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Facebook Accepts Government’s Friend Request

Got a beef with the USDA?

Want to send a message to the U.S. Postal Service?

Do you “like” the National Nuclear Security Administration?

Now you can let them (and all of your digital friends) know how you feel. The popular social networking site Facebook launched its “Congress on Facebook” page Thursday, which they bill as a one stop shop for members’ official pages. A “Facebook and Government” page connects citizens to the official pages of state, local, and federal agencies.

The pages bill themselves as a source for sharing ways that the government can best use Facebook to communicate. More and more lawmakers and government agencies are using the popular site to reach constituents.

And as an unintended bonus for journalists, we’ll now be able to disguise our non-work Facebook browsing with the click of a button. Thanks Facebook!

So far no one has uploaded any photos of a wild night on the town or a day at the beach with any lawmakers, but Facebook tends to be a place where candid camera shots tend to end up in the morning. Folks inside the Beltway have their BlackBerries, iPhones, and digital cameras at the ready, so stay posted.

source :

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