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'Facebook Ignores Demands For Panic Button'

Facebook is ignoring users' complaints about paedophile threats, according to the UK's top child abuse investigator.

Little girl at a computer
Parents are complaining that Facebook is ignoring their fears

More than 250 Facebook users this year have reported concerns to the leading social networking site and have not had a response, said Jim Gamble, head of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (Ceop).

The complaints were pursued by Ceop and have led to police investigations into sex grooming, bullying and hacking, Mr Gamble said. Some suspects have been arrested.

"The sort of thing I'm talking about is a mother calling us and saying her daughter has been talking to someone on Facebook she is worried about and she's reported it to Facebook and there is no response," said Mr Gamble.

Last year, Ceop had 297 similar complaints from Facebook users, accusing the site of ignoring their reported concerns.

Facebook doesn't seem to understand that the button will be a deterrent to paedophiles. 
Jim Gamble, head of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre 
Mr Gamble is to meet Facebook chiefs at their headquarters in Washington DC on Monday to discuss the issue and press the company to adopt the Ceop panic button which gives children a shortcut to reporting concerns to police and other agencies.

"Facebook doesn't seem to understand that the button will be a deterrent to paedophiles," said Mr Gamble.
Home Secretary Alan Johnson has urged Facebook to adopt the Ceop panic button, in line with other social network sites, such as MSN and Bebo.

Facebook is refusing to bow to pressure and argues it has its own panic button and to add another would confuse users.

Sir Hugh Orde, president of the Association of Chief Police Officers, accused Facebook of being irresponsible.

Facebook intimidation sites removed, sky gfx
Facebook says it takes the issue of safety very seriously

"It seems so bizarre that they won't adopt the Ceop button. They will get more business because their site will be seen as safer," he said.

A spokesman for Facebook said: "We take the issue of safety very seriously, and recently met the Home Secretary to discuss online safety.

"We are due to meet with Ceop next week to talk them through our safety strategy.

"We will wait to have this meeting prior to sharing our plans more widely with the public soon afterwards."

source :

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