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Firefox and Twitter App for Android

The development of the various news around Android-based phones are always interested me, not only because there are ’shadow’ Google behind it, but also because the development of various applications developed based on the OS and various info around Android ecosystem will always be associated with their competitors, like the iPhone and BlackBerry.

Some of the developments going on around Android is interesting to note is Twitter for Android and Firefox pre-alpha for Android.

Twitter for Android

Twitter is busy to take care of their applications on the mobile version, after two phone ‘ngetrend’ having their mobile applications, the iPhone and BlackBerry users now turn to Android, Twitter launched their official application for Android.

One reason for that is the reason many applications launches mobile version is a very significant growth, including the use of social media to help spread interest users such as photos, text, video, location and various things that are their daily environment.

From their official announcement, follows a number of advantages offered by Twitter for Android:

Twitter for Android is a fantastic application to use, and sharing any link or photo is super simple too –just look for the share button in your favorite application and choose Twitter.

Reading tweets is easy in a bunch of places on your phone. Quickly access your timeline with the home screen widget, view a tweet location on a map, and see your friend’s latest tweet in your phonebook, GoogleTalk list or any application that uses Android’s QuickContact bar.

Although only be used in phone-based Android 1.2 and above, but explain that this new Twitter early stages, there are many developments that will launch their various developments of the API in them and how the developers will respond to this API.

To try to check this link, or click from the phone.

Firefox to Android

Since the launch of Firefox mobile for Nokia, Firefox’s ‘promise’ to develop their own browser to another phone, which is based on the Android, and now pre-alpha version can be tried for them has been the early adopters.

Fennec, a Firefox for mobile devices is still in pre-alpha stage and save a lot of imperfections, one developer Mozzila, Vladimir Vuki Evi, in his blog wrote that the pre-alpha version of Fennec is still keeping a bug that could make the phone must be rebooted, then the user can not open links that come from the other applications using Fennec. In essence, according to its version, Fennec Andrioid version is still very far from perfect.

But this version can be used for public and sudan allow to view feedback from users and early adopters as an ingredient in future developments, in addition to Android Firefox also allows the user to try the experimental version of Weave, a feature that allows users to synchronize from various devices that use Firefox, Weave the same as the desktop version.

In addition to other developments, two of which intersect with the Android development is at least competitive in the world can make smart phones more fun, although it is necessary to catch the iPhone continuing effort not to mention the BlackBerry is also now a trendsetter, while the Nokia which incidentally is the master of the mobile market, for Ovi Store, they are still somewhat less good, at least from my experience to download still not comfortable with the less practical the process line, a chore that must be repaired because the app store is all about downloading.

How about your opinion, whether the two applications that can be enjoyed by users of this Android (although one is still in its early stages of pre-alpha) can increase their popularity and add the user? Come share your opinion on the comments field.

source ;

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