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Enhance Your Security This Weekend

Enhance Your Security This WeekendWhile this week introduced security concerns, it also brought forward several great ways to help get your own digital life secure and under control. Looking to past and present, here are our best guides to help you enhance your security.

Get Your Password, Online Account, and Gadget Security Under Control

Enhance Your Security This Weekend
We've written a lot on security. Here's a large selection of our guides, tips, and tricks to help keep you safe.

Protect Your Finances and Purchases

Enhance Your Security This Weekend
  • Brush Up on Your Online Scam Knowledge for Safe Holiday Shopping - Although the holiday shopping season is coming to a close, we've still got some time before year ends. Make sure you know the common online scams to avoid any trouble when shopping on the web.
  • Use Temporary Credit Card Numbers to Avoid Repeat Billing - Temporary credit card numbers are a great way to help prevent credit card fraud and prevent automatic re-billing you may forget to cancel. You simply generate a number that you use once and it expires after the charge has been made. If anyone else comes across the number, it'll be completely useless.
Of course, the only real way to have true online privacy and safety is to just disappear forever, but chances are you're better off staying educated on security and making your best effort to protect yourself.
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