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How to Close or Archive Twitter Account of A Deceased Member Under New User Policy

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase
Twitter made news after the announcement of its official Tweet Button, But the microblogging ace also addressed one of the lesser discussed issues relating to ownership of user account of the ones who have expired. Those concerned about such an account needs to produce relevant information about the account owner for Twitter to take a justified action.

The concerned party sends information via email or snail mail. After verifying the information Twitter either removes the account of the descended person entirely or provides archive of all that user's tweets so that the family members might access them offline. However, Twitter has introduced a new policy that every Twitter user needs to know. In case you have a family member or close-one on Twitter who has descended, here's what you need to do .

Follow the given steps to go for either choice (close the account or achieve it)
* Users full name, contact information (including e-mail address), and your relationship to the deceased user.
* A link to the profile page of the Twitter account or the username of the Twitter account
* A link to a public obituary or news article.

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