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Apple Pulls Plug On Wikileaks

The brushed aluminum back of the iPad Wi-FiImage via Wikipedia
Association with the Wikileaks as a brand is something of a red herring for most financial institutions. Now interestingly Apple has all of a sudden joined the bandwagon of banning Wikileaks from its platform. In news today is the recent action of the tech giant where they removed an iPhone and iPad app from the App store which allowed the users to check the troubled site and follow the twitter feed.
It is being widely reported that Trudy Muller, a spokes person for Apple said that the App in question actually violated the developer guidelines. She also added that
Apps must comply with all local laws and may not put an individual or group in harm’s way.

The app in question was unofficial and it charged $1.99 for content found for free else where. As we reported yesterday that the Bank Of America was the last bank to rule out the beleaguered site raising fear of Ddos attack on the servers. Apple on the other hand has been largely prudish and persistently censoring apps on its platform. For instance the Esquires November issue was pulled from the store for admitteddly being too sexy.


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