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About hi5

Being bored can inspire. Some bored people are inspired to pick up a hobby. Some bored people volunteer for the greater good of the community. Some bored people spend every free night thinking of ridiculous things to do and videotape.

The Hi5 falls mainly into the second catergory... oh wait, I mean the one about ridiculous things. It's all about doing something that will cause a laugh and hopefully not be too boring to watch on video later. The ideas usually start off simple... for instance, one day we decided to go to the park and feed the ducks. We ended up duct taping slices of white bread onto every visible spot on Scottys body and sent him to mingle with the ducks.

Unfortunately a 6 foot tall man in speedos lurking towards the pond with 3 loafs of bread taped on him must not be too attractive to the average quacker, so they swam away. Scotty had no choice; it was up to him to jump in the lake and chase after them. The rest is history. The Hi5's operations are limited to how free all of its members are, but when an idea is sparked it must be acted upon. One Hi5'er thought making fat suits from bubble wrap would be a jolly time, and two days later Chrissy Scotty and Ryan were duking it out sumo style in the middle of crowded birch street.

Aside from these two instances, the Hi5 have taken part in many other glorious activites, all of which are immortalized on video tape. Who knows if it will keep going, but once things for sure: if it doesnt, we will all die... or maybe just move on to non destructive things to do.

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