who by. Photo by recursion_see_recursion on Flickr. Some rights reserved In return, publishers get access to some of that information to contextualise information on that page - so rather than listing the most read articles on its site, the like feature could show which articles the reader's friends had recommended.

Porn virus publishes web history of victims on the net

A new type of malware infects PCs using file-share sites and publishes the user's net history on a public website before demanding a fee for its removal. The Japanese trojan virus installs itself on computers using a popular file-share service called Winni, used by up to 200m people. It targets those downloading illegal copies of games in the Hentai genre, an explicit form of anime. Website Yomiuri claims that 5500 people have so far admitted to being infected. The virus, known as Kenzero, is being monitored by web security firm Trend Micro in Japan. Masquerading as a game installation screen, it requests the PC owner's personal details. It then takes screengrabs of the user's web history and publishes it online in their name, before sending an e-mail or pop-up screen demanding a credit card payment of 1500 yen (£10) to "settle your violation of copyright law" and remove the webpage. Held to ransom The website that the history is published on is ow...

Google Again Posts Big Jumps In Sales And Profits

Google’s streak of strong quarters continues: The company just posted big increases in quarterly profits and revenue. Net revenue at the search giant was up 19 percent to $5.06 billion, compared to $4.1 billion a year ago. Net income increased to $1.96 billion, up from $1.4 billion a year ago. Both figures were squarely in line with analysts’ expectations. In after-hours trading, however, the company’s stock is down slightly. The performance comes as reports have said that the search market is recovering faster than anticipated. (Even during the midst of the recession, however, Google ( NSDQ: GOOG ) continued to grow). A report earlier this week , for instance, said that search-ad spending had jumped 20 percent during the first quarter. Some highlights: — Capital expenditures : Capital expenditures were only $239 million during the quarter, up slightly from the company’s $221 million in capital expenditures last quarter. That’s much less than what analysts had expected—and ...

Facebook Software Sexual Predators

Facebook believes 'under the radar' checks developed by its engineers are more important for keeping its site safe than public deterrents such as a Ceops 'panic button'. Photograph: Linda Nylind Facebook has developed sophisticated algorithms to monitor its users and detect inappropriate and predatory behaviour, bolstering its latest raft of initiatives to improve the safety of its users. Having launched an education campaign, an improved reporting procedure and a 24/7 police hotline on Monday, Facebook told the Guardian that it has introduced a number of algorithms that track the behaviour of its users and flag up suspicious activity, including members with a significant number of declined friend requests and those with a high proportion of contacts of one gender. Another filter, common on web publishing sites, scans photo uploads for skin tones and blocks problem images – the "no nipples" filter that caused pictures of b...

Apple iPad blocked in Israel

The Apple iPad’s stronger signal could throw off others’ wireless connections, Israeli officials said. Photograph: Reuters Israel has banned imports of Apple 's new product, the iPad , amid concerns that its Wi-Fi signals could disrupt other devices. Customs officials said yesterday they have already confiscated about 10 of the lightweight tablet computers since Israel announced the new regulations this week. The ban prevents anyone, even tourists, from bringing iPads into Israel until officials certify that they comply with local transmitter standards. The US federal communications commission allows devices with Wi-Fi capability to broadcast at higher power levels than are allowed in Europe and Israel meaning that the iPad 's stronger signal could throw off others' wireless connections, Israeli officials said.

Daratan Baru Haloban Diawali Letusan

Misteri di balik munculnya daratan baru berbentuk gunung di perairan Haloban, Kecamatan Pulau Banyak, Aceh Singkil, mulai agak tersibak. Warga Haloban ternyata mendengar suara letusan dahsyat dari arah laut pada Selasa (13/4) malam, baru esoknya seorang nelayan menemukan daratan baru yang menyemburkan lumpur di antara Pulau Tailana dan Madang Kati, sekitar tiga mil arah utara Haloban. Wartawan Serambi, Dede Rosadi mendapatkan informasi itu di Haloban (Pulau Tuangku), 40 mil (lima jam perjalanan naik boat) dari Kota Singkil pada Jumat (16/4) siang. Beberapa warga Haloban yang ditanyainya, mengaku sempat mendengar suara ledakan besar dari arah laut pada Selasa (13/4) malam. Namun, saat itu tidak ada warga yang menduga ledakan itu ada kaitannya dengan fenomena munculnya daratan baru di dekat Pulau Haloban pascagempa berkekuatan 7,2 skala Richter (SR) yang terjadi sepekan sebelumnya (Rabu dini hari, 7 April 2010). “Ya, kami dengar ada suara ledakan besar dari laut, tapi kami tidak menyan...

Amazing Ads for Earth Day

Pulau Aneh di Kecamatan Pulau Banyak, Singkil

  Suatu keanehan telah terjadi di Perairan Pulau Taelana Kecamatan Pulau Banyak, lokasi ini adalah tempat para nelayan mencari ikan dan udang namun pada tanggal 13 April 2010 seorang nelayan warga Desa Haloban mencoba melaut di lokasi ini, yang dikehendaki adalah ikan dan udang dapat ditemukan tetapi keadaan berobah sang nelayan hanya menemukan suatu keanehan, disini nelayan tersebut menemukan sebuah gundukan tanah didalam laut dengan puncaknya seperti kuali dan pada puncaknya ini ditemukan lumpur, adajuga sejenis benda padat berwarna hitam dan bila dibakar maka benda padat tersebut akan terbakar dan menimbulkan aroma (dlm gambar terlihat benda hitam tsb sedang dibakar), selain itu juga ada beberapa jenis batu salah satu diantaranya batu dengan benjolan benjolan berwarna kuning keemasan dan bila kena sinar akan memantulkan cahaya sebagaimana terlihat pada gambar ini. 

Top 7 Open Source Applications for Enterprise estimated that there are 230,000 open source projects on its site till Feb last year. Some of the projects are outdated, some of them do no not provide any support and others are in development phase. So, it is hard to find the right one for your need. I jot down 7 best open source applications after going through different news articles that can be used for enterprise environment. * Network Monitoring with Zenoss: For enterprises, system administrator needs to monitor services and see that hosts are up and running. Zenoss is used for Availability monitoring and Performance monitoring, Event monitoring and Inventory Tracking. It is compatible with hosts SNMP, SSH, Windows WMI, Nagios agents, etc. The software is written in Python and uses mySql as the back end. * Managing Identities with OpenDS: SUN's OpenDS is a free, open directory service which is written in Java. It uses Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and related standards. As more and more ente...

Osama bin Laden’s Facebook account disabled

Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden's profile on social networking website Facebook has been shut down, after a security expert raised the issue with the website's U.S. owners. According to reports, Osama had a Facebook page named "The leader of the Mujahideen, Osama bin Laden", and he used it as a platform to show videos and speeches to Islamic militants. Talking about the decision, Facebook spokesman Andrew Noyes said that the company could not ascertain if the profile belonged to Osama or was fake. "People often attempt to register fake accounts under the name of famous or infamous people, and we have a number of technical measures designed to prevent this behavior," Fox News quoted Noyes, as saying.

Microsoft Bantah Perlakukan Pegawai Seperti Tahanan

Microsoft menindaklanjuti laporan yang menyebutkan pihaknya telah mempekerjakan anak-anak dibawah umur dan memperlakukan mereka seperti tawanan dalam penjara. Sebelumnya, National Labor Committee (NLC) melaporkan bahwa salah satu pabrik penyuplai perangkat tetikus, kamera dan pengontrol game Xbox untuk Microsoft, mempekerjakan remaja berusia 16 dan 17 tahun dengan tidak manusiawi. Mendengar laporan tersebut, Microsoft segera melakukan investigasi ke pabrik bernama KYE yang berlokasi di provinsi Guangdong tersebut untuk mengecek kebenarannya. “Kami memiliki tim independen untuk melakukan investigasi lengkap dan menyeluruh,” tulis Brian Tobey yang mengepalai unit perangkat dan hiburan Microsoft dalam blognya, seperti dikutip dari Sydney Morning Herald, Sabtu (17/4/2010). “Jika kami menemukan pabrik tersebut tidak mengikuti standar Microsoft, kami akan menindaknya sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku,” tegasnya.

8 Pelajar Wanita Jadi Korban SMS Porno

Kasus berkirim SMS porno alias sexting yang membuat 8 pelajar wanita jadi korban, jadi berita cukup heboh di Amerika Serikat. Para pelakunya adalah empat pelajar teman sekolah korban sendiri di Yucaipa High School, California. Awalnya, polisi menerima laporan soal adanya postingan foto cabul siswa putri sekolah itu di sebuah website. Investigasi berhasil membuktikan, keempat siswa pria yang sama-sama masih berumur 15 tahun itu adalah pelakunya. Sejauh ini, sebanyak 8 siswa perempuan diketahui menjadi korban sexting itu. Para pelaku sexting memang belum dijebloskan ke bui, namun mereka terancam didakwa terlibat dalam kasus pornografi anak.

Differences of Google Nexus One and Apple iPhone

Which should I buy Google Nexus One or Apple iPhone ? This is a common question to the readers. Below I share some of my experiences on Nexus One vs. iPhone after using both of them for the past few days. I feels iPhone's back swipe much more intuitive than pressing the back icon of Nexus One Do you want to know the biggest difference of Nexus One vs. iPhone ? I need a manual to use Nexus One but with iPhone I never did and I am a hardcore techie. My personal experience is that with UI & usability improvements Nexus One can challenge iPhone, however it is not there yet. Sometimes small things make the biggest difference. Nexus One should focus more resources on making it more intuitive. Even the way to slide to unlock is not clear unlike iPhone.

Google hiring Goats: Baaa

Whack! You could see 200 goats chomping away the "grassy goodness" in Mountain View headquarters. Is the search-engine czar considering a new venture in business of chèvre. Google has hired hundreds of goats from California Grazing for a week - does it make any sense? Why would they do so, given their lucrative world-wide business? Well, Googleplex has designed a bats in the belfry solution for the overgrown field - goats…lol. It's not as ludicrous as it sounds. A feasibility study suggests: cost of bringing goats is comparable to hiring lawn mowers for the same job. More than this, the green benefits of hiring goats are obvious - cutting out on the mower emission; restoring plan species; fertilize while grazing; and reduce noise pollution. Google is out on honest effort to reduce the carbon footprint, perhaps the men in Mountain View are conscious of Albert "Al" Gore's An Inconvenient Truth (Oscar winning documentary on Earth's climate crisis). ...

Osama bin Laden has a page on Facebook

Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is reportedly using social networking website Facebook as a platform to show videos and speeches to Islamic militants. According to reports, Osama has a page named "The leader of the Mujahideen, Osama bin Laden" and his address is given as "the mountains of the world". Following the revelation, security experts have urged Facebook's US office to shut down the page.

Daftar Negara Pembuat Film Dewasa

Ternyata Indonesia termasuk negara yang ikut andil dalam semaraknya dunia film bokep dan diperingkat terakhir diduduki negara Malaysia. 1. Jepang Di jepang semua kategori film porno ada dari versi scat, bdsm, anime, dll. Di samping itu Jepang juga memiliki star bokep terkenal seperti Maria Ozawa, Sora aoi dan calon bintang baru yakni Madoka Ozawa, Maiko Yuki, Azumi Kawashima, Bunko Kanazawa. Negara nipon ini mempunyai film porno sekitar 1,4 milyar dalam 6 bulan. 2. USA Siapa yg tidak mengenal negara pengahasil Majalah playboy ini, di negara ini APAPUN BEBAS. Negara USA mengahsilkan 7 juta per jam film bokep.

Google CEO Schmidt Says 'high quality journalism will triumph'

The newspaper business has been absolutely decimated over the past decade as many news organizations adapted slowly to the changes brought forth by the Internet. But one of the men partly responsible for helping to usher in the new era of digital media (and advertising) is hopeful about the future of news. And he actually believes companies can make money off it. Google CEO Eric Schmidt -- speaking at the American Society of News Editors annual meeting in Washington D.C. -- reportedly said that high-quality journalism will prevail. Politico's Jake Sherman has a detailed report on Schmidt's remarks, including the high-tech executive's advice for making money off content on the Web. As has become a common refrain in the news media business, Schmidt also noted that there's more of a business model problem than a news problem facing the industry.

Twitter Rilis Platform Iklan

Sejak kemunculannya, banyak orang mempertanyakan soal bagaimana Twitter menghasilkan uang. Rencana Twitter untuk merilis platform iklan mungkin bisa menjawab rasa penasaran publik atas pertanyaan tersebut. Dulu, Twitter sempat 'ogah' pasang iklan. Mereka tidak mempertimbangkan pemasangan iklan sebagai salah satu sumber penghasilan mereka. Namun nampaknya, situs mikroblogging tersebut kini berubah pikiran. Seperti dilansir TechCrunch, Selasa (13/4/2010), Twitter akan merilis sebuah platform iklan yang nantinya akan berisi tweet bermuatan promosi. Berbagai tweet promosi tersebut bermunculan pada hasil pencarian Twitter mulai hari ini. Perlahan namun pasti, platform iklan ini diprediksi akan mengubah main feed Twitter secara bertahap.

Kalah Saing dengan Pornografi Internet, Klub Bugil Bangkrut

Peredaran pornografi di internet memang dahsyat dengan berbagai macam dampak. Bahkan sebuah klub bugil legendaris yang biasa menyajikan tarian telanjang bagi para pengunjungnya bangkrut gara-gara tidak kuat bersaing dengan konten mesum di dunia maya. Klub di Seattle, Amerika Serikat bernama Lusty Lady ini sudah mengabari para pegawai akan segera tutup. Di samping tekanan krisis ekonomi, pornografi internet juga dipersalahkan sebagai biang bangkrutnya klub tersebut. "Fakta bahwa Anda bisa mendapatkan pornografi kualitas tinggi dengan jumlah besar secara gratis di internet telah membuat dampak nyata (bagi kami)," ucap Darrel Davis, General Manager di Lusty Lady.

CEO Google Bocorkan 'gPad', Calon Penantang iPad

Google tampaknya makin serius memproduksi berbagai gadget andalan. Setelah menelurkan ponsel Nexus One, raksasa mesin cari ini dilaporkan sedang mempersiapkan komputer tablet berjuluk 'gPad' yang ditujukan untuk menghantam Apple iPad. Menurut laporan media New York Times, Chief Executive Google Eric Schmidt selip lidah sehingga dalam sebuah pesta internal, ia membocorkan tentang adanya pengembangan tablet tersebut. Schmidt mendeskripsikan tablet Google sebagai tablet reader yang punya fungsi komputasi. Dilansir V3 dan dikutip detikINET, Selasa (13/4/2010), tablet itu hampir bisa dipastikan mengandalkan sistem operasi Android berikut layanan konten di Marketplace. Sedangkan untuk menyediakan ebook, kemungkinan akan memakai layanan Google Books.

Sebuah Pelajaran Tentang Teknologi Ponsel

Bagaimana ponsel bekerja adalah menarik, tapi agak rumit untuk menjelaskan. Untuk membantu Anda, saya akan menjelaskan apa yang terjadi bila Anda mengambil telepon Anda dan membuat panggilan telepon. Jadi Anda punya telepon Anda di tangan Anda. Saya yakin Anda tahu bahwa bar sinyal pada layar menunjukkan seberapa baik sinyal telepon Anda dapatkan. Apakah yang menentukan ini adalah seberapa dekat Anda dengan stasiun pangkalan - yang adalah, antena yang terhubung ke jaringan, kabel telepon yang sebenarnya. stasiun Base merupakan inti dari sebuah jaringan telepon selular, dan ada banyak dari mereka. Di kota, mereka dapat sesedikit seperempat mil terpisah, dan bahkan jauh di pedesaan cenderung terjadi satu setiap lima mil atau lebih. Anda tidak cenderung melihat mereka, karena mereka pandai menyamar - sering di menara gereja, kadang-kadang bahkan menyamar sebagai pohon - tetapi mereka yang benar-benar di mana-mana.

Yahoo Introduces Daily News-Based Series

Yahoo's news site is launching a daily 90-second series based on its most popular stories. Yahoo says it is teaming with Toyota and the production company Reveille to make "Who Knew?". The feature made its debut Monday on the popular news page. Producers take the story that gets the most clicks on Yahoo's Web site and within 24 hours make a feature that offers background material. Something new will be posted each workday. Woody Thompson, who created the "Pop Up Video" series for VH1, helped make this new series. The first episode Monday offered details about the Shroud of Turin, including how many times it has been put on display.

Five Tips for IT Managers to Manage the Economic Downturn

Intelliden Inc ., a networking solution provider has briefed 5 key strategies that can help both the network and technology manager to monitor the current economic downturn and strategize such a way that the company performs better during economic upturn. Control cost without compromising the business : Technology Managers should consider the technologies that saves the cost. If you have a resource constraint, Network automation is a good choice. Automation of key network configuration management , compliance and provisioning processes helps companies to achieve more. Companies can also get the maximum of ROI from the past investments by recovering lost network assets. Simplify your technology : Recession is the time when you can simplify IT architectures, systems and processes. If the system is less in number, then it will be easier to manage with lesser people. You can simplify thetechnology environment by adopting commercial-off-the-shelf methodology. This way you can train y...

Top Ten Largest Deserts

10. Kara-Kum Desert, Uzbekistan / Turkmenistan The Karakum Desert, also spelled Kara-Kum and Gara Gum is a desert in Central Asia. It occupies about 70 percent, or 350,000 km², of the area of Turkmenistan. Covering much of present day Turkmenistan, the Karakum Desert lies east of the Caspian Sea, with the Aral Sea to the north and the Amu Darya river and the Kyzyl Kum desert to the northeast. In modern times, with the shrinking of the Aral Sea, the extended “Aral Karakum” has appeared on the former seabed, with an estimated area of 15,440 sq. The sands of the Aral Karakum are made up of a salt-marsh consisting of finely-dispersed evaporites and remnants of alkaline mineral deposits, washed into the basin from irrigated fields. The dusts blown on a powerful east-west airstream carry pesticide residues that have been found in the blood of penguins in Antarctica.

Daftar Honor Artis Indonesia

Bintang TV paling mahal 1.Dude Harlino : 45-50 Jt/ eps 2.Tukul Arwana : 35-40 Jt/ show 3.Tantowi Yahya : 30-35 Jt/ show 4.Deddy Mizwar : 26-31 Jt/ eps 5.Naysilla Mirdad : 25-30 Jt/ eps 6.Marshanda : 25-28 Jt/ eps 7.Baim Wong : 25-27 Jt/ eps 8.Rosianna Silalahi : 25-27 Jt/ eps 9.Shireen Sungkar : 20-25 Jt/ eps 10.Teuku Wisnu : 20 Jt/ eps Artis Musik paling mahal 1.Ungu : 400-500 Jt/ show 2.Peterpan : 350 Jt/ show 3.Nidji : 250 Jt/ show 4.Samsons : 90-100 Jt/ show 5.Letto : 80-90 Jt/ show 6.Kangen Band : 75-80 Jt/ show 7.The Rock : 70-75 Jt/ show 8.Gigi : 60-70 Jt/ show 9.Agnes Monica : 50-60 Jt/ show 10.Drive : 45-50 Jt/ show

Top 500 Valuable Brands in Business World

List of Top 500 valuable brands in business world. 1. Walmart 2. Google 3. Coca-Cola 4. IBM 5. Microsoft 6. GE 7. Vodafone 8. HSBC 9. HP 10. Toyota

Indeks International Fungsi Ereksi (IIEF)

Disfungsi ereksi (ED) adalah ketidak mampuan untuk mencapai atau mempertahankan ereksi penis yang cukup untuk melakukan hubungan seksual, terdapat pada jutaan laki-laki dengan berbagai derajat. Sebagian besar kasus penyebabnya bersifat organik, berupa penyakit pembuluh darah yang akan menurunkan aliran darah ke dalam penis. Terlepas dari penyebab utamanya, disfungsi ereksi memiliki dampak negatif terhadap harga diri, kualitas hidup dan hubungan interpersonal. Langkah awal dalam evaluasi adalah dengan mencari riwayat medis dan sosial secara rinci, termasuk penggunaan obat-obatan. Untuk menilai derajat/indeks ED secara sederhana dapat dilakukan dengan mempergunakan kuisioner seperti dibawah ini:

Harga dan Spesifikasi iPad Apple

iPad merupakan komputer yang tercanggih untuk saat ini yang berbentuk tablet. Ipad dirilis oleh Apple pada 27 januari 2010 yang lalu di Sanfransisco. Ipad dalah komputer yang mudah dibawa kemana saja, seperti perpaduan antara laptop dan smartphone. Modelnya agak-agak mirip dengan Iphone, tetapi iPad lebih besar dan layar yang lebih lebar. Untuk tau lebih lanjut, yuk kita intip spesifikasi dan harga IPad ini.

White Strawberry But Tastes Like Pineapple

A new kind of fruit that looks like a white strawberry but tastes like a pineapple is going on sale in the UK. Called pineberry, the strange-looking-variety of the popular summer fruit originated in South America where it grew wild. It had been near to extinction until seven years ago when Dutch began growing it commercially. Pineberries will be on sale for five weeks at selected Waitrose branches. A 125g punnet will cost £2.99 until April 13 and then sell for £3.99. Nicki Baggott, Waitrose fruit buyer, said: ”Pineberries offer our customers the chance to add a new fruit into their diet and the berry’s bright appearance can add an unusual decoration to sweet dishes.”

Top Ten Richest People in 2010

Mukesh Ambani is ranked fourth among the World's top 10 billionaires by the Forbes Magazine with total assets worth $29 billion followed by another Indian, steel tycoon L N Mittal, who ranked fifth with a total value of $28.7 billion. The Forbes Billionaires list for 2010 has witnessed Mexican Carlo Slim surpassing Bill Gates and Warrant Buffett to be the richest man on the earth. Slim's total worth rose $18.5 billion during the year to an estimated $53.5 billion, the Forbes Magazine said. Gates remained second with a fortune of $53 billion. Apart from Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani and Head of ArcelorMittal L N Mittal, there were four other Indian tycoons in the top 50 list and 49 others in the complete list of 1,011 billionaires. The four Indian businessmen, besides Ambani and Mittal, in the top 50 list are Azim Premji (ranked: 28, worth: $17 billion), Sashi Ruia and Ravi Ruia (ranked: 40, worth: $13 billion), and Savitri Jindal (ranked: 44, worth: $12.2 billi...

Facebook Hires Google Data Center Exec

Facebook announced today that Ken Patchett will be the manager of the company’s new data center in Prineville, Oregon. Patchett previously worked at Google, where he supervised the data center campus in The Dalles, Oregon. Patchett previously worked at Compag and the network operations team at Microsoft. “The people of Prineville have been so welcoming to Facebook and I look forward to working with the community going forward,” said Patchett. “With my previous experience in The Dalles, I have seen what the presence of a data center can do for a community and we look to have similar results here in Prineville. We have a lot to do to bring our energy efficient data center online early next year, and continue to be committed to hiring as many local people as possible to build and operate the facility.”

32 Rahasia Israel yang tidak Dipublikasikan

1. Tahukah anda bahwa selain ras yahudi, dilarang membeli atau menyewa tanah di Israel? 2. Tahukah anda bahwa setiap ras yahudi yang ada di setiap Negara di seluruh dunia menjadi warga Negara Israel secara otomatis? Sementara warga Palestina yang terlahir di tanah negerinya sendiri sejak puluhan abad yang lalu terus diusir ke luar Palestina? 3. Tahukah anda bahwa penduduk Palestina yang menetap di kawasan Israel harus menggunakan kendaraan dengan cat dan warna khusus untuk membedakan antara ras yahudi dan non yahudi? 4. Tahukah anda bahwa Yerusalem bagian timur, Tepi Barat, Gaza dan dataran tinggi Golan dianggap oleh masyarakat internasional khususnya barat dan Amerika sebagai kawasan yang dijajah Israel dan bukan merupakan bagian dari Israel?

'Facebook Ignores Demands For Panic Button'

Facebook is ignoring users' complaints about paedophile threats, according to the UK's top child abuse investigator. Parents are complaining that Facebook is ignoring their fears More than 250 Facebook users this year have reported concerns to the leading social networking site and have not had a response, said Jim Gamble, head of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (Ceop). The complaints were pursued by Ceop and have led to police investigations into sex grooming, bullying and hacking, Mr Gamble said. Some suspects have been arrested.

MySpace Users To Link Social Networks

MySpace hopes its move to allow users to share online content from other social networks will drive people back to their site. The social networking site said more similar features would soon be introduced Once the world's most popular social networking site, MySpace has fallen behind the likes of Facebook and Twitter. But a new MySpace service lets people connect all their web accounts, rather than having to choose between using one or the other.

Google CEO Says Newspapers Can Make Money Online

Google Inc. Chief Executive Eric Schmidt told a group of editors Sunday that he is confident that newspapers will find new ways to make money online by harnessing the vast reach of the Internet. Media executives have accused Google of draining readers and advertising from newspapers' Web sites. But in a speech to open the annual conference of the American Society of News Editors, Schmidt said Google recognizes that newspapers are vital to democracy and provide a critical source of online content. "We understand how fundamental your mission is," he said. Schmidt predicted that the news business will find a new model, based on a combination of advertising and subscription revenue. He said Google hopes to facilitate that, but he offered no specifics.

Kejahatan Seks Anak Melonjak, Facebook Dikecam

Maraknya kasus kejahatan seks yang melibatkan Facebook sedang jadi topik hangat di Inggris. Situs jejaring terpopuler ini dianggap abai terhadap keselamatan anak kecil, karena kurang berupaya membendung para predator seks beraksi via situs. Jim Gamble, kepala CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre), mengungkap pihaknya menerima komplain yang terus meningkat soal kasus pedofilia, pelecehan ataupun pembobolan account Facebook. Total ada 252 laporan soal kejahatan di Facebook dalam 3 bulan terakhir di tahun 2010. Hal ini merupakan lonjakan hampir 4 kali lipat dari tahun lalu, di mana 'hanya' ada 292 komplain dalam 12 bulan.

Samsung Galaxy: Another Android Blasts Off

  IT'S getting harder and harder to keep up with all the latest Android mobile phone launches. They are like buses. You wait ages for one, and then about six come along at once. Hot on the heels of the Sony Ericsson X10, LG's first in the GW620, HTC and its Legend and Desire plus Samsung's own Galaxy Portal now comes this beauty. Again it's a Samsung. Again it's a Galaxy but this is codenamed the S and we've no idea why. It's hardly catchy.

Timah Panas Itu Gagal Menembus Jantung

Cerita ini bermula ketika salah seorang pejuang yang menderita luka memasuki rumah sakit As Syifa’. Seorang dokter yang memeriksanya kaget ketika mengelahui ada sepotong proyektil peluru bersarang di saku pejuang tersebut. Yang membuat ia sangat kaget adalah timah panas itu gagal menembus jantung sang pejuang karena terhalang oleh sebuah buku doa dan mushaf al-Qur’an yang selalu berada di saku sang pejuang. Buku kumpulun doa itu berlobang, namun hanya sampul muka mushaf itu saja yang rusak, sedangkan proyektil sendiri bentuknya sudah “berantakan”. Kisah ini disaksikan sendiri oleh Dr Hisam Az Zaghah, dan diceritakannya saat Festival Ikatan Dokter Yordan sebagaimana ditulis situs partai Al Ikhwan Al Muslimun (23/1/2009).

Social Networks That Have Failed Under New Owners

AOL’s struggle to make Bebo profitable is not the first time that a social network has brought trouble to its new owners. Both the purchase of MySpace by News Corporation and of Friends Reunited by ITV has coincided with those networks losing huge amounts of value: Rupert Murdoch paid £364 million for MySpace, while ITV paid £175 million for Friends Reunited. MySpace is now valued for “next to nothing” according to former Merrill Lynch analyst Henry Blodget, and ITV sold Friends Reunited for £25 million last year.

Twitter App Launched for BlackBerry Handsets

The Twitter app for BlackBerry phones offers some cool new features   Twitter for BlackBerry smartphones has been released as a publicly available beta. The client has been tested internally by RIM since February, and the general release includes a number of extra features. The client enables BlackBerry users to tailor the way @replies and direct messages are pushed to their device, and new messages are sent in real-time so that users can respond instantly.

Should I Buy an iPad?

With all the hype the iPad has gained since even before its release, I know that a lot of you are wondering whether to buy one or not. Here’s a flowchart that might just make ur life simpler and help you find the answer

Windows 7 SP1 Beta Leak

Windows 7 SP1 has been leaked ahead of the beta cycle and its available as a torrent.  It's already downloaded from a number of torrent sites. One of the working strings being 6.1.7601.16537.amd64fre.win7.100327-0053. The Service Pack 1 was announced in March for both Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, but the release date was yet to be scheduled. According to Microsoft's Brandon LeBlanc, SP1 for Windows 7 will include minor updates along with the previous updates that have been already delivered through Windows update. The leak confirms Windows 7 SP1 will offer updated Remote Desktop client that adds RemoteFX functionality introduced in SP1 for Windows Server 2008 R2. What's unique, the Service Pack install process seems to take lesser time than service packs on Vista. If you are not to go for torrents, you can wait for Microsoft to announce the release date. For now you can catch up with the screenshots of Windows SP1 on GeekSmack

Chinese ‘Cyber Lover’ Cheats Internet Girlfriend of Two Million Yuan

he Chinese Police has detained an 18-year-old man suspected of defrauding his Internet girlfriend of more than two million yuan (307,064 dollars) in Qianan city of Northeast China's Hebei province. The jobless young man surnamed Qiu got to know the girl surnamed Bi through QQ, the most popular Chinese instant messenger, in July 2009. He called himself Guo Xingchen and told the girl that he was a pilot and that his family ran an iron and steel company, the China Daily reports. Bi, who was impressed by Qiu's seemingly rich lifestyle, kept sending money in the following months to Qiu when he lied repeatedly, such as telling her about a car accident and organ transplant.

Serious Java Flaws Unearthed

All current versions of Windows are prone to external attack due to a flaw within the Java Web Start Framework. Two security researchers made this announcement yesterday about the flaw. The flaw could lead into very simple Web attacks, to fatal attack on the system. Researchers Tavis Ormandy and Ruben Santamartamade separate statements on this. You can find Travis's one over here and Santamarta's one over here. If you send the information from the command line, Java Web Start doesn't validate it. That enables the attackers to send especially HTML tags from a Web page. All versions of Java SE 6 update 10 for Microsoft Windows are vulnerable to this attack. If you disable the plugin, it doesn't necessarily mean that you will be able to avoid the attack because the toolkit can be installed independently.

ABG Seret Ibunya ke Meja Hijau demi Facebook

Ternyata Facebook bisa menjadi salah satu penyebab cekcok antara ibu dan anak, yang berujung di persidangan. Seorang remaja ABG belasan tahun baru-baru ini menyeret ibu kandungnya ke meja hijau, hanya gara-gara sang ibu mengintip isi Facebooknya. Seperti dikutip dailymail, Lane, 16 tahun, meminta kepada pengadilan Arkansas agar menghukum ibunya, Denise New, karena 'mengobrak-abrik' akun Facebook-nya. Lane menuduh ibunya tak hanya mengintip jeroan akunnya, melainkan juga memposting komentar-komentar yang bernada memfitnah atas nama dirinya. Bahkan Lane mengklaim ibunya juga lalu mengubah email dan password, sehingga ia tak mendapatkan notifikasi dari Facebook dan tak bisa masuk kembali ke akun Facebook miliknya.

8 Things that Netbook can Learn From iPad

Video is one of the important features for any portable computer. Netbook doesn't handle Video that good. Netbook works pretty well with downloaded video files–but for Flash-based video like YouTube or Hulu, there is an issue for full screen HD. iPad doesn't support Flash. But, Netflix apps are loaded very quickly on iPad and the pic is crystal clear. 2. Netbook is not that portable like iPad. iPad is very thin and weighs half of the 10″ Netbook. The power adapter of Netbook looks awkward, but, the power chord of iPad is just like smartphone. 3. You can turn your iPad ON instantaneously without rebooting. But, Netbook has boot time similar to Laptops. 4. Netbooks can't play most of the games. The 3D engine on an iPhone plays games better than most Netbooks, but the gaming experience gets better with ipad. Apple's App Store makes sure that all games are compatible.

"Facebookers" Gorotalo Khawatir Unggah Dokumen Pribadi

Sejumlah "Facebookers" atau pengguna facebook mulai khawatir untuk mengunggah dokumen mereka yang bersifat pribadi ke dalam situs pertemanan tersebut. Kekhawatiran itu menyusul informasi yang beredar, bahwa dokumen-dokumen pribadi seperti foto keluarga, foto "tempo dulu" bersama kawan-kawan lama, atau catatan-catatan penting yang diunggah oleh pengguna facebook itu, sewaktu-waktu dapat digunakan dan menjadi hak milik facebook sendiri. Agustina, salah seorang pengguna Facebook di Gorontalo, Jumat, mengatakan mengaku cukup terkejut dengan informasi tersebut. "Jangan unggah foto keluarga, anak-anak anda , atau foto lainnya yang punya nilai kenangan. Jangan unggah sesuatu yang punya nilai hak cipta milik anda. Misalnya ada yang mengarang buku lalu di publikasikan di Facebook. Facebook berhak menjual buku anda! Itu sama saja dengan anda menyatakan bahwa itu milik Facebook!," demikian Agustina menirukan isi informasi yang beredar pada sejumlah milis yang d...

PCs are Going to be Touch Screen by the Year 2015

As per the recent report by Gartner, although, touch screen devices started to come in the market in 2010, but, its adoption in Enterprise Market is still very slow. Nevertheless, the research firm predicted that 50 p.c. PCs will be touchscreen by the end of the year 2015. "What we're going to see is the younger generation beginning to use touchscreen computers ahead of enterprises. We expect more than 50 per cent of PCs purchased for users under the age of 15 to have touchscreens, up from fewer than 2 per cent in 2009," said Leslie Fiering, research vice president at Gartner. At the same time, she predicted that less than 10 per cent of PCs sold to enterprises in 2015 are going to have touchscreen. The release of smartphone like Apple iPhone and the very recent launch of iPad made touch screen based devices very popular across the users worldwide. Gartner further predicts that the smartphone users will want to extend their touch based experience in their PCs too. Ma...

Complete List of 43 Twitter-derived APIs Unleased

Voila! For all Twitter mashups building unique apps for Twitter, the Twitter APIs are key. We got a across a directory of 43 Twitter derived APIs. Of course, there are scores of Twitter API open source examples to look into, but here's a collection to glance through. Developers have been using open source Twitter API for making applications, websites, widgets, and other projects that interact with Twitter. The Twitter API in some part is responsible for the hiking demand for APIs. Evidently, it's a new trend popular with Internet operating systems that will allow "one platform build on another, and another builds on that one an so on. Here's the collection of Twitter based APIs. Programmableweb offers the lists the 43 Twitter-derived APIs

Top 10 Payroll Software

Payroll is a major administrative hassle for every business, especially those running on small scale. It takes hours in calculating withholdings, completing government reports, depositing tax money in various accounts, and writing and signing checks. Apart from that there are other quarterly filings and tax-payment requirements that needs to be addressed on time. In case there are inaccuracies in processing it might result in legal repercussions. A hassle free payroll requires efficient payroll software that allows employers to pay the employees with ease, and manage payroll essentials like tax, insurance, holidays, absence and online year-end submissions to HMRC. For an easy selection we conducted an extensive research to sort out the top 10Payroll software. 1. Intuit Payroll This is one of the favorite payroll software packages for small business for its simplicity and ease-of-use. Clients can easily manage their payroll online anytime, anywhere. Intuit automatically fills in the ...

BlackBerry Onyx Putih Segera Dirilis

Perangkat BlackBerry selalu identik dengan warna hitam. Dan, nyatanya warna ini memang paling mudah ditemui karena digunakan oleh kebanyakan orang. Tetapi, bukan berarti perangkat BlackBerry bewarna putih kemudian tidak laku di pasaran. Ia selalu mempunyai tempat tersendiri bagi kalangan tertentu. Setelah Bold dan Gemini, kini giliran Onyx yang muncul dengan warna putih. Dilansir VIVAnews dari Pocket-Lint, Jumat 9 April 2010, Research In Motion (RIM), vendor perangkat sekaligus layanan BlackBerry asal Kanada, berencana merilis BlackBerry Bold 9700 alias Onyx di Inggris dalam waktu dekat. Tak ada yang berbeda dibandingkan BlackBerry Onyx warna hitam, kecuali warna. BlackBerry Onyx putih ini juga bekerja di jaringan 3G HSDPA, WiFi b/g, dengan prosesor berkecepatan 624MHz, memori flash 256MB serta kamera 3,2 megapiksel (autofokus, lampu flash, dan rekam video). Fitur GPS terintegrasi yang mendukung aplikasi peta dan photo geotagging juga ada.

Google Jadikan PC Seperti Ponsel

Google sedang mengembangkan aplikasi desktop dari Google Voice. Langkah ini akan memberi kemudahan melakukan telepon langsung dari PC penggunanya. Akhir November lalu Google mengakuisisi Gizmo5, layanan VoIP dan bisa menerima panggilan dari sambungan telepon rumah dan dari ponsel. Gizmo5 memenuhi beberapa kekurangan dari produk Google Voice terutama menyediakan sambungan paling akhir ke rumah-rumah. Saat ini, pengguna Google Voice harus menetapkan nomor Google Voice ke telepon sebenarnya agar dapat membuat dan menerima panggilan.

iPhone Baru Dikabarkan Akan Diumumkan Minggu Ini

Tak sampai seminggu setelah memulai penjualan iPad ke konsumen, Apple bakal punya gawe besar lagi. Kali ini, masa depan software iPhone yang akan diumumkan. Apakah versi iPhone terbaru juga akan diungkap? Informasi yang pasti, Apple telah mengirim email ke sejumlah media untuk menghadiri pertemuan di kantor pusatnya di Cupertino, California, AS, pada Kamis (8/4/2010) mendatang. Dalam undangan hanya disebutkan, penjelasan awal mengenai iPhone OS (operating system). Bisa jadi Apple akan mengungkap sistem operasi iPhone yang sempat menjadi rumor dalam beberapa bulan terakhir. Bahkan, bukan tidak mungkin bocoran mengenai perangkat iPhone terbaru yang selama ini banyak disebut-sebut akan diberi nama iPhone 4.0.

Strong Quake Jolts Indonesia’s Aceh

A strong earthquake jolted Indonesia’s Aceh province at the northern end of Sumatra Wednesday, damaging buildings and injuring at least a dozen people, officials said. Indonesia’s Meteorology and Geophysics Agency issued a tsunami warning, but it was lifted more than an hour later after no big waves materialised. The quake, measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale, struck at 5.15 a.m. (2215 GMT Tuesday) with its epicentre 75 km south-east of Sinabang on Simeulue island off the western coast of Aceh province. It occurred 34 km beneath the seabed, the agency said.
India’s mobile firms will be bidding billions of dollars in an auction this week to provide superfast third generation (3G) service in the country’s booming cellular market. Nine of the cellular firms plan to bid for 3G spectrum in the world’s fastest-growing mobile market.

Why Do You Need Vista Sidebar Gadget?

The Windows Vista sidebar doohickey is a vertical bar which runs by the side of the aptly side of the desktop. The Sidebar is competent of showing a uncommon digit of graphical doohickey interfaces, which of’ course depends on the size of the doohickey used. Beware! If you take place to cram too many gadgets into the Sidebar, it will reluctantly end up making a new page. You can batter to this new page with a single click. Windows Vista has really let view run wild when it comes to making gadgets. The certainty in this proclamation, you shall find when you browse owing to the Microsoft’s Doohickey Gallery. This you can easily door owing to Vista. All you have to do is aptly-click on the Sidebar, and then click “Add Gadgets”. In the new dialogue box, click on ‘Get More Gadgets Online’. This austere plot will open the Pandora’s Box for you. You will run into a wide array of doohickey which would take many pages of Sidebars to contain them all.

New Password-Stealing Virus Targets Facebook

Hackers have flooded the Internet with virus-tainted spam that targets Facebook's estimated 400 million users in an effort to steal banking passwords and gather other sensitive information. The emails tell recipients that the passwords on their Facebook accounts have been reset, urging them to click on an attachment to obtain new login credentials, according to anti-virus software maker McAfee Inc. If the attachment is opened, it downloads several types of malicious software, including a program that steals passwords, McAfee said on Wednesday. Hackers have long targeted Facebook users, sending them tainted messages via the social networking company's own internal email system. With this new attack, they are using regular Internet email to spread their malicious software.

12 Korban Luka Akibat Gempa Simeulue

Sedikitnya 12 warga Sinabang, Kabupaten Simeulue dilaporkan mengalami luka berat dan ringan akibat gempa berkekuatan 7,2 pada Skala Richter (SR) yang mengguncang wilayah itu pukul 05.15 WIB, Rabu [07/04]. Petugas Satkorlak PB Aceh Iskandar kepada ANTARA di Banda Aceh, Rabu, menjelaskan, informasi 12 korban luka berat dan ringan itu merupakan laporan yang diterima dari Pemkab Simeuleu. Disebutkan, dari 12 korban luka akibat gempa itu masing-masing empat mengalami luka parah dan delapan lainnya ringan dan kini mereka dalam perawatan intensif di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Simeulue. Simeulue merupakan salah satu dari 23 kabupaten/kota yang wilayahnya berada di kepulauan atau sekitar 100 mil laut dari pesisir pantai barat Provinsi Aceh.

Broadband Internet Reaches 50 MBps

The Broadband Internet service in India lags behind that of other countries where downloading gigabytes of data is literally matter of minutes. The situation has not been very encouraging for the Indian users who still have to spend hours for downloading media files and software. Till a few days back, the highest data rate provided by broadband operators used to hover around 8 MBps mark. Things are going to change for the better for the Indian customers as leading telecom service provider Bharti Airtel is unleashing an unprecedented 50 MBps broadband service in select regions in the country. The residents of Delhi and Gurgaon will be able to avail the high speed broadband Internet service offered by Airtel as of now. However, with such massive speed the service is going to come at a steep cost for the users. There are two data plans offered by the company. The customers can opt for the 30 Mbps plan or the 50 MBps one. For the 50 MBps data plan, the users would have to churn out Rs. 8...

10 Tips Agar Suami Selalu Sayang Dengan Sang Istri

Pelaku utama dalam kehidupan rumah tangga adalah suami dan istri. Keduanya laksana dua sahabat dan anggota tim yang harus kompak dalam membina biduk rumah tangga. Agar solid, antara suami dan istri harus bisa melakukan fungsi dan perannya masing-masing sesuai dengan tugas dan kewajibannya. Satu hal yang juga penting adalah bagaimana cinta antara keduanya bisa terus tumbuh dengan subur. Sebab, cinta akan membuat kehidupan keduanya menjadi lebih indah hingga terwujud keluarga yang sakînah mawadah wa rahmah, yang merupakan tujuan dibangunnya sebuah rumah tangga. (Lihat: QS ar-Rum [30]: 21). Cinta Itu Fitrah Pada diri manusia terdapat dua potensi (dorongan) hidup yang senantiasa mendorong dirinya untuk melakukan kegiatan dan menuntut pemuasan. Pertama: kebutuhan jasmani (hâjah al-’udhawiyah) seperti makan, minum, dan membuang hajat. Kedua: naluri (gharîzah) yang menuntut adanya pemenuhan saja. Salah satu dari naluri tersebut adalah gharîzah an-nau’ (naluri untuk mempertahankan spesies ...