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Adobe AIR Released for Android Platform

Logo of Adobe Systems IncorporatedImage via Wikipedia
We heard about the Adobe AIR earlier this year. The cross-platform application was slated to release in Q4. But having done with a series of demos it has finally got released on the Android platform.

If you are still confused about the function of Adobe AIR, let me shed some light over it. Adobe AIR enables developers to use HTML, JavaScript, Adobe Flash software and ActionScript to build web applications that run as standalone client without help of a browser. It opens up new ways for designers and developers by providing them a flexible development environment through which they can deliver applications across platforms and devices.

The Adobe AIR unfurls an altogether new way for apps to be ported to Android. No needs of coding, provided the application is built on the AIR platform. Moreover, the AIR apps run on Mac, Windows, Linux, Android and iOS of both iPod Touch and iPad.

The new AIR application will be available for download directly from Android platform. It will be a real charm for the developers to publish their work, done on a single set of code over the cross platform.

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