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Facebook Privacy Issue: Facebook Apps Breach Your Privacy

Facebook Privacy issues never seem to end. Did you ever care to know Facebook's new policy will allow Facebook apps to access your personal data. Even the quizzes you take might store your preferences. With the new changes Facebook apps will no longer connect to Facebook servers, but data required for the apps will already be available. According to Joey Tyson's blog's, the changes makes Facebook highly vulnerable to the attackers. He adds that opportunities for behavioral targeting and visitor tracking are increased since developers can now maintain complete archives of profile information.

Another significant evidence is provided by ACLU, which launched awareness campaign surrounding the privacy issues of Facebook applications. ACLU reads,

Even if your Facebook profile is private, when you take a quiz, an unknown quiz developer could be accessing almost everything in your profile: your religion, sexual orientation, political affiliation, pictures, and groups. Facebook quizzes also have access to most of the info on your friends' profiles. This means that if your friend takes a quiz, they could be giving away your personal information too.

The new changes might provoke your insecurity. Well, there's a simple way to minimize the risk and delete the Facebook applications you don't use often or those that might put your applications at risk. How to Remove Facebook Application

Step 1: Click on Account at the top right of the screen

Step 2: Click Application Settings

Step 3: Change the Show drop-down to Authorized.

Step 4: Click the X button on the far right next to each app that you want to remove to delete it

Step 5: Click Remove on the pop-up box that appears and then click OK on the next box confirming the app was deleted.

source :

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